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I lay in bed, curled up on my side with Steve's arm wrapped safely around my waist, his breathing going to the same rhythm with mines as I stared at the darkness ahead of me

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I lay in bed, curled up on my side with Steve's arm wrapped safely around my waist, his breathing going to the same rhythm with mines as I stared at the darkness ahead of me. I could tell that Steve wasn't asleep either, but neither of us spoke to each other, staying in the dark silence which brought an odd comfort. I cleared my throat lightly, pushing some of my hair out of my eyes as I rubbed my lips together smoothly.

"It's survivors guilt right?" I asked quietly, the room falling silent as soon as I closed my mouth once again. "What?" Steve's voice asked as I let out a small breath, feeling his grip on me loosen as I flipped over quickly facing him. I could see the outlined of his head, no light in the room except from the red light that surrounded the clock underneath the TV on the wall.

"You know like in the war" I said to him as he pulled me closer to him swiftly, both of us lying on the one pillow. "Your friends die but you've survived" I added, knowing that he definitely knew what that felt like, much like the rest of us. "When the two of you fell" he started slowly as I felt his warm breath on my cheek. "I didn't think I would be able to keep going" he added quietly, making me let out a small breath from my nose, knowing that this wasn't what either of us wanted to talk about.

"What happened today?" I asked him, trying my hardest to change the subject, but having exactly nothing to change it to. "We don't need to talk about it" Steve sighed to me as I moved one arm underneath my head, my elbow hitting his forehead accidentally. "I want to, it's alright" I breathed out as I could basically hear Steve's apprehension in the air. "We located Fury's car, but there's no signs of him or Hill anywhere" he told me reluctantly, making my close me eyes, knowing that as much as I didn't want to hear this information, it was good if I did.

"My god" I sighed, Steve's hand moving in small circles on my back, which was his go to way to calm me down, and it normally worked. "We found a pager or whatever" Steve added as I furrowed my eyebrows, opening my mouth slowly, unsure of I had heard him incorrectly. "What?" I asked him, needing to hear it again as I moved my arm away from me head, Steve's hand stopping and resting still on my back. "There was a pager outside of the car, it's emitting a signal but we have no idea as to who" he said as I pushed his arm off of my waist, sitting up quickly as I ran my hands through my hair.

"A pager? Like in the 90s?" I asked him as he leaned over to his nightstand, turning the light on as I looked back at him, his brow knitted together as he lifted one arm behind his head. "I think so" he said, nodding his head as he set his other hand onto his stomach, still looking at me rather confused. "What's on the screen?" I asked him as he shrugged his shoulders quickly, my hand pushing the strap of my tank top back onto my shoulder.

"Some kind of star" he told me as I let out a breath, my eyes wide as I turned back around, shaking my head slowly. "Oh my god" I said as I pushing the sheets off of my legs, doing my best to climb out of the large bed, with was proving to be difficult. "What?" Steve asked as I sat up, looking at me as he pulled the sheets way from his legs as well, but not getting out of bed quite yet. "What lab is it in?" I asked him as I turned to look at him, as I raised my eyebrows.

"Alpha" he said to me simply, making me nod my head as I reached down to the nightstand, grabbing a hair band as I threw my hair up quickly. "I need to see it" I said as I ran over to the dresser, pulling open a drawer as I pulled out a pair of white thick socks. "It's 2am" Steve said to me as I pulled the socks onto my feet, trying my hardest not to fall over as I nodded m uh dad at him, shrugging my shoulders quickly. "Yeah. but I need to see it" I told him as I walked over to the door, pulling it open and leaving the room into the dark hall.

"Well, hold on" I heard him say as he followed out of the room after me, making sure to close to the door as I ran down the hall pushing open the door that separated out quarters from the rest of the compound. I walked through the cold hallways, the air quite cool which I didn't account for in just a tank top and a pair of pyjama bottoms, but I had to see if what Steve had described to me was what I thought it was.

I had only ever seen the thing once, Fury having had it on his desk when he was just a level 5 agent at the LA compound. But when I had asked what it was he was quick to swipe it away, and after staring at him for a minute intimidatingly and asking one question he had told me all about it. At the time it didn't mean much to me, but now that it had made it's appearance many years later, I knew that I wanted to see it.

I put my hand on the scanner as the door to the lab opened quickly, making me practically rip it off of the hinges as Steve followed in behind me. The lab still had every single light on, my eyes looking at the large table in the middle that had a rotating globe on it, small dots showing where all the disappearances had been. Natasha sat slouched in a chair at the table, still in her jacket and jeans as she turned to look at Steve and I, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why are you still awake?" she asked me as she span in her chair to look at me as I stopped, looking back at her. "Why are you still awake?" I asked her making her stare at me as she nodded head slowly, leaning back in her chair. "You got me there" she said jokingly as I looked over at Steve, who nodded his head past me as I turned around. The small pager sat in a plinth, covering in a small glass box, walking sober to it and staring at it.

"Has she officially lost it?" Natasha whispered to Steve, standing up from her chair as he shrugged his shoulders at her in reply. I stared at the pager, the pixels in the screen showing half of it in red and the other half in blue, a small gold star sitting on the border of the two colours. It looked the same as it did the day I saw it on the desk in the SHIELD compound, and I instantly knew exactly what it was trying to contact. I turned back around, looking at Steve and Natasha who were strong at me quizzically.

"I know what this is"


A/N: I thought that it would only be fitting for Ally to know exactly what Fury's pager would do and who it was calling, as she knew about Captain Marvel back in the 90s so I decided to write it in a little bit
please vote and comment and i will see you soon and by soon I mean as soon as you scroll down!

A/N: I thought that it would only be fitting for Ally to know exactly what Fury's pager would do and who it was calling, as she knew about Captain Marvel back in the 90s so I decided to write it in a little bit please vote and comment and i will s...

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