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February 2019

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February 2019

I sat on one of the kitchen stools that I had pulled out, a trash bag ripped open and laid out under my feet as I sat up straight. Nat stood behind me, brushing my hair out as she hummed to herself softly. "Make sure it's straight" I said to Natasha, who let out a sigh as she tugged in my hair a little bit too heavy handedly, making me groan in pain. "You're getting a no star review at the moment" I said to her as she sighed, moving my hair towards my back as she continued to brush all of the knots out of it. "I'm begging you not to make a mess of my hair" I said to her, kind of nervous that I was letting Natasha anywhere near my hair.

"I know how to use a pair of scissors" she told me, making me roll my eyes, having no idea why I was even letting her cut my hair. It was dark out and the snow was still falling this far into the winter, which was probably one of the worst winters we had had for a while not necessarily because of the cold weather but because the snow had blocked roads and bridges all over the city. "Please just take off a few inches" I said to her, knowing that she would probably chop off all my hair if she was given the chance. 

My hair was getting a little too long, reaching my lower back, considering I hadn't been able to get my haircut since before Wakanda. "Like this much?" she asked as she threw the brush down holding her arms around to the front of my face, her hands spaced apart by a foot. "Let's say" I said, taking her hands and pushing them much closer together than what they were. "This much" I corrected her as she let out a disappointed sigh, grabbing the spray bottle of water from the table as she started misting my hair with the water.

The front door opened as I leaned forward, seeing Steve walk into the house, Chinese takeout in his hand as he stomped his boots on the mat, snow falling off. "They were out of sweat and sour pork so I just got two chickens" he called out as I leaned back, Natasha making a clicking noise with her mouth as she debated whether the craft scissors or the kitchen scissors would work better. "That's fine" I said to Steve, who was unlacing his boots at the front door, Natasha picking up both of them. "Which ones?" she asked as she held them up, making me turn towards her as I thought about it for a moment.

"Craft" I said, nodding my head at the red handled scissors as she set the other pair down. Steve walked into the house, stopping in the doorway as he stared at me, the bag by his side as he took in the fact Natasha was preparing to hold a pair of scissors near my head. "What are you guys doing?" he asked as she tilted his head to the side, Nat smiling menacingly as she snipped the scissors a few times. "I'm cutting her hair" she replied simply with a smile, Steve looking back down at me quickly with a skeptic all look on his face.

"I was gone for 10 minutes" he said as he raised an eyebrow, making my shrug my shoulder at him as I crossed one leg over the other. "Which is enough time to set down a trash bag and sharpen a pair of scissors" I told Steve as he thought about it for a moment, Natasha staring at him as she flipped the scissors around her fingers swiftly. "You're letting her cut your hair?" Steve asked as I nodded my head slowly, a small smile on my face at how confused he looked. "Why not" I replied simply, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Why? Do you care?" I asked him as he shook his head, letting out a deep breath as he moved into the room towards the kitchen. "Do what you want, it's your hair" he said to me as Natasha turned to look at him, pointing the scissors over my head towards him as he set the bag of takeout on the counter, pulling things from it. "Can I give you a haircut?" Nat asked him as he looked up, staring at her for a moment before shaking his head. "No" Steve replied as Natasha let out a small sigh, turning back towards me with a smile on her face as I turned back around.

"I can't believe in letting your near my head with a pair of blades" I said as I shook my head, Natasha taking my hair in her hand as she ran her fingers through it. "You trust me" Natasha said as I clasped my hands in my lap, diffing my nails into my palm. "I don't know about that" I replied, looking over at Steve who was opening up all the food boxes. "Steve, I kinda trust you" i said to him, making him look up at me with his eyebrows raised as I nodded my head to make him come over. "Stand behind me and make sure she doesn't cut at a diagonal angle" I said to him as he sighed, making his way over as he stood next to Natasha, his arms crossed as I nodded my head.

"Okay, I'm ready" I said to Nat who let out a small laugh as she took my hair in her hand, hovering the scissors over it. "Right, I'm about to start" Natasha said, immediately snipped off a chunk of my hair with a click as I heard it fall down onto the ground. "Oh, I'm regretting this" I said under my breath as all three of us fell silent, Natasha cutting off another piece as I let out a shaky breath. "Oh my god" Steve shouted loudly as I basically jumped out of my skin, turning around with wide eyes as swatting Natasha's hand away from my head.

"What?" I shouted as I got up as quickly as possible, running over to the mirror on the wall as I grabbed my hair, trying to see what she had done. "Natalia Romanova, I swear to god I will break your nose" I shouted as Steve started laughing, making me turn to look at him, my eyebrows raised. "I'm kidding" he said, putting his hands up in defence as I let out a sigh, narrowing my eyes at him as I turned back to the mirror. I looked at the part Natasha had cut, which admittedly only been a tiny bit from the back of my head.

"I retract my statement about trusting you" I said as I turned back to Steve, who was cracking up as Natasha smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "It was a joke" Steve said to me as I let out a deep breath, an angry look on my face as I stared at the blonde. "I can break your nose if you want" I snapped at him as he stopped laughing, hearing how serious I was as he pointing over his shoulder towards the kitchen. "I'll be over there" Steve said to me as he slowly backed away, moving into the kitchen as he cleared his throat.

I looked back at Natasha, who had a small smile on her face as motioned back down to the chair. "Let me finish" she said as she tapped the chair with her hand gently, making me sigh as I walked back over. "It'll be fine" she said, putting her hand on my shoulder as she pushed be back onto the stool, forcing me down as she held the scissors in her hand once again. "I hate this" I said as she continued cutting my hair, which I'm hoping would at least look kind of acceptable.


A/N: hello, sorry it's been a little while since i've updated but here you go I hope you don't mind
idk why but i've always had the idea that Natasha and Ally would have the cut each other's hair kind of friendship so this is what came out of that
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you again very soon

A/N: hello, sorry it's been a little while since i've updated but here you go I hope you don't mind idk why but i've always had the idea that Natasha and Ally would have the cut each other's hair kind of friendship so this is what came out of that...

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