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I watched the kids as they laughed at Isobel, who was flipping the page on the book, turning it around to show them all of the pictures

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I watched the kids as they laughed at Isobel, who was flipping the page on the book, turning it around to show them all of the pictures. Ava in my lap had leaned back into me, listening in as she sucked on her thumb. The little boy next to me had also decided to use me as a resting post, leaning into my side as he listened to the story, playing with one of the buttons on my coat.

"Hey" I heard Steve say as I turned to see him standing next to me, making me look up at him with a smile on my face. "I don't know how I got here" I said to him as he laughed, shaking his head as he looked over at Isobel, who had clocked who he was as she struggled to keep focused on the story. Steve sighed as he sat down next to me, looking at Ava who was staring over at him, waving his hand at her softly.

"Fan club?" he asked me as she just looked away from him, turning back to the story as I laughed lightly. "Looks like it" I said as I looked over at him, the boy who was by my side shuffling over to Steve and laying his head on his leg. "Hi" Steve said to the boy who stood up quickly, waddling over and plopping himself down in Steve's lap. "Yup, okay" Steve said as I laughed lightly, the boy listening back into Isobel's story. "What are we reading huh?" Steve asked the boy as I watched, the boy looking up at Steve and smiling before turning away once again.

"Did you get all the supplies in?" I asked him as he nodded his head, running his hand over the toddler who was sitting in his laps hair gently as he smiled down at him. "Yeah, they've been put in the storage room" Steve said to me as I nodded my head at him, Ava wiggling about as I turned back to Isobel, who was coming to the end of her book. "That's good" I said to him as the teen closed the book and set it on her lap, smiling to all the kids.

"That's it, yay" she said as she clapped her hands, some of them clapping along with her as a few other volunteers came over. "Come on, let's go see Paula for some lunch" Isobel said as she stood up, the bigger kids standing up as well as a lady came over to me and reached her hands out to Ava. I smiled as she took the toddler, the boy from Steve's lap standing up and grabbing onto the same volunteers hand as a few led them away to a table pushed up against a wall that had food laid out on it.

"We should get going" I said to Steve who had already stood up, offering me a hand as I grabbed it, standing up as I let out a sigh. "Hold on" I said to him as I walked over to Isobel, who had a hold of a 5 year old girl by the hand. I fished my phone out of my pocket, turning it around and pulling out the small card from the slot in the back of my case. "Here" I said as I held it out to her, Isobel looking down at it with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's this?" she asked as she took it from me, turning it over in her hand and reading it over a few times. "That's my number" I said as I pointed at it, Steve wandering over and standing behind me, Isobel's eyes drifting over to him as she cleared her throat quickly, looking back down at the card. "What?" she asked me as she looked back up at me, making me shrug my shoulders quickly. "I want you to call me if there's anything you need" I told her as she just stared at me, holding the card up in front of her.

"This is like your phone number number?" she asked me in shock as I nodded my head at her, a small smile on my face. "Yeah" I told her as she let out a small laugh, nodding her head as she out it into her pocket. "Dont go giving it out" I said to her jokingly as she laughed lightly, the girl who's hand she was holding getting impatient and just walking away. "It was nice meeting you, Isobel" I said to her with a smile as she nodded her head at me, motioning at me with her hand quickly.

"You too" she said as she looked over at Steve, who had extended his hand out in front of him with a soft smile on his face. "Steve" he said as I saw her cheeks flush a little bit as she nodded her head quickly. "I know" she said as she shook his hand, realising what she had said as she coughed to try and clear it up, turning a deeper shade of red. "Good luck" she said to me as I looked at her, furrowing my eyebrows a little bit.

"With what?" I asked her as she let out a small laugh, shrugging her shoulders at me as she let out a small breath. "I don't know, I just feel as if you need it" she said simply as nodded my head at her slowly. She probably didn't know it but we needed as much luck as we could get if we even thought about having a chance to try and reverse this whole thing. "We'll see you later" I said to her as she nodded her head, smiling at me before turning around and walking over to the table that was now filled with kids, Steve and I smiling at each other as we joined hands, making our way back out of the building and back to the car.


A/N: another little somber filler chapter for you
I basically had the idea that there would have to be a bunch of different shelters starting up for all the kids who's parents died in the dusting so I decided to write about it :)
please don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you soon

A/N: another little somber filler chapter for you I basically had the idea that there would have to be a bunch of different shelters starting up for all the kids who's parents died in the dusting so I decided to write about it :) please don't forg...

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