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I pushed through door after door, trying to get as far away from everyone as possible, my bare feet slapping against the cold dirty floors of the compound

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I pushed through door after door, trying to get as far away from everyone as possible, my bare feet slapping against the cold dirty floors of the compound. I stopped in the spot of a long hallway, looking left to right as I painted, my chest falling and rising repeatedly as I clenched my fists. I took a right turn, running down the long hallway to the fire exit door that sat at the end of it. There was a light hanging from the ceiling to indicate that it was a fire exit, as I set my hand on it to push it open, it would budge.

I tried again, pushing the handle down as I tried to push the door open, which it didn't do, just standing in front of me as the final barricade to the cool night air. I let out a breath as I let out a loud sigh, the feeling of my throat closing in on itself itching away at me as I leaned against the door. I almost thought about giving up for a moment, to just sink to the floor and cry in this corner of the compound until morning, hoping no one found me.

The tear were falling from my eyes before I could help them, taking a few steps back as I wiped my cheeks and flicked my tears away from my face. I gritted my teeth together as I ran towards the door, bracing my arm as I barged into it with my shoulder. On the impact it flew open, almost sending me to the ground as I regained my footing, my feet hitting the cold wet concrete. I knew that somewhere in the building an alarm was probably going off thanks to my breaking down of the door, but that wasn't my problem right now.

I ran as far as I could, the cold wet grass moving underneath my toes as I stopped, leaning over as I put my hands on my knees, gasping in as much air as possible. I put my hands on my neck, which was red from my nails when I was clawing at it, the cold air soothing my throat. I pushed my hair away from my face, which was wet from a mixture of both sweat and tears, the latter still spilling from my eyes. I looked around, the large patch of grass being met with tall trees which swayed in the cool night wind, the sound of ruffling leaves engulfing me in their calming nature.

I turned away from the compound facing the trees as I let out a gasp, my mouth wide open as I tried to take in deep breaths. I heard a small noise from behind me as I turned around, Steve walking through the door I busted open as I closed my eyes for a moment. He walked over to me, still in his pyjamas as I'm guessing he ran straight after me from the spot in the kitchen. I put my hand up as he got closer to me, telling him to stop which he did, his mouth slightly agape as I shook my head at him.

"Ally" Steve said to me gently as he held his hand out to me, slowly taking steps towards me with a concerned look on his face. I stumbled backwards, my hands clawing at my neck as I gulped in the cold air, shaking my head at him. "Come back inside" he said to me as I let out a small grunt, shaking my head at him as I almost tripped on the bottom of my pyjamas pants, my nostrils flaring as he turned his hand to motion for me to take his.

"You're okay" he said to me as he took another step forward, nodding his head slowly as I moved away again, not wanting him to touch me right now. "I'm not okay" I shouted back at him, making him drop his hand down by his side, my voice ringing through the quite night. "This is what you wanted right?" I asked him as I held my arms up on either side of me, letting out a small forced laugh as he stared at me worriedly. "You've been waiting and waiting for me to snap" I added, Steve standing there in silence as he stared over at me, taking another small step forward.

"Ally" he said to me softly as I took another step back, which was enough for him to stop in his tracks once again. "I'm fucking snapping" I said to him with another shrill laugh, even though the tears on my face could tell him that this wasn't funny as all. "This is it" I said to him as I shook my head at him, holding my hands out as I looked at them, turning them over and over again. "I have so much blood on my hands" I said to him as I shook my head, letting out a small sob as I looked up at him again, my vision cloudy from the tears glazed over my eyes.

"You've been watching me and waiting for me to break" I said to him as he shook his head at me quickly, my hands wiping the tears from my cheeks quickly. "No I haven't" he said to me as I pushed my hand through my hair quickly, shaking my head at him as I let out a breath through my nose. "Yes you have" I countered to him, seeing that he was still taking very small steps towards me, probably hoping that if he moved slow enough I wouldn't notice. "I have been suffocating under your watch" I said to him, clenching my fists in front of him as I panted on my spot, shaking my head as a strand of my hair stuck to my forehead. He abandoned his sneakiness as he strode over to me quickly. I tried to walk backwards and away from him but before I stumble back he was in front of me, catching my wrists in his hands as he stayed silent, staring at me.

"Come on" he said as I fought back at him trying to move as he held me on the spot. "Leave me alone" I shouted at him, trying to break free of his grasps as I grunted a few times, Steve holding on tightly. "Ally" he said to me as I tried to snatch my hands away, kicking him in the shin as he recoiled his leg, but it wasn't enough for him to let go of me. "Get off of me" I shouted at him as he squeezed my wrists a bit tighter, still not saying anything as I attempted to elbow him in the face, which didn't work from the angle he was holding my hands at.

"I have blood on my hands as well" he screamed at me, making me stand still on the spot as I stared at him, his. face close to mines that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. "Leave me alone" I said to him as I tried to break free of his hold, to which he just held on tighter, pulling my wrists towards him. "I'm not going anywhere" he said to me, much more gentler as I let out a small sob, not restraining from him anymore as he pulled me closer to him. He let go of my wrists as I put my forehead on his chest, crying as the tears rolled down my face off of my chin. Steve wrapped his arms around my shoulders as he held me close to him, letting me cry into his top as he ran his hand over the back of my head soothingly.


A/N: hello here's another chapter for you here
I haven't got much to say so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter which was full of emotions for Ally and Steve
please do not forget to vote and follow and I will see you all soon

A/N: hello here's another chapter for you here I haven't got much to say so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter which was full of emotions for Ally and Steve please do not forget to vote and follow and I will see you all soon

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