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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling the gust of wind hit me in the face as I saw a very familiar area of woodland surrounding me

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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling the gust of wind hit me in the face as I saw a very familiar area of woodland surrounding me. I looked around, their leaves rustling as the wind passed through the leaves. I looked down, my mission suit clinging to my body as I lifted my hands up from my side, a thick layer of red warm blood covering my palms as it dropped down to the floor, collecting in a pool at my boots. I tried to figure out where the blood was coming from, trying to feel if I had any pain coming from any part of my body, but I couldn't locate a wound.

"Ally?" I heard a familiar voice say to me as I looked up, Steve standing in front of me all of the sudden, his blue eyes staring at me blankly. I opened my mouth to say something, but no sound came out, my brain trying to force out his name just for nothing to happen. I tried to move my feet, but I was planted in the ground as if there were nails holding my boots into the ground. I looked down, struggling now to move my legs, my whole body paralysed as I tried to fight against it. "Ally?" Steve asked me once again as I looked back up at him, seeing him take a step towards me.

He reached his hand out as I told myself to reach out myself, out my hand in his so that he could pull me out of my state of immobility. Before I could even think about lifting my hand the tips of Steve's finger tips started dusting away, right in front of me. I tried to move again, to reach out to him to try and keep him whole, but my eyes were fixated on him as he slowly turned to dust right in front of me. I opened my mouth to scream his name as his arm slowly drifted away in the wind, his eyes still staring into mines as he disappeared from in front of me.

My eyes shot open as I took in a deep breath, my head on my damp pillow that was drenched in my sweat, the dark and silent room surrounding me. It took me a moment to realise where I was, the bedsheets sticking to my clammy skin as I let out a shaky breath, my breathing quickened. I was curled up in a feral position, my knees pulling up to my chest as the palms of my hands stung from my nails breaking my skin in my clenched fists.

"Steve?" I asked as I reached my hand out in front of me, not finding anything except from a cold sheet on the other half of the bed. I sat up quickly, my eyes darting around the dark room as my hair whipped around my face. "Steve?" I asked once again as I found myself scrambling out of the bed, pulling the string on the lamp that sat on my nightstand. The room illuminated in a light glow as I looked around to see an empty room, the bed sheets dishevelled from where I was lying.

I let out a deep breath as I ran to the bathroom, throwing the door open as the light came on, the room completely empty as I turned around once again. My heart was beating in my chest a million miles an hour, my hands shaking as I ran to the door, pulling it open as my feet hit the cold hard wood floors. He wasn't here, and that all I could focus on.

"Steve" I shouted, way too loudly considering that it was still the early hours of the morning, but it's not like anyone was asleep anyway. I stumbled out of the room, calling out Steve's name again as I ran up the stairs to the living area. Steve came round the corner as he saw me, waking straight into me as I let out a loud yelp, Steve catching me by the elbows as he looked at me. "What? Are you okay?" he asked me frantically as I stared at him, my breathing ragged and heavy as I shook my head at him.

"Where were you?" I asked him, basically shouting at him as he stared at me with furrowed eyebrows, holding my arms tightly. "Getting a glass of water" he said to me quickly, making me let out a breath as I looked down at the ground, trying to catch my breath which wasn't working. "What's wrong?" he asked me one more time as he moved his hands from my elbows, holding my face in his hands as he made me look up at him.

"You weren't there" I shouted at him, having no idea why I was screaming at him, but by the way he was looking at me he was sure that I was blaming him for something, and maybe I was. "I'm right here" he replied quickly, his voice slightly raised not to startle me but to make sure that I was hearing him, even though I was choosing not to. "I thought" I started as he reached his hand out to me, trying to grab my arm as I moved away from his touch, putting my hands on my neck as I panted, not being able to take in any air as I stood there struggling to breath.

"I'm right here, Ally" he said to me as i stumbled backwards the sound of a door opening behind me making me turn to see Natasha walking down the hall, in her pyjamas as she stood in her spot staring at the two of us. "What's going on?" she asked as I turned back to Steve, who still had the worried look on his face as I shook my head, pushing my hair out of my face as I clawed at my neck with my nails, scraping at my skin as Steve tried to reach out to me once again.

"I can't do this" I said through my ragged breathing, shaking my head and running down the few steps and pushing past Natasha, who tried to grab my arm, but missed as I kept running. I ran towards the door, putting my hand on the handle and pushing it open as I almost ripped the door off of the frame as I opened it. "Ally" Steve shouted after me as I left the living quarters, finding my self running through the compound in my bare feet and pyjamas.


A/N: hey guys, sorry it's been a few days but here's another dramatic chapter to make up for it!
I actually got this idea from @NikkiP3 in one of their comments so thank you for that!
I hope you guys's enjoyed this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment and i will see you all soon

A/N: hey guys, sorry it's been a few days but here's another dramatic chapter to make up for it! I actually got this idea from @NikkiP3 in one of their comments so thank you for that! I hope you guys's enjoyed this chapter and please don't forget ...

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