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June 2018

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June 2018

I sat on the couch, my feet lifted and resting on the messy coffee table that was covered in pizza boxes, the pizzeria a few blocks away having opened back up now. The TV was on, even though it was just reruns of shows that I had already seen, the light off and a lamp on in the corner that lit up the room. The volume of the TV was on so low that I could barely even hear what the actors were saying, my eyes reading the captions before they left the screen.

Steve's head was in my lap, facing away from me with his eyes closed and his body lying on the rest of the couch, his chest rising and falling gently as he slept. I had covered him in the blanket, and I probably would have just let him sleep if it wasn't so uncomfortable for me to sit here with him lying on me. One of my hands was tangled in his soft hair, playing with it as I let out a small sigh. I grabbed the remote from the arm rest of the couch, turning the TV off as the room fell silent except from Steve's breathing.

"Steve" I whispered to him as I took my hand out of his hair, setting it on his shoulder as I rubbed my thumb up and down softly. He didn't stir as I shifted a little bit, shaking his shoulder. "Steve" I said once again as he let out a small groan, moving his head as I smiled at him. "Come on, bedtime" I said as I leaned down, kissing his cheek gently as he let out a sigh, keeping his eyes closed as he shifted his onto his back. "I'm sleeping" he said to me quietly, opening one of his eyes as he looked up at me.

"And I'm uncomfortable" I replied as he smiled, closing his eye again as he pulled the blanket around him tightly. "You can sleep upstairs" I said to him, setting my hand on top of his chest as he let out a grown. "In a proper bed" I added as he smiled it's his eyes closed, pouting his bottom lip slightly. I let out a small laugh, lowering my face down to his , stopping at the point where our noses were brushing against each other, Steve opening his eyes slowly. "You're 220 pounds and I'm positive I can't feel my legs" I whispered as I pulled my head away, slapping him on the chest gently as he laughed.

"Get up" I said to him as he whined, sitting up as I let out a sigh, taking my feet and setting them back on the ground as my knees cracked. "What time is it?" Steve asked me as he stretched his arms out, exhaling deeply as I stood up. "Like 1" I said as I started closing and stacking the empty pizza boxes, looking over at him as he pouted. "I'm way too old for this" he said as I let out a chuckle, picking up the boxes as I nodded my head at him. "Tell me about it" I joked back as I walked over to the kitchen setting the boxes on the counter as I let out a loud yawn, moving my arms out to either side of me.

"Okay, bed time" I said through the end of my yawn, letting out a sigh as my arms fall back down by my side. "Carry me" Steve said as he lifted his arms up into the air, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch. My feet shuffled against the floor as I moved over to him, shaking my head as I ran my hand through my hair as it fell down my back. I stood in front of him, taking his hands in mines as we laced out hands together, Steve lifting his head to look at me. "I'm not that strong" I said to him as he let out a laugh, pulling me towards him swiftly, making me fall down onto the couch next to him.

I sighed as I leaned against him, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as he held me close to him, his chest falling against my back. "Are you calling me fat?" he asked me, whispering in my ear as I laughed, shrugging my shoulders at him. "You have broad shoulders" I said to him as he laughed, shaking his head as I laced my fingers with his hand that was around my shoulder. "Last time I said that to you you got very defensive" he replied as he leaned his head on top of mines, nuzzling his chin into my hair. I remember the time when he had said that, Steve, Bucky and I piled onto their 2 person couch in the London apartment the night before a mission.

"Because I have perfectly normal shoulders" I said quietly as he kissed the top of my head lightly, my hand mindlessly playing with his as I closed my eyes gently. "Yup" he said quietly as I scoffed, angling my head back to look at him with my eyebrows furrowed and a small pout on my lips. "Don't say it like that, you'll make me self conscious" I said to him as he nodded his head, pouting his own lip back at me mockingly. "Sorry" he apologised as I shook my head, turning back around as leaning my head back against his shoulder. "You have to go through doors at angle sometimes" I countered, Steve not replying instantly as I smirked, knowing I had won this small quarrel.

"I do not" he replied eventually, making me let out a breath through my nose as I smiled widely. "I've noticed before" I told him as he laughed, my eyes staying closed as I breathed to the tick of the clock that was hanging on the wall behind us. "I thought if I only did it a little no one would see" Steve said gently as I let out a chuckle, running my younger over my teeth quickly. "Not now that works but okay" I said to him as we both fell silent, which I didn't mind for a moment, until I realised we were both falling asleep. I let out a sigh as I moved Steve's arm off of my shoulder, standing up quickly and turning towards him. "I'm going to bed, you can sleep on the couch if you wish" I said as he lifted his hand up in front of him.

"I will be if you don't help me up" he said as I put my hands on my hips, tilting my head to the side slightly as I stared down at him. "Captain America can't get up without his girlfriends help?" I asked him jokingly in a childish voice as he nodded his head seriously at me. "Nope" he replied simply as I sighed, taking his hand in mines and heaving him up to his feet, pulling him up as he straightened his back. "Thank you" he said as he kissed my forehead quickly, making me put my hand on his chest as I pushed him away a little bit.

"I'm not carrying you up the stairs" I told him as he narrowed his eyes at me, smirking as he set his hand on top of mines. "I'll carry you then" he said as he pulled my towards him, bending down quickly as grabbing my legs, throwing my over his shoulder effortlessly as I let out a yelp. He started walking, making me lift my head up as I hit him in the back, his arm wrapped around my knees to keep me from falling. "I can walk" I said to him as he turned the lamp off, leaving the living room as I had to swerve to avoid hitting my head off of the coffee table.

"You're actually going to kill me" I said to him as he laughed, moving his shoulder as he repositioned my body on his shoulder, causing my stomach to hit his shoulder quickly, making me wince. "Can you put me down?" I asked him, my hair falling over my face as I tried to move it away from my eyes. "Nope" Steve reputed simply as he walked up the stairs, making me sigh as I just let him carry me up the stairs, which saved me from having to walk to bed.


it's not that much fluff but i am loving writing the mundane chapters of Ally and Steve life because these kind of chapters (whether they be with Bucky or Steve) have always been my favourite to write
from here on out I will attempt to time stamp each of my chapters, maybe not all of them but every time there is a change in month I will
this chapter is a little longer than other ones so I hope you all enjoyed reading it (sorry to all my Bucky and Ally shippers out there lol)
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you all soon

A/N: STALLY FLUFF YOU ARE WELCOME it's not that much fluff but i am loving writing the mundane chapters of Ally and Steve life because these kind of chapters (whether they be with Bucky or Steve) have always been my favourite to write from here on...

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