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I sat at the end of the bed on the floor, my knees pulled up to my chest and my head in my hands as I let out a deep breath, the room completely silent as I sat dwelling in my own thoughts

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I sat at the end of the bed on the floor, my knees pulled up to my chest and my head in my hands as I let out a deep breath, the room completely silent as I sat dwelling in my own thoughts. I had closed all the shutters in the room, so it barely even had any light on it, but the darkness seemed to give me a sense of security which I hadn't had in a while now, so I liked it. We had come back to HQ a few days after what had happened, giving us enough time to heal from all of our injuries before coming home. The whole world was in frenzy as billions of people all over the globe mysteriously disappeared.

Planes were crashing and cars were flipping over as drivers and pilots vanished, thousands more people getting injured. Kids were left in houses and on the streets with no parents left in sight, the whole world falling into a moment of brief silence as nothing danced in the wind except from the dust of the victims. The government, or what was left for eh government were begging for answers from what was left of the Avengers, but I had managed to steer clear of interrogations and interviews.

Tony was still missing, and for all we knew he was up in space with no chance of getting home, or surely he would be back by now. We had left Wakanda in a grieving state of their king having been one of the many who disappeared, deciding we were needed elsewhere in the world at this current moment in time. Steve, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey and I were all that was left at the compound. We had tried to run as many trackers on Tony's suit, but noting had come back as a positive signal yet.

The door opened slowly, the door hinges creaking as someone stood in the doorway, letting in the bright light from the hallway. I knew from the sound of their breathing that it was Steve, and I was surprised that he had even let me leave the lab ten minutes ago without having chased me through the compound. He hadn't left my side since we had stepped off of the jet, scared that if he wasn't there to hold me together that I would fall apart in an instant.

He walked into the dark room slowly, closing the door behind him as he still stood at a distance from me, folding his arms on his chest as he let out a small sigh. I didn't want to look up at him just to see his worry glazed eyes that pained me every time I looked at them. He hadn't pushed me to talk to him yet, but I knew for a fact that it would be coming in the next few days and that it was bringing him pain to avoid trying to make me whole once again, which was all he wanted to do.

He still didn't say anything as he walked over to me, sighing as he sat down next to me, his shoulder pushed into mines as he stretched his legs out in front of him. I still chose not to look up at me, putting my hands into the roots of my hair as I kept my head bowed, swallowing the lump that had rested itself in my dry throat.

"I don't expect you to talk to me" he said to me gently, and I could feel his eyes staring into the side of my head, burning a hole. "I just want to be here for you" he added softly, reaching over and setting his hand on my back, rubbing it up and down reassuringly as I let out a small sigh, running my hands through my hair as I raised my head again. I kept my eyes ahead of me, the feeling of Steve's hand extremely comforting at the moment.

"I'm selfish" I said quietly, my voice hoarse as he didn't reply for a moment, his thumb drawing circles on my back. "Hmm?" he asked gently, scared that i'd he spoke to loudly that I would shatter right in front of him. "We all lost something" I told him, closing my eyes gently as I took in a small breath through my mouth. "And I haven't made an effort to ask how anyone else is" I added, knowing that in some way, every single one of us were just as destroyed as each other.

"I don't want you to worry about how I am if you're like this" he said to me softly, clearing his fit as quietly as he could as I finally turned my head to look at him. Just as I had assumed his light blue eyes were holding nothing but concern, his eyebrows dropping lightly as he looked back at me. "I just, I don't know what to do anymore" I croaked out, shaking my head as he nodded his slowly, understanding what I was saying.

"It's not going to get any easier" he said to me as I almost flinched, blinking slowly as Steve's thumb stopped moving on my back for a moment. "Sorry if that's not what you wanted to here" he added quickly, making me open my eyes again as I shook my head, using my hand to pull Steve's arm off of my back. I leaned back into the bed, linking my fingers with Steve's as I held his hand in my lap, looking ahead once again.

"No, it's what I need to hear it's alright" I told him, nodding my head as he scooted closer to me, our hips touching as he let out a small breath. "I love you, you know that right?" he said to me as I didn't look back over at him, nodding my head slowly as I lifted his hand up to my mouth. I kissed the back of his hand tenderly, holding it with both of mines as I let out a slow breath, thankful for how dark the room was so he couldn't see the tears welling in my eyes.

"Yeah" I said quietly, nodding my head before bowing it down once again, squeezing my eyes tightly to keep the tears from escaping. "I love you too" I said as I pulled my legs back up to my chest tilting to the side slightly as my legs rested on his, still holding Steve's hand as I leaned my head back against the mattress, letting my eyes close.


A/N: hey guys and welcome to Dimidium!
I took some of your guy's advice and decided to make a whole book dedicated to the time between infinity war and endgame (the 5 year time jump). I promise you that it's going to be extremely exciting and I have a lot planned for this book trust me!
so thank you for coming to another one of my books and continuing to read my lousy work and i hope you all enjoy Book 7!!!

 I promise you that it's going to be extremely exciting and I have a lot planned for this book trust me! so thank you for coming to another one of my books and continuing to read my lousy work and i hope you all enjoy Book 7!!!

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