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October 2018

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October 2018

I sat on the couch, staring ahead of me at the blank wall, my mouth pressed into a straight line as I blinked slowly. The clock that was on the wall clicked rhythmically, the living room light overhead lighting up the room as I let out a small sigh. I looked over at Steve, who was sitting facing me on the other end of the couch, a sketch pad leaning on his knee and a charcoal pencil in his hand. His eyebrows were knitted together in concentration as he swiped the pencil over the paper, using his finger to smudge it as he looked back up at me.

I quickly moved back into my position, Steve letting out a sigh as I rolled my eyes, straightening my back as I held onto my legs which were folded on the couch cushion. "Stop moving" Steve said to me as he kicked me with his foot, making me sigh loudly as I rolled my eye once again. "I have been holding this position for at least an hour now" I complained as Steve took in my profile features, copying them down onto the page. I had to beg him to get him to draw me, and now that I had been sitting here for at least 60 minutes without being able to move I was highly regretting it.

"10 more minutes, come on" Steve said to me as he bit down on his bottom lip, the sound of his pencil scratching the paper almost driving me insane. I reached forward to the coffee table, grabbing the bottle of red wine as I lifted it to my lips, taking a large gulp. Steve held his hand out to me as I passed the bottle to him, the blonde taking a drink quickly before I snatched the bottle back. We had completely bypassed the use of glasses tonight, which I wasn't complaining about because that meant one less thing that needed to be loaded into the dishwasher.

"Surely you know what I look like" I said to him as I took another large gulp, setting the bottle in between my legs as I kept my hand on it. "Yes but it's easier if you're in front of me" he said quietly as I looked over at him, Steve lifting his pencil as he raised an eyebrow at me, making me turn my head once again as he started drawing. "So I can't move for an hour?" I asked, taking another drink as I swirled they wine around in the bottle, trying to cease my attention to keep me from moving. "You're so annoying" Steve said to me as I didn't reply to him. "You asked me to draw you" he said as I let out a breath through my nose, itching my shoulder quickly.

"Didn't realise it would be this time consuming and tiring" I moaned, Steve letting out sigh as I took another drink quickly. "You're just sitting there" he countered as I leaned back into the couch, giving up with sitting up straight, figuring that it didn't make a difference to my face. "And it's excruciatingly exhausting" I said to him as he fell silent for w moment, the mix of the clock hands and his pencil strokes filling the room again. "Give me like 30 seconds" he said after a few minutes, making me let out a breath of relief as I clutched the wine bottle in my hand.

"Can I count them?" I asked him, looking over as he screwed up his face in confusion. "In your head and if you turn around" he said to me as I turned my head again, counting quietly under my breath for when I could finally relax. "I'm down to 10" I announced to Steve as I tapped my finger against the bottle. "7" I added, rubbing my lips together quickly as Steve kept drawing. "4" I said as he slapped his pencil down onto the coffee table, making me look over at him.

"Okay, I'm done" he said as I let out a sigh, leaning my head back against he couch as I closed my eyes for a moment, relaxing my whole body. "Swap" Steve said to me as he held out his hand, making me hold the bottle out to him as he held the sketch pad out, the drawing facing down as I took it from him will passing through bottle. He took a drink as I flipped the pad, looking at the drawing of my face, the texture of the paper resting beneath the charcoal, my features defined perfectly in the monotone colors.

"Wow" I said under my breath as I stared at it, Steve moving near me on the sofa as he bent one leg, letting the other hand off the end as he rested his chin on my shoulder, setting bottle of red on the table. "You're really good" I said to him as he looked down at the drawing, reaching out with his dirtied fingers as he smudged a like that was shading down my nose. "I had a lot of practice" he said to me as he set his mouth against my shoulder, leaning his head leaned on my neck. "When you were a show girl" I said to him as he let out a small laugh, wrapping one arm around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"Ouch" he said as I laughed, holding the drawing out in front of me as we both look at it. "Maybe we should frame it, hand it up on the wall" I said to him as he furrowed his eyebrows at it. "It's a picture of you" he said as I shrugged my one shoulder he wasn't leaning against, setting it down on my lap as I continued to admire it. "But you drew it so it's sentimental" I told him as he let out a small sigh, staring at it as his thumb sitting on my waist worked around in small circles.

"It's not that good" he said as I let out a shocked laugh, leaning to the side as I stared at Steve, raising my eyebrow as we stared at each other. "You want me to draw you? That'll show you what not good actually means" I said to him as I picked up the book again, looking back at it again, still in awe of how much it looked like me. "Drawing was not on the Red Room list of activities" I told him as he let out a small laugh, taking the pad from me as he used his pinky finger to run over a few harsh lines.

"Bucky always said the ladies would be impressed by my art" he told me as I let out a small laugh, nodding my head slowly as he looked at me. "Oh yeah" I said as I pushed my hair behind my ear, a smirk on my face. "Chicks dig it" I told him with a raised eyebrow as he threw the pad down onto the table, picking up the bottle of wine again. "All the hundreds I brought home loved it" he joked as I laughed, kissing him on he cheek gently before leaning forward, grabbing the bottle of wine again and taking a drink. "I'm sure they were super impressed by your fridge art work" I said as I turned towards him, holding the bottle as he took it from me.

"Mom hung it up on the wall thank you very much" he said to me as he took a drink, finishing off what was left as he set the empty bottle back onto the table. "Which I will also be doing" I said to him as I went to reach out for the sketchbook once again, Steve grabbing my wrist before I could reach it. I looked over at him as he lowered his head to mines, our lips connecting softly as my hand found its way into his hair, his hand around my waist pushing me into him. "Can I draw you now?" I asked him in between kissed, Steve letting out a small hum as he pulled away, resting his forehead against mines. "I'll pass" he said quickly before kissing me once again, making me crack a smile as I let out a small laugh.


A/N: Stally fluff for all of you, you're very welcome
There is a scene in the First Avenger movie where Steve is drawing a monkey on a unicycle (which is supposed to show how he feels like a circus animal) and then there was a deleted scene in the Avenegrs where he is drawing a building, so it's kinda canon that MCU Steve is a somewhat artist, or is at least good at art so it only seemed fitting to add it into this book!
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you again very soon

A/N: Stally fluff for all of you, you're very welcome There is a scene in the First Avenger movie where Steve is drawing a monkey on a unicycle (which is supposed to show how he feels like a circus animal) and then there was a deleted scene in the...

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