"I'm completely in love
with you and you haven't
even realised but I'm totally
fine with the crippling
knowledge that you don't like
me back. That's fine, I'm fine.
Totally fine."
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Hazel's mind was a whirlwind. So many thoughts and yet she couldn't bring herself to formulate proper words. She thought she may have been in an alternate universe, or maybe trapped in a horrible nightmare that was torturing her with a life that could've been hers.
It made her heart ache to see her and Sammy happy together - only it wasn't her and Sammy. It was two strangers who tortured her without even knowing. It was Leo Valdez and a girl named Nadia. That same girl that Nico had called Dej and had talked about so much. He had praised that she was a fast learner and a giant-killer. Hazel had wondered how such a tiny girl could be so strong but then again, they weren't so dissimilar from that point of view.
Nadia had been incredible in saving New Rome, she had reacted so quickly and effectively that Hazel had felt the need to show off by calling on Arion. She wanted to show that she could be strong too, but she also was annoyed with herself for that thought too. She didn't want to be jealous of her when she hadn't done anything wrong, she wanted to at least see what type of person she was first; and so far, Nadia seemed great. And not only had Hazel found comfort from their facial similarities, but also in their complexion. Hazel didn't want to be in competition with her, she wanted to find a friend.
Even if she was then riding on a horse across a lake with that girl's boyfriend's arm around her waist. Leo could've been pressed up against her from the speeds at which Arion rode, but it seemed he was making an effort to stay distant from her, only touching her to keep on the stallion beneath them.
They finally reached the island where Festus had identified Celestial Bronze, but Hazel could tell too. She wasn't one to flaunt her gifts but she could sense the metal as if she were a honing system for precious metals (which she was). Arion whinnied and scattered up the sand of the beach with his hooves. Hazel dismounted him, as did Leo, but Hazel stayed by the horse. Leo seemed to be curious for where the bronze was.
"He needs to eat." She noted. "He likes gold, but-,"
"Gold?" Leo frowned.
"-he'll settle for grass." Hazel finished, trying not to let Leo's piercing stare get to her. "Go on, Arion. Thanks for the ride. I'll call you." Then quickly, Arion was gone, leaving scuffs of sand and a steaming trail over the lake as the only sign he was ever there.
"Fast horse." Leo said. "And expensive to feed." Hazel wanted to laugh or smile because honestly, it was kind of funny but it hurt to remember that it was the type of joke Sammy would have made and that overrode any humour she had felt.
"Not really." She answered. "Gold is easy for me."
Leo raised his eyebrows so the sun shone in his eyes and made them look like imperial gold. "How is gold easy?" Hazel winced. She shouldn't have said anything. She forgot that Leo and Sammy were different people - strangers that she couldn't mix up because if she let herself get as comfortable with Leo as she had been with Sammy... she didn't want to think about it. "Please tell me you're not related to King Midas. I don't like that guy. His son was a right old rusty wrench." It was an odd insult and didn't sound all that resentful, but with Leo's sneer and grim tone, she assumed Midas and his son must have done something bad to him.