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April 2020

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April 2020

"We should get a dog or something" Steve said to me as I looked over at him, more engrossed in my muffin as I raised my eyebrows at him. "Hmm?" I asked through a mouth full of blueberry muffin, crumbs dropping from my lips which had failed to make it into my mouth, spilling over my legs. "Look how cute that one is" Steve said as he pointed at a small black dog that was running around, chasing after a ball that its owner had launched for it, skidding through the grass as it tried to grab it with its jaw.

"Don't steal the dog, Steven" I said to him, putting the muffin on the men in between us as I brushed the crumbs off of my jeans. "Look at it chasing the ball" Steve said as he pointed once again, my eyes following his finger to see the dog galloping through the air towards the toy. Steve carried a look of both admiration and need at the small black labrador, making me smirk as I grabbed the coffee, holding it in my hand. "We should get a fish or something" I compromised, Steve snapping his head to look at me with a hurt look on his face that i denied the request of getting a dog.

"I really like my hardwood floors" I whined, taking a sip of my coffee as Steve laughed, grabbing what was left of my muffin and finishing it, already having eaten his. "Hey" I objected, Steve sneering at me as I let out a sigh, leaning back against the bench as I watched the dogs once again. "You don't even mop" Steve countered as I let out a small laugh, holding my coffee cup in my hand as I looked over at him, nodding my head slowly. "Because I let you live there for free" I replied, Steve just shrugging his shoulders as he turned to look back at the dogs again.

"Yup" he said simply as I let out a small hum of thought, tilting my head to the side. "Might start charging you rent" I said as Steve nodded his head slowly, raising his eyebrows as he took a drink from his coffee cup. "You take up all the hot water, take that into account" he told me, raising his cup towards me as I let out a scoff, shaking my head and crossing one leg over the other. "You take the longest showers ever" I countered as Steve turned to look at me again, nodding his head with his eyebrows lifted.

"And they go cold" Steve replied as I shrugged my shoulders at him simply, staring back at him blankly. "Yeah well you're used to being cold so" I started, Steve letting out a chuckle as he shook his head, kicking me in the leg as I struck him back quickly before he could move his own leg. "That was rude" he said to me as I nodded my head slowly, nod saying anything as we just say staring at each other, his eyes matching the cloudless sky. "Don't look for any redeeming qualities I don't have any" I said to him eventually, turning away as I took a swig of my coffee, seeing a brown dog running over to us.

"Hello" Steve said as he reached down, the dog sniffing at our feet as Steve scratched it behind its ears, his vice jumping up a few octaves as he played with the dog. "Bobby" the owner shouted, running over to us with a leash thrown over his shoulder, an apologetic smile on his face. "Sorry, he wants everyone in the park to pet him" he apologised as Steve shook his head, continuing to play with the dog as I smiled at the dog who had lost interest quite quickly.

"Well he is lucky he's cute" Steve replied with a small laugh, Bobby the dog already galloping over to a neat by tree. "You two have a nice day" the owner said with a small wave, making me smile at him with a small nod of farewell. "You too" I replied as Steve turned to look at me, pointing his thumb over his shoulder in the direction the dog had just left in. "See how cute Bobby was" Steve countered to me as I furrowed my eyebrows at him, balancing my coffee cup on my thigh.

"Who names a dog Bobby?" I asked him, making him do nothing but let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head with a small smirk on his face. "You're impossible" he replied as I let out a small laugh, nodding my head as we both turned back to look at the dogs playing on the other side of the park again.

"Oh I am well aware"


A/N: sorry I have been away for so long
this chapter isn't too good but i'm struggling with coming up with many more ideas so please if you have ideas drop them in the comments and you might see your idea become a chapter!
do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you again soon hopefully!

A/N: sorry I have been away for so long this chapter isn't too good but i'm struggling with coming up with many more ideas so please if you have ideas drop them in the comments and you might see your idea become a chapter! do not forget to vote an...

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