AN OLYMPIAN VISITNadia dreamt of a cave. Not like the one Jason had delivered them to but a cave nevertheless. This cave was shrouded in darkness, the edges were blended into shadows so she couldn't tell where anything was. Her feet were submerged under a thin layer of water - salt water from the smell but it was pitch black.
Even in the inky water, Nadia couldn't see her own reflection. A pop sounded and four feet ahead of her a spike sticking from the ground lit on fire into a torch that she hadn't noticed until then, burning in purple light. More torches lit up with different coloured flames ranging from red to orange to lilac to green until she was surrounded in a circle of thirteen torches.
The cave lit up a circle of light but didn't reach past the walls of shadows that surrounded her. She was still enshrouded by darkness and where the dark had once felt comforting to her; strengthening, now it felt terrifying. As if something with a greater power than her had control.
The crackling of the fire was the only sound in the cave until Nadia heard a movement through the water behind her.
A woman.
She walked straight past the torches like they meant nothing other than a source of light but Nadia knew better. She recognised an energy that linked the torches, like a spell that encased her in the small space with the woman.
Nadia gulped fearfully. She was getting nervous when she didn't recognise the woman. She wanted her friends.
The woman was dressed in a dark purple dress that cut in a low v-neck down to her waist and billowed out into a wide skirt that trailed over the water's surface. She looked magnificent, regal in her posture and Nadia felt the need to respect her just from that.
Her hair was almost like Nadia's, black but straight, falling down to her ankles and framing her fearsome face.
The woman wasn't typically attractive but she was still absolutely stunning to Nadia like her beauty came from the strength she emitted, not the composition of her face. She held such a powerful aura Nadia could barely comprehend it and her strength was indescribable. Nadia could feel the potential of magic from the woman rolling off of her in waves
Her expression held a regal countenance of 'don't even think about looking at me'. But the woman, Nadia quickly realised, didn't have just one face like she would have expected. She had a straight facing expression and then two on either side. The woman had three faces!
She wore a crown that looked like a solid gold headband with seven dangerous spikes leading outwards that looked like skewers. Nadia recognised the woman. It was the same woman as the statue from the Hecate cabin.
RELÁMPAGO, leo valdez
Fanfiction"I'm completely in love with you and you haven't even realised but I'm totally fine with the crippling knowledge that you don't like me back. That's fine, I'm fine. Totally fine." [ LEO VALDEZ x FEMALE OC ] [ HEROES OF OLYMPUS SERIES...