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We all stood in silence, my leg bouncing up and down gently as I leaned one arm on the table, cracking my knuckles quickly

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We all stood in silence, my leg bouncing up and down gently as I leaned one arm on the table, cracking my knuckles quickly. Steve stood behind my chair, both of his hands on it as he leaned forward slightly, moving his fingers as they grazed along my back gently. Rhodey and Bruce has hauled Tony into the medical wing, Pepper having sped down from the city as soon as she had hung up from my call. The door opened as we all turned towards it, Rhodey walked through as he rung his hands out in front of him.

"Bruce gave him a sedative, he'll probably be out for the rest of the day" Rhodey as he sighed, the door closing behind him as we stared at him. "You guys take care of him and I'll bring him back a Xorrian Elixir when I come back" Carol said as she gave us a confident smile, turning on her heel and hopping up the steps that were behind her, which didn't actually lead anywhere except from the other lab that joined onto this one. "Where are you going?" Natasha asked her as she turned back around, shrugging her shoulders quickly.

"To kill Thanos" she said simply as he turned around and kept walking. I turned to look at Steve, who looked back at me before we both turned towards Carol, who walked into the upper part of the lab. I got up straight away, running after her as Rhodey, Steve and Nat followed as well. "Hey, we usually work as a team around here, and between you and I morales a little fragile right now" I said to her as she stopped, turning to look at us as I stood at the top of the stairs, Steve behind me as Carol stared at me blankly.

"We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too" Steve said to her as she let out a small sigh, setting her hands on her hips as she looked around the door quickly, looking for a door to get out from. "You even know where he is?" Rhodey asked her as he leaned against the table, crossing his arms as Carol shrugged her shoulders quickly. "I know people who might" she replied simply as we heard the door open again, all of us turning to look at it as Rocket walked in slowly, the blue robotic figure following along after him cautiously. "I can tell you where Thanos is" she said in a deep defeated voice, Steve looking back at me quickly as I took in sharp silent breath.


We all stood around the large table once again, my arms crossed as Natasha sat in a chair in front of me, Thor still cast of alone in the corner with a can of beer in his hand, ignoring the fact it was 9am. I had discovered that Tony's shipmate was called Nebula, and apparently Rocket and her were on the same team back out in space. She had also informed to us that she was Thanos's daughter, which made us quite uneasy, especially Rhodey but Rocket shot a snarky remark at him that shut him up straight away.

"Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me and when he worked, he talked about his great plan" Nebula told us, all of our eyes trained on her as she stared ahead of her. My eyes drifted down to her hands, multiple of her fingers made completely out of metal, as well as different parts of her body. "Even disassembled, I wanted to please him so I'd ask where would we go once his plan was complete" she added, setting one fist down on the table as I bit the inside of my cheek softly.

"His answer was always the same, he's got to the Garden" she finished as Rhodey let out a scoff, rolling his eyes quickly. "That's cute, Thanos has a retirement plan" he said as Steve let out a small cough, which he often did to catch everyone's attention, everyone turning to look at him. "So, where is he?" Steve asked her as Rocket swipes his small furry hand on the screen on the table, a hologram of the universe popping up.

"When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions" he said, his voice scratchy as he swiped along on the screen, zooming in on the universe of planets. "No one's ever seen anything like it, up until two days ago" he said as the hologram focused in on one planet, a shockwave visibly traversing on the surface. "He used the stone again" I said as Bruce took his glasses off of his face, pointing at the planet.

"Hey, hey, we'd be going in short handed" he said as he looked at everyone with a concerned look on his face, even though he was right. "Look, he's still got the stones, so" Rhodey started, not being able to finish as Carol cut him off before the end of his sentence. "So let's get him and then use them to bring everyone back" she said, a determined look on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest, staring at the projection of the planet.

"Just like that?" Rhodey countered, his tone sceptical as he stared at Carol with a clenched jaw, still not liking Carols direct approach to everything. "Yeah, just like that" Steve said assuringky as he looked over at Carol, both of them sharing a knowing look. "Even if there's a small chance we can undo this" I started, pushing my hands into the back pockets of my jeans as I swayed backwards on my feet slightly. "We owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try" Nat finished for me, her voice breaking slightly as he gripped the chair in front of her.

I looked over at Nat, nodding my head to her quickly as she tore her eyes away. "If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end differently than it did before?" Bruce asked as he crossed his arms, folding his glasses in his shaking hands. "Because before, you didn't have me" Carol said, squaring off her shoulders as she looked over at him, a hint of a smile on her face. "Hey, new girl, everyone here is about that superhero life" he said to her as he held his hand out in front of him, his eyebrows raised and a hard look on his face.

"And if you don't mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?" he asked her as she stared back at him for a moment, and I was unsure if she had picked up on how angry he actually was. "There are a lot of other planets in the universe, and unfortunately, they didn't have you guys" she replied simply as Rhodey opened his mouth to reply to her, but a stirring from the corner interrupting him.

Thor stood up, setting his empty can down on the table as we all turned to look at him. He didn't say a single word as he walked over to stand in front of Carol slowly, who turned to him and didn't shrink under his large shadow. They both stared at eachother for a beat before Thor lifted up his arm by the side of Carol's face, and we all knew what he was testing her on.

Stormbreaker flew through the air, wiping past the side of Carols face as Thor caught it in his hand easily. Carol didn't flinch at the movement, the side of her hair flicking slightly as he remained her eye contact with Thor, not scared of the godly weapon that had been inches from her head. She tilted her head to the side, a smile on her face as Thor pushed the handle of his axe into the ground, leaning on top of the blade. "I like this one" he said with a smile, turning towards us all as we all turned back to look at the project of the planet.

My eyes were fixated on Steve, who's jaw was clenched as he leaned forwardx asda onto the table, clenching his fists as he narrowed his eyes. "Let's get this son of a bitch" he said under his breath as I let out a small breath, realising that this was finally the second chance we had been waiting for.


A/N: it's all about to go down!!
honestly i'm super sad that I don't get to write about Thor for quite a while, I love writing his character and even though he didn't have much banter with Ally, when he did it was super fun to write
But we will be seeing Thanos again so prepare for that chapter
please do not forget to vote, comment and follow and I will see you again soon

A/N: it's all about to go down!! honestly i'm super sad that I don't get to write about Thor for quite a while, I love writing his character and even though he didn't have much banter with Ally, when he did it was super fun to write But we will be...

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