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31st October 2019

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31st October 2019

"I told you that you added way too much food colouring" I said with a sigh as I set the hot tray down on the counter, the bright orange cookies staring back at Natasha and I as raised her eyebrows at it. "It says a splash" she said as she read the book we had gotten a sugar cookie recipe from, the small cookies supposed to be slightly orange and shaped like pumpkins. Instead they were bright orange and not very pumpkin looking, they looked kinda scary but it was fitting for the holiday I guess.

"A splash does not mean half the bottle" I told her with a sigh as I grabbed the spatula, trying to pry one off of the tray, where it had left a small stain of orange. "They look radio active" Steve said, leaning onto the counter as he sneered, looking at them as I held the spatula with one small cookie sitting on it out to him. "Try one" I said to Steve who recoiled a little bit, shaking his head as he held his hand out, trying to distance himself away from the cookie. "No?" he said as if it was obvious that he didn't want to try one, a sour look on his face.

"It's less likely to kill you than it is us" I said to him, thrusting the cookie towards him again as he looked over at Natasha, who just gave him a 'give it a go' look. Steve let out a sigh as he took the cookie, hesitantly biting them tiniest bit off as he chewed on it slowly, shrugging his shoulders quickly. "Meh" he said as I let out a loud laugh, his mouth now resembling the cookie in color. "Your tongue is orange" I said to him as Natasha shook her head, letting out a sigh with a smug look on her face as she leaned back in her stool.

"Right, so let's not take the cookies because I'm scared we will poison them" I said as I set the spatula down on the tray, checking the clock that was on the wall as I let out a small sigh. "We should head out" I told the pair of them as Steve nodded his head, walking to the sink as he fished a glass from the cabinet, taking a huge gulp of water to try and rid the orange colouring of his mouth. "Put your hat on" I told Natasha as I lifted up the cookie sheet, popping it back in the oven to deal with later.

"It's not very comfortable" Natasha said as she picked up her black witches hat, putting it on top of her semi blonde and red hair that was straightened. "And so was the skin tight suit they made you wear for 10 years but here we are" I said as I slapped the counter lightly with a flat palm, a smile on my face as Natasha nodded her head at that remark, Steve letting out a sigh as he walked around me into the living room. "Surely if we just showed up in our mission suits the kids would love it" Natasha said as she hopped off of her stool, straightening the pinstriped black and white trousers she had on. Apparently that counted as a Halloween costume as 'not all witches wear floor length dresses'. Really that was just an excuse to go shopping.

"I don't want to wear it" I told her with a small shake on my head, Nat pointing at my outfit that consisted of a black blouse and black trousers, my lips slathered in black lipstick and my eyeliner sleek. "So that's why you're wearing that" she said to me as I nodded my head, smoothing out my pants as I nodded my head at her sceptically. "I don't have my hat yet" I told her as I walked out of the living room, my hat at the door ready for me to grab on the way out.

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