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I had my headphones pulled over my head as I stood up on the step ladder, taking inside of a large box that was the high shelves

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I had my headphones pulled over my head as I stood up on the step ladder, taking inside of a large box that was the high shelves. I raked through it, pushing the copper wire around as I tried to find a thin enough one that I could use. I hummed along time the music as I pulled out a small spool, pushing the box back on the shelf as I jumped down from the ladder, landing softly on the balls of my feet.

I walked over to the table where I had laid out a bunch of scrap materials, a prototype for Natasha's new Widow-Bites sitting on a stand in the middle of it all. She didn't know that I had dedicated my last few days to trying to improve her signature weapons, but it kept my mind busy so I wasn't too bothered. I had already perfected my Electro-Disc design and I had hand made about 15 of them before setting the machines downstairs to make about 100. While in reality, I was hoping that there was a need for them in the next few weeks.

I sat down on my stool as I plugged the soldering iron into the outlet that was embedded in the table, flicking the switch on. I unraveled the wire, grabbing the clipped and snipping it into even stood of about a few inches. My music was way to loud for me to be able to hear anything, and that's how I liked it, no matter how much it annoyed Steve or Natasha, who had both individually bought me noise cancelling headphones for my birthday last year.

That's why I didn't hear the door open, singing a line of my song as I stood up again to go and grab a screwdriver, stopping still as I stared at the door that was wide open. I pushed my headphones off of my ears, resting them on my neck with the music still spilling out through them as I looked around quickly. There was no one else in the room with me, making me wonder what had opened the door. There was a small rattling noise as I moved away from the table, moving around it to see Rocket digging through a cardboard box that was sitting in the corner.

"Oh" I said as he looked over at me, standing up straight as I smiled awkwardly at him. He stared at me for a moment, his fur matted as I wondered if I was hallucinating and I wasn't standing in a room with a talking raccoon. "I need a large box of metal" he said to me as he held his hands up in front of him, moving them in a box shape as I pulled my phone from my back pocket, pausing my music before setting it down on the table.

"For?" I asked him as he let out a sigh, his leather suit still the exact same one he had worn when I met him, which made me wonder if he had different outfits. "My gun" he replied to me simply, dropping his arms as they hung by his side, his red brown eyes staring at me. "What's wrong with it?" I asked him hesitantly as he looked around the room, probably trying to find what he was after by himself so he didn't have to talk to me. "It's not firing" he replied with a shrug as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Have you been trying to fire it inside?" I asked quickly, wondering how powerful his alien weapon actually was. "What is this an interrogation?" he said as I nodded my head at him slowly, clicking my tongue in my mouth as I turned around. "We put all the non hazardous material down that chute" I said to him, pointing my finger at the silver door that sat on the far wall of the room. "Where does it lead?" he asked me with a heavy sigh, rolling my eyes quickly at me as I nodded my head at him slowly. "Basement" I said to him as he turned around, about to start leaving the room as he bowed his head.

"Raccoon going through the trash" he muttered as I stared at him for a moment, my eyebrows raising as I looked at the back of his furry head. "What?" I asked him as he turned to look at me once again, rolling his eyebrows quickly. "Just a bit of irony" he said as I continued to stare at him. "You have that on earth right?" he asked quickly as he pointed down towards the floor. "Yeah" I said to him with a small nod as he went to leave the room once again.

"Can you please not shoot your gun inside?" I shouted at him as he grabbed the edge of the door to close it on his way out. "Whatever" he muttered as he pulled the door close, which it did with a click, leaving me alone in the lab once again. I let out a small sigh as I walked back over to my stool, sitting down as I pressed play on my phone before pulling my headphones back over my head.


A/N: hello here's another chapter for you
I remembered that I hadn't written anything about Rocket yet but he is still there so don't forget about him! let's just say that he has been sitting in a room somewhere as he's also extremely upset that his whole family are either dusted or missing
thank you for reading and please remember to vote and comment

A/N: hello here's another chapter for you I remembered that I hadn't written anything about Rocket yet but he is still there so don't forget about him! let's just say that he has been sitting in a room somewhere as he's also extremely upset that h...

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