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4th July 2018

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4th July 2018

I stood in the kitchen, the window wide open to let in the warm summer morning air, my hand in the pan of bacon that was cooking as i tried to grab it to the flip it over. "Ow" I hissed as I snatched my hand back from the sizzling pan sticking my finger that had been burnt into my mouth. I held the spatula in my other hand, not that I was using it, attempting to flip the bacon quickly as the toaster went off behind me. I turned to look at it, the toast sitting there as I set the spatula down, walking over and grabbing the toast quickly and setting them on the wooden board.

I pulled the drawer open as I grabbed a butter knife, turning to the fridge as I pulled it open, grabbing the butter as I tossed it onto the counter, grabbing a few eggs out as well as I balanced them in my hand. I kicked the door close with my foot turning back around as I stopped dead in my tracks, Steve standing in the living room as he stared at me. I shook my head at him quickly, the eggs still in my hand as we both just stood silently countering each other.

"Go back to bed" I said to him, using my hand full of eggs to point back through the archway as Steve smirked at me, pushing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. "Why?" he asked me as I stared at him, knowing that he was finding this funny, which I absolutely did not. "You're supposed to be in bed" I said to him as I blinked a few times, my face completely blank as the sound of the bacon cooking filled the silence between us. "I can't make you breakfast in bed if you're not in bed" I snapped quickly as Steve shrugged his shoulders, his hair a mess as he nodded towards me.

"You're making too much noise" he said to me as I furrowed my eyebrows, motioning back towards the kitchen. "Because I'm making you breakfast?" I said as I turned back to look at him, one of his hands ruffling his hair as he stifled a yawn. "Do you want me to go back?" he asked through it, covering his mouth as he dropped his hand, looking back at me as I nodded my head curtly. "I'm sure I made that clear already" I said to him as he looked at the kitchen one more time, nodding his head towards the toast which was still on the board, slowly going cold now.

"Can you put the butter on the plate? It'll melt too quickly if you do it" Steve asked me as he pointed at it, looking back at me as I made a face at him, which I knew he interpreted as a no and he shouldn't have asked. "Go away" I said as I pointed my hand at him, still holding onto all the eggs as he let out a laugh, nodding his head as he walked backwards slowly, bending his head down a little bit as he smirked. 

"I'm going"


I moved down the hall of the top floor of the house, balancing a tray in my hands, the door to our bedroom open at the end with the curtains pulled open to let the sunlight flooded into the room. I moved into the doorway, Steve sitting in the middle of the bed, the pillows propped up behind his back. He was swiping through his phone, my footsteps being enough for him to look up at me, his eyebrows raised. I smiled at him as he put his phone down on the bed, pulling the comforter up a little bit.

"Do you want me to pretend to be asleep?" he asked me as I rolled my eyes, moving into the room as I stood at the foot of the bed. "Shut up or I'll eat your breakfast" I said to him as I moved to the side of the bed, Steve shuffling over to his side as he moved the pillows to let me sit down next to him. "Here" I said to him as I held the tray out, trying not to spill the orange juice as he took the large tray from me, setting it down on his legs.

I pulled the sheets over my legs as I sat in the bed next to him, reaching over and grabbing one of the plates that was on the tray. "I didn't realise my birthday meant we both got breakfast in bed" he said to me as he passed me a fork, picking up his own as he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him, his hand moving his plate to the middle of the tray so that he could start finally eating. 

"I wasn't going to make you breakfast and not have any"  I said to him as he nodded his head, taking a sip of his juice quickly as I balanced some eggs on my fork. "At least it's real bacon this time" Steve said as he picked up a rasher, putting it into his mouth as I nodded my head, letting out a breath through my nose. It had only been 2 years since I had last made him breakfast on his birthday, although it felt like it had been an age since that day we had gone to see the fireworks.

"Not that you need the protein" I said under my breath as he let out a laugh, taking a bite of his slice of toast as I pointed my fork at him. "What do you want to do today?" I asked him as he shrugged his shoulders, staring down at his plate. "Why?" he asked as I sighed, raising my eyebrows at him as I chewed quickly. "Because it's your birthday" I told him, making it sound more like a question than a statement, as I thought it was clearly obviously i had asked. "So you get to choose" I added as he thought in silence for a moment, finally speaking again.

"There isn't much to do" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows deeply, still trying to think about what there was to do at the moment. Not many restaurants have opened up again, especially since a lot of them were very short staffed. "Sadly, they aren't doing the Long Island fireworks this year" he said to me as I shrugged my shoulders, balancing my plate on my palm as I pierced some bacon, popping it into my mouth. "We could do our own" I stayed through a mouthful of foot, Steve staring at me briefly with a confused look.

"You got a box of fireworks in a closet somewhere?" he asked me as I shook my head, swallowing as he waited for my response. "There will be something we can explode at HQ" I said to him, his eyebrows lifting up as I looked back at my food. "I think detonating a bomb is different to fireworks" Steve said to me with a smirk as I turned to look at him, both of us staring at each other for a slight minute. "Just a small one?" I asked quietly as he narrowed his eyes, moving his face a bit closer to mines as he kept his eyes on mines.

"I can't tell if your joking or not" he whispered as I cracked a smile, shrugging my shoulders quickly. "You'll have to find out" I said as I moved my head, taking a bite of my eggs as Steve let out a sigh, which I knew meant he was debating it. "Rhodey might kill us" he told me as I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to think of a way to not get in trouble for setting off a bomb.

"Just make sure you throw it really far"


A/N; hello i'm sorry I haven't updating in a few am days but here's a chapter for you!
another call back to one of my previous books in the series (contritium) with Ally making Steve breakfast in bed for his birthday
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please make sure you vote and comment and I will see you all soon

A/N; hello i'm sorry I haven't updating in a few am days but here's a chapter for you! another call back to one of my previous books in the series (contritium) with Ally making Steve breakfast in bed for his birthday I hope you enjoyed this chapte...

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