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"Where's Fury?" she asked as no one moved for a moment, her fists cleched by her side as she stared at me, waiting for an answer

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"Where's Fury?" she asked as no one moved for a moment, her fists cleched by her side as she stared at me, waiting for an answer. Bruce slowly moved out of the back of the machine, looking around the corner from behind it. I didn't know what to say, standing there silently as I lifted my hand into the air, holding it in between us to tell her not to strike at any of us, which she would hopefully oblige by. "Where is he?" she asked as we all stared at her as she took a small step forward, making most of us take one back.

"It's Carol right?" I asked her slowly, taking a step off of the platform we were all stood in as I kept both of my hands in the air. She didn't reply to my question, which I was taking as a yes. "You don't me but I'm a friend of Fury's" I said to her as I stopped in my spot, slowly lowering my hands as she watched me, hoping that if I moved slow enough she would be able to tell what I was doing before I did it. "I used to work with him at SHIELD" I told her, seeing her lower lip twitch at the mention of SHIELD, purposely throwing that one in because I knew she would remember it.

"I never met you but I remember you and the mission" I said to her as she tilted her head to the side as she listened to what I was saying, her fists slowly unclenching by her side. "With the Kree and Skrulls right?" I asked her as she nodded her head at me steadily. "Is he here?" she asked as she looked around the room quickly, making me shake my head at her as she looked back over at me. "No, he's not" I told her as she let out a small breath, not saying anything as she soaked in that information for a moment.

"Thanos?" she asked me as I nodded my head at her, Natasha sighing from behind me as she dropped out of her defensive stance. "You know Thanos?" I asked her as she rolled her eyes quickly, setting her hands on her hips. "The universe is in pieces" she said to me as I nodded my head at her, turning around to see everyone staring at me as I made eye contact with Natasha. "Go get Thor" I told her as she nodded her head, walking around the two of us as she left the lab quickly to go and get the god.

"My names Ally" I said to Carol as I turned back to look at her, Steve taking a step off of the platform as he stood behind me. "What is this?" she asked us as she looked around the room once again, lifting her finger up as she moved it in a circle in the air. "We're the Avengers" I told her as she turned back to look at me, raising her eyebrows in curiosity as I cleared my throat quickly. "We protect the earth" I added as she narrowed her eyes at me, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Not very well" she said to me as I nodded my head at her, wanting to crack a small smile but having no idea if she was actually joking or not. "Yeah, we deserve that one" I said to her with a nod of my head as I turned, Steve looking at me with his eyebrows raised as I shrugged my shoulders at him quickly, just about at clueless as him. Rhodey cleared his throat as he crossed his arms over his chest, the awkwardness thick in the air as I turned back to Carol. "Where have you been?" I asked her as she looked over at me, tilting her head to the side as she held a faint smile on her face.

"There's a life of planets out there" she said to me condescendingly as I slowly nodded my head at her, not knowing what else to say as I felt everyone else's eyes on the back of my head, although no one else was saying anything. "Is it the same there?" I asked her as I rocked back and forth on my feet a little bit, as she shrugged her shoulders before letting out a deep breath. "Half the universe means half the universe" she said simply as she turned around to look at the door quickly before turning back to look at me.

"Why did you call me? There's planets out there that don't have their very one vengers"she said quickly as she waved her finger at the 4 of us, furrowing her eyebrows as I nodded my head. "It's Avengers but that's okay" I said to her quickly, waving my hand in front of me as she stared at me, still waiting for me to say something that explained why she was here. "We didn't call you, Fury did before he left"I explained to her as I let out a small sigh, turning back around to face Steve again to try and ask him what to say next.

We didnt move as he kept his eyes on Carol, making me sigh as I turned back to look at her, her eyebrows raised as she stared at me. "We do need some help though" I said to her quickly as she dropped her hands down by her side, reluctantly nodding her head to signify she'd come to our aid.


"We haven't heard from him in 2 weeks now" I said to her as we all stared at the picture of Tony I had pulled up on the hologram in the middle of the large table. We all stood around it, Thor staring at Carol with narrowed eyes, not having said anything since he came here. He was in a hoodie and his hair was way too long for it to be neat at this point, his beard straggly. Steve let out a small side as he used his hand to cover his mouth, Carol nodding his head as she looked at the picture.

"He's probably dead" Carol said with a shrug as we all turned to face her, making her look between all of us as she shrugged her shoulders quickly, clearly not finding anything wrong with her statement. Rhodey clenched his jaw as he turned away, and I caught him rolling his eyes as he set his hands on his hips. "Can you check anyway?" I asked her as she turned to look at me, raising her eyebrows as she blinked a few times.

"Do you know how big the universe is?" she asked me with a patronising smile, tilting her head to the side smoothly. "Not really but he's out there somewhere" I said with a shrug as I turned back to look at the picture of Tony, his sunglasses covering his eyes and his suit crisp as it always was. "I cant make promises" she said to me as I stared at her for a moment, making her let out a sigh as she gave into my stare. "But I will try" she added as I let out a breath of relief, looking over at Steve who also looked very grateful.

"Thank you" I said to her with a nod as Natasha offered to show her out, Steve shaking her hand thankfully. "Good luck with your avenging" she said to us all as I let out a small breath. "We don't have much to avenge right now" I said under my breath quickly as she looked over at Nat, the two women leaving the room and leaving me with the 4 men. I let out a small sigh as I pulled a chair closer to me, collapsing into it as I put my head in my hand lazily, staring down at the floor.

"We waited this long for her?" Rhodey asked as I turned to face him, his finger in the air as he pointed at the door with a sceptical look on his face. "Do you want to go and fight her?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows as we countered each other for a moment before Rhodey let out a sigh. Thor looked over at me quickly, our eyes locking before he left the room quickly, not saying anyone to anything as the door closed shut behind him.


A/N: here's another chapter for you
i'm super excited to get the beginning of endgame written because I loved it in the movie plus it gives me an excuse to rewatch the movie
please don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you all soon

A/N: here's another chapter for you i'm super excited to get the beginning of endgame written because I loved it in the movie plus it gives me an excuse to rewatch the movie please don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you all soon

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