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I moved over to the table slowly, my footsteps barely audible as I reached the chair that was across from her, pulling it out and lowering myself into it

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I moved over to the table slowly, my footsteps barely audible as I reached the chair that was across from her, pulling it out and lowering myself into it. I stared at the globe ahead of me, my eyes catching every single red dot that was scattered across the continents, signifying a certain amount of deaths as the earth spun slowly. There were projections around it, a small counter continually going up which counted the amount of people who were missing, or how many we knew were missing so far.

"I'd rather sit here and stare at this thing than lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling" Natasha said to me weakly as I looked over to her, bringing my legs into the chair and crossing them, my knees on the arm rests. I knew the feeling she was talking about, the quiet of a room letting your thoughts wonder, which wasn't a good thing to happen at the moment. "What does it tell us?" I asked her, nodding my head at the globe as she looked over at my quickly.

"Each large dot represents 100,000 deaths" she said quietly, using her finger to point at it, putting her hand on the small screen in front of her. She stopped the globe from spinning, zooming in on the US to show just how many dots there were scattered across the states. "What's damage control like?" I asked her, pulling my chair forward as I looked at the map, some states having lots of little dots while some barely even had any.

"Nothing has started yet, they've given us time to try and reverse it" she told me as I nodded my head slowly, watching the map as she zoomed back out, the globe turning once again. "The president went" she told me as I looked up at her, not having heard anyone say anything about the president before. I wondered if Ross had gone as well, but I figured that if the answer was yes I probably wouldn't have a very sensitive response so I decided to keep the question in.

"Who's in charge?" I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders, puffing up her cheeks and blowing out the air slowly. "Whoever is left in the Oval office" she said to me as I rubbed my lips together, fighting asking the question. "What's Ross's team saying?" I said after a few beats, hoping that she would indirectly tell me if our very one Secretary was still here or not. "Nothing yet, they didn't have a plan for anything like this" she replied to me as I nodded my head at her, my chair rocking back and forth slightly.

"Neither did we" I said to her quietly as we both stared ahead of us, the bright lights hanging over head, which never turned off, no matter what time of the day. We both sat in silence, my fingers talking the metal arm rest of my chair lightly, not hard enough to make a noise but enough to distract me from the thoughts zooming around in my head. "Steve won't leave my side" I said finally as I looked up at her, raising me eyebrows as she nodded her head at me.

"I can slap him in the face if you'd like" she said to me with a serious expression as I squinted my eyes at him for a moment. "He'd try to console your anger" I joked as she nodded her head, letting out a small breathy laugh she shook her head free of her smile quickly. "What's up?" she asked me as I shrugged my shoulders, resting my elbow on the chair as I put my head on my hand.

"Nothing, I just" I started, trying to figure out how to phrase it so i didn't sound like I was being ungrateful. "Dont enjoy being treated like a fragile deer" I said to her as she stared back at me, her mouth in a straight line as I blinked a few times, realising it hadn't come out as I wanted it to. "I appreciate it, but" I started, just for Natasha to interrupt me before I could explain myself to her.

"Bucky?" she said as I stared at her, the sound of his voice opening up the endless pit at the bottom of my stomach, my breathing hitching a little bit. "What?" I asked quickly, making her raise her eyebrows at me as she shifted in her chair, crossing her arms. "James Buchanan Barnes" she elaborated as I nodded my head at her, it exactly needing to her to into detail with Bucky's file.

"Yeah, I know his name" I said to her as she nodded her head at me, running her hand through her hair quickly. "What about him?" I asked as she shrugged her shoulders, once again sighing for what seemed like hundredth time this conversation. "I remember a time where you let him kill you while confessing your love to him" she said to me as I blinked a few times, almost absorbing her words. She wasn't wrong, the memory relatively fresh in my memory of the time on the hellicarrier, Bucky's empty blue eyes which I had seen my life in before staring into mines as he did is hardest to end my life.

"It was a different time" I said to her, shaking my head as she nodded hers, a smug look on her face as stared back at her, a confused look on my face. "What?" I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders, biting on her bottom lip lightly. "I know you a lot better than you think I do" she said to me as I looked away from her, staring at the hologram in the middle of us. I let out a deep breath, clasping my hands on my lap as I rung them out against each other.

"Steve" I said, nodding my head as Natasha continued to stare at me, even though I didn't turn back to her. "Steve" she repeated for me, the smug look still on her face as I let out a breath, standing up quickly and looking back over at her. "I'm going to bed" I said to her as I pointed at her, pushing my chair back underneath the table. "You should think about it" I said to her as she shot me a small smile, nodding her head.

"I will act like I will so you don't try and sit here with me all night" she replied to me as I rolled my eyes at her, making my way over to the door as I turned back to her, leaning against the door. "Goodnight" I said to her as she twisted her neck around so she could see me. "Okay" she replied with a small smile as I pushed the door open, turning around and making my way back through the halls to both Steve and my bed.


A/N: so this is the last chapter of the mass update today but I wanted to end it on a good note and make it a little bit of a Natasha and Ally friendship chapter
I love their friendship much like many of you do so expect a lot of the duo in this book
please vote and comment and once again thank you all for continuing to read my book, I will be seeing you again soon (tomorrow hopefully)

A/N: so this is the last chapter of the mass update today but I wanted to end it on a good note and make it a little bit of a Natasha and Ally friendship chapter I love their friendship much like many of you do so expect a lot of the duo in this b...

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