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"How many?" Steve asked me, his voice muffled from the refrigerator door that he was cowering behind

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"How many?" Steve asked me, his voice muffled from the refrigerator door that he was cowering behind. My hand was moving the knife i was hiding quickly as I chopped up the carrot that was on the sodden chopping board in front of me. I looked up at the recipe book that I had propped open against the coffee maker that was in the corner of the counter. I red it quickly, turning to look towards him as I kept cutting the carrot, my knife skills in the kitchen matching my knife skill in combat.

"2" I said to him as I heard him rummaging in the fridge, pulling two out as he closed to the door quickly. "Heads up" he said as he threw both the onions at me, choosing to throw them at me as I lifted up my hand without the knife, not looking as I caught one in my hand, not managing to get the other one as it fell to the ground. "You know I have a knife in my hand right?" I asked him as Steve looked at me, standing next to the fridge as he looked down at the onion that was lying on the ground.

"I thought you were better than that" he said to me with a small smirk as I set the onion I had managed to catch on the counter, Steve bending down to pick up the other one for me. "One wrist movement and I can carve your heart out" I said to him, my voice a few octaves higher as I smiled at him, lifting up the knife as he raised his eyebrows at me. "Like to see you try" He said to me with a smile as I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as he walked behind me, pulling open a cabinet as he pulled out a frying pan.

"You can take over" I said to him as I flipped the knife up in the air, catching the dull side of the blade between my thumb and finger, the handle sticking up in the air. He took it from me as I swapped him for the frying pan as he laughed, moving around me as he started cutting up the onions. "You want a beer?" I asked him as I wiped my hands on the towel that was draped over the oven handle, sliding along the floor to the fridge as I pulled it open, the jars on the door shaking. "Sure" Steve replied as I pulled two out, holding them by the necks as I twisted the top off of one of them.

I took a sip from it before I set it down in front of Steve, making him shot a funny look at me as I undid the top to my own one. I left the small kitchen, moving into the open planned living room/dining room as I sat on the stool that was on the other side of the counter from where Steve was standing. "Oh, I'm going to head into the city tomorrow, visit the shelter" I said to him as i set my bottle down in front of me, leaning forward on the stool as Steve looked up at me.

"Okay" he said to me as he nodded his head, raising an eyebrow as I propped my elbows on the counter, resting my chin on my hands. "I'm going to sign up for the patrol that they run, to find all the kids who were abandoned" I told him, not having to wait until his next question to know what he was going to ask. He nodded his head, not saying anything else as I looked down at the chopping board, furrowing my eyebrow as I picked up my bottle, pointing it down at the board. "You're cutting them wrong" I said to him as I took a swig of my beer, Steve sighing as he looked up at me, raising his eyebrows.

"How can I be cutting them wrong?" he asked me, a small smile on his face as I leaned forward, picking up a chunk of onion as I held it up. "Look at the size of this" I said to him as he squinted his eyes, swiping it from in between my fingers quickly as he cut it in half before I could say anything else. "It says dice them, not make them into the size of a dice" I told him as he looked up at me, holding the knife in his hand as he pointed at me. "You can do it yourself" I said to him as I pouted my bottom lip at him jokingly.

"Then how would you learn?" I asked him as he let out a sigh, rolling his eyes as he likens down at his bottle, nodding his head down at it as I inspected the onions he had cut. "Can you give me a drink?" he asked me as I let out a laugh, stopping abruptly as I shook my head at him, pointing down at the wooden board.

"Once you've finished cutting that onion"


A/N: so I wanted to get in a little chapter that's about Ally and Steve's life now that they live together because i love them so much
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter just as much as I loved writing it, i'm super excited for this whole book
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you soooon

A/N: so I wanted to get in a little chapter that's about Ally and Steve's life now that they live together because i love them so much I hope you all enjoyed this chapter just as much as I loved writing it, i'm super excited for this whole book pl...

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