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I sat up on the counter in the bathroom, leaning against the wall with one foot up on the countertop

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I sat up on the counter in the bathroom, leaning against the wall with one foot up on the countertop. I sat with my toothbrush in my mouth, holding onto it with my hand but not particularly brushing my teeth anymore. Steve raked through the open drawer, pushing all of the content around, which was pretty much all of my hair stuff. He pulled a razor out, holding it out to me as I took it from him in my free hand before he opened up the cabinet quickly.

"I like the beard" I said to him as I took my toothbrush out of my mouth, spitting my toothpaste into the sink quickly as I turned the tap on. I rinsed my brush before setting it back into the cup, picking up the towel next to me and wiping my mouth. "You complain about it every 5 minutes" Steve said to me as he raised his eyebrows, straightening up as he slammed the cab of shaving cream onto the counter as I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"Because it's itchy" I said to him as he let out a small laugh, nodding his head as I passed him the razor back. "So do you want me to shave it or not?" he asked me as he held the razor up in the air, making me shrug my shoulders at him quickly. "I'm not your mother" I said to him as he let out a small laugh, pulling the cap off of the shaving cream as he faced the mirror. "Wait" I said to him quickly as I held my hand out, making him let out a small laugh at me as he walked over.

He set his chin in my hand as I pulled his face close to mines, kissing him quickly as I scrunched my nose as his beard scratched against my face. "You're weird" he said to me quietly as I nodded my head, pecking him on the lips one more time before letting him go. "Thank you" I whispered back to him as he didn't move, closing the space between us as he met my lips once again. I kissed him back as my hand found the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me swiftly. My mouth spread into a grin as I pulled away with a small grunt, shaking my head at him as I opened eyes. 

"Okay, please shave it, it's itchy" I said to him quickly as I moved backwards, making him laugh at me as he shook his head. I leaned my head back against the wall, watching him in the mirror as he slowly started the process of shaving off his beard, which was long last a shave at this point. He stared at himself in the pull out mirror from the wall, slowly dragging the razor down his cheek as it did his skin of the dark hair.

He set the razor down in the sink after a few minutes, stray parts of foam on his chin as he looked around for the towel. "Here" I said to him as I picked up the one next to me, making him take it as he wiped his freshly shaven face. He washed his face with some water quickly, dabbing it with the towel as he turned to face me with a small smirk resting on his face. "How does it look?" he asked me as he moved his chin from left to right, showing me it off as I chuckled at him.

"Like you've just dropped 10 years" I said to him as I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as he passed the damp towel back to me. I caught it in my hand as I looked at him in the mirror, a smile on my face as he washed the sink down. All of the sudden there was a rumbling noise, and it felt as if the whole building was shaking. We both stopped moving on the spot, my eyes watching the mirror that extended from the wall as it shook on its arm for a moment. I didn't want to move an inch, needing to wait for whatever this was to stop.

It was almost as if it was an earthquake, which we barely had in the state of New York, which just made me even more confused. Steve slowly reached his hand forward, turning the tap off at it squeaked, the water stopping. I move away from the wall, which was vibrating behind me from the shaking, making me scorch forward knowing the marble counter a little bit.

"Am I making this up?" I asked him as I looked over at him, watching the mirror as it shook, rattling against itself. "No" he said to me as I hopped off of the counter, looking around with my eyes wide. "Come on" I said to him as he followed me out of the door, walking to a window as I looked out of it, letting out a small sigh as Steve stood next to me. He looked up into the sky as he saw the same figure that was moving through the sky as I opened my mouth slowly.

"It's him"


A/N: I have definitely deprived you of a fluffy Stally scene for way too long so here you go I hope you're happy!!
we are finally getting into the beginning of Endgame and Tony is about to touch back down onto earth how exciting!
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you all soon

A/N: I have definitely deprived you of a fluffy Stally scene for way too long so here you go I hope you're happy!! we are finally getting into the beginning of Endgame and Tony is about to touch back down onto earth how exciting! please do not for...

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