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I walked through the sliding doors of the compound, having just landed the jet and gotten out as fast as I possibly could

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I walked through the sliding doors of the compound, having just landed the jet and gotten out as fast as I possibly could. Natasha sat there, sitting on the bench in the middle of all of the mission room doors, rising to her feet as she heard the doors open. She looked at me, worry glazed over her eyes as I stared back at her for a moment. I shook my head at her as she realised what that meant, letting out a shaky breath as she looked away from me.

She took a few steps back as she fell back onto the bench, sighed as she set her elbows on her knees, putting her head in her hands. I didn't say anything for a moment, staring down at her to find out if she was crying or not. The doors slid closed behind me, locking us in a room of silence as I let out a small breath, closing me eyes gently as I fought the tears from spilling from my eyes. "It was empty" I said to her quietly as she sighed, looking up at me as she shook her head gently.

"Maybe someone came and picked them up?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as she tried to think of all of the possible circumstances that could leave the Barton family alive somewhere. "I've called them both a million times" I said to her with a slight shake of my head, rubbing my lips together as she nodded her head slowly. "Have you tried Clint's mom?" she countered, pointing at me as she stood up quickly pacing back and forth on her spot slightly.

"No reply" I said with a shake of my head, Clint's mom being the first person I called as soon as I found no one in the house. "There's no way that every single one of them is gone" Natasha said under her breath, not particularly to me but instead trying to convince herself that there was a reason they weren't at home. "There was no traces of anything" I said to her as I shook my head again, knowing that she was choosing not to believe this information.

"I think we should go and look again" she said to me frantically, walking around me as the doors opened up with her presence. "There was no one there, Natasha" I said to her, turning to face her as she stopped, looking over at me as she shook her head. "Nate likes hiding in the barn behind the archery set" she said as I nodded my head, knowing that after he had hidden there for countless games of hide and seek. "Did you check the barn?" she asked me as I nodded my head at her, her eyes wide as she stared at me.

"Of course I checked the barn" I said to her quickly, Natasha shaking her head as she looked away from me, letting out a deep breath. "I'm going back, get in the jet" she said to me, her voice slightly raised as she pointed out of the doors. "They weren't there, Natasha" I said to her, clenching my fists down by side as she shook her head at me, her breath picking up a little bit. "You didn't look hard enough" she shouted at me, her loud and sharp voice bouncing off the walls as I shook my head at her. I knew from the moment that I discovered that the Barton's were missing that Natasha wouldn't be able to handle this type of information.

Whatever emotions she had been suppressing for the past week were going to rise to the surface and bask in the light and I was clearly right. "It's hard to miss someone in 7 rooms" I said back to her, trying to keep my voice calm as I knew that she wasn't particularly angry with me. "Get back in the jet, Ally" she shouted once again, staring at me with her nostrils flared in anger as she thrusted her hand towards the jet. "They aren't there" I said to her, letting out a small sigh as I raised my voice a little bit, trying to snap her out of whatever trance she was in.

"You didn't look hard enough" she shouted at me, her voice sharp and stern as if she was shouting at me for doing something wrong. "They're gone Natasha" I shouted back at her, matching my her volume as I snapped, needing to get her back into reality. "Okay?" I asked her, still shouting as she shrunk a little bit under my voice, which was very out of character for her. "They are gone, there's no one in that house, I checked three times" I added, my breathing ragged as she didn't move, staring back at me as she absorbed in my words.

"All 5 of them are gone" I told her, my voice barely being audible as she shook her head at me, her bottom lip trembling with sadness. She let out a shaky sigh as she walked over to me, hugging me as she squeezed me tightly. My arms snaked around her shoulders as I rubbed her on the back gently as she sobbed into my shoulder, the disappearance of the Barton family being Natasha's breaking point.


A/N: hey guys, this part of a little bit short but it was full of information and emotional moments so please don't be angry lol
I always planned that Clint's 'disappearance' would be Natasha's breaking point, especially since they were the closest to family that Natasha ever had
I'm going to try and show you the breaking points of all the avengers as they come to terms with Thanos's snap, and it only seemed fitting to make Natasha's Clint 'death' (I know he's not dead but they think he is)
so please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you all soon with more exciting chapters!

A/N: hey guys, this part of a little bit short but it was full of information and emotional moments so please don't be angry lol I always planned that Clint's 'disappearance' would be Natasha's breaking point, especially since they were the closes...

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