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I sat in one of the chairs in the ship that Tony and Nebula had arrived back to earth in

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I sat in one of the chairs in the ship that Tony and Nebula had arrived back to earth in. We were cruising in the deep dark atmosphere that surrounded the earth, which was underneath us, visible in the large front window as I watched the clouds slowly floating around the planet. It was a mesmerising sight, and considering 70 years ago I had barely even used a computer, the thought of going to space was a hard concept to grab onto.

I sat squished in between Thor and Rhodey in the back of the jet, struggling to breath as I pushed Thor a little bit, trying to gain more breathing room. "Why did I get put in between the two of you?" I asked under my breath as Thor looked over to me, moving over a little bit as he looked down at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Lets put the god next to me, great idea" I muttered as I moved my shoulders, rolling my eyes as I put my shoulder in front of Thor's, which he didn't seem to mind, staring blankly in front of him.

Natasha and Steve sat in front of the three of us, Carol and Nebula in front of them and Rocket sitting in the pilots seat of the jet, flicking switched around him and swiping on a screen. "Okay, so who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked as he turned around, poking his head out from behind his seat. I slowly raised my hand, Rhodey letting out a sigh as he raised his as well, an expression on his face which was annoyed at Rocket for asking such an obvious question.

I watched as both Nat and Steve slowly raised their hands into the air, Rocket grinning a devilous smile as he nodded his head slowly. "Why?" Rhodey asked as he moved, pushing me up against Thor as I let out a heavy sigh, elbowing him in the side as he swore before moving. Steve turned, looking at me as he raised his eyebrows, making me roll my eyes at him as he smirked before turning back around.

"You better not throw up on my ship" Rocket said as he turned back around, rubbing his small hands together as he turned and nodded his head at Nebula, who also held a set of controls to the ship. The ship suddenly jumped forward as we zoomed through the air, the force knocking me back into the back of my chair as I took in a deep breath. I fumbled around with my hand as I grabbed onto Thor's forearm, squeezing it tightly as he didn't object, letting me use him to hold onto.

The scene around us turned into a spectrum of warm and cold colors, the ship moving through the air so fast that I'm assuming the bolts of light that where surrounding us were small snapshots of stars as we moved past them. "Approaching jump in 3,2,1" Nebula called out as all of the sudden the ship took a massive jump, making it feel as if we had just jumped off of a bridge on a bungee cord, snapping back up as your stomach twisted. I held onto Thor's arm so tightly that my fingers drained of all of their color, my head being glued back into my chair. My eyes widened as the sight in front of me was memorising, the colors swirling together and mingling so well that this almost felt like a dream, or an out of body of experience. 

All of the sudden the force disappeared as I almost fell forward, a brand new planet sitting in front of us, a swirl of reds and oranges so pale they were almost white, the ship feeling tiny compared to the sheer size of it. It was a mirror image of the one we had seen back at the compound, but this one was very much not a hologram, except the very planet that Thanos was resting on The ship turned off as we floated on the spot, Rocket turning around to Carol as he nodded his head at her, causing her to unbuckle her belt as she stood up, turning back to the rest of us.

I could tell on her face that she was slightly amused at all of our expressions, particularly the ones who had never set a foot out of the earths atmosphere before, my breathing heavy as I sat as still as possible. "I'll head down for recon" she said as she nodded her head at Steve, who looked just as enthralled as the new planet that was sitting in front of our eyes, before walking back to the back of the ship quickly.

Thor cleared his throat wuickly as I snapped back into reality, looking down at my hand which was still gripping onto his arm, quickly releasing him as I pulled my hand back into me. "Sorry" I said to him under my breath, my palm sweaty as I wiped it on my pants quickly, Thor shifting in his seat as I let out an exasperated breath.


A/N: i'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days but here you go I hope this makes up for it
I don't really have much to say right now but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do not forget to vote and comment!

A/N: i'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days but here you go I hope this makes up for it I don't really have much to say right now but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do not forget to vote and comment!

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