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My name is Bella Marie Swan. I am 18 years old. I have 2 twin boys. I have 2 mates. Edward is my love and Jasper is a different kind of mate we call it BFFE which means Best Friends For Eternity. My father raped me when he kidnapped me and gave me my 2 boys. I wouldn't change what happened for the world because I love them to death same with my whole family. I also suffer from anxiety. And panick attacks. I hope you like this story.

I do not own the characters they belong to Stephanie Mayer. I just own the ones I make up.

Also this book is MATURE but I did not put it mature so read at your own risk. There is abuse, long term anxiety, depression, abuse etc... So I'd you don't like that then DO NOT read this book.

If you stayed though please enjoy. ❤️

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