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I sat on the large couch, a book resting on my hand and my legs up on the cushion next to me

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I sat on the large couch, a book resting on my hand and my legs up on the cushion next to me. I had been trying to read this one page for about ten minutes now, but not being able to retain anything that I was reading. The early spring sun was beaming in through the floor to ceiling windows, the living area completely silent which made me wonder exactly where everyone was.

I heard the main door open, footsteps against the hard wood floors as I turned to see Steve walk around the corner. "Hey" he said to me as I smiled at him, earning one back as he walked over to me. "What are you reading?" he asked me as he stood behind the couch, setting a hand on the back of my head as he kissed my forehead quickly. "No clue, I stole it from Nat's room" I said to him as he let out a small laugh, straightening up and looking around the room quickly.

"Have you seen my car keys?" he asked me as he patted the pockets of the leather jacket he was wearing. "Try the bedroom" I said to him as he clicked his fingers nodding his head as I closed my book and set it on my leg. "Where are you going?" I asked him as he turned to look at me again, about to leave to go and try find his keys. "Grand Central Station" he said to me, as if I should know why he was wanting to go to the train station which i'm guessing wasn't operating right now.

"To see the trains?" I asked him jokingly as he didn't laugh, running his hand through his hair, which was getting quite long recently. "No, theres an emergency shelter that's been set up there" he told me as I tilted my head to the side, Steve pushing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "I'm going to take some supplies down" he said with a small shrug as I nodded my head, closing my mouth and thinking for a moment.

"Can I come?" I asked him quietly, not knowing how to gauge his facial expression as he just looked over at me for a minute. "If you want to" he said simply as I didn't move, not sure I heard him correctly as I was almost positive he would say no. "There's space in the car" he added with a small shrug as he looked around once again. "If I find my keys" he added as I laughed lightly, standing up and throwing the book onto the coffee table, walking towards my room to get dressed out of my sweats.


The city was in mayhem. Cars were stuck on the roads as we tried to find the emptiest ones to get to the centre of the city. Stores were abandoned and open as people walked down the streets slowly as they stepped over bags of garbage that had accumulated on the streets. It had only been a few days, but the disaster that the earth had already faced seemed like it had been years at this point, which hopefully it would never be.

"Try Lexington Avenue" I said to Steve as I looked out the window, Park Avenue completely filled with deserted cars to the point we could barely get down it. "Maybe we should just hop out here and walk" Steve said as he sighed, the car having stayed stationery for 10 minutes now as we tried to figure out the best way to get to the station. "I'll grab a box" I said as I opened the door, hoping out the car as Steve followed after me, putting the keys into his pocket.

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