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"Oh my god" I whispered as I moved into the room slowly, Tony scooping up the resting baby in his arms as she fussed about

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"Oh my god" I whispered as I moved into the room slowly, Tony scooping up the resting baby in his arms as she fussed about. "Shh" Tony soothes as Pepper stirred, rolling over in the bed towards the co-sleeper, opening one eye to see Tony standing there. "Ally is here" Tony told her as he nodded his head over at me, Pepper turning to look with her eyes screwed, barely opening them as a smile spread onto her face. "Hi" I said with a wide smile as I moved into the room, the floors creaking under my feet.

"Hey, I'm glad you came" she said to me as she raked a hand through her birds nest of hair while sitting up, lifting her arms as I walked over to the side of the massive bed. I bent down as I gave her a tight hug, Pepper letting out a deep breath as she rubbed her hand up and down my back. "I'm guessing that you personally grew this baby" I said to her as I pulled away, standing by Tony as I looked down at the baby. She had a full head of dark hair already, her small eyes closed and one of her tiny hands resting up by her ear as Tony held her in her hands, swaying back and forth ever so slightly to keep her asleep.

"Took me a whole 9 months" Pepper said with a proud smile as I let out a small laugh, holding my hand out as I rubbed my finger on the back of the baby's soft hand gently. "They weren't a good 9 months" Tony replied quietly, raising his eyebrows as Pepper rolled her eyes at his remark, Rhodey standing at the bottom of the bed with his arms crossed over his chest. I pouted my bottom lip as I looked at her, the room silent as Pepper raised her eyebrows at Tony quickly, who mouthed something back to her.

"What's her name?" I asked as I looked over at Pepper, who had a smile resting on her face as she watched her daughter. "Morgan" she told me as I raised my eyebrows, letting out a small breath as I stared back at Morgan. "That's cute" I said as I held her hand in my fingers, trying ultra hard to not wake her up because I knew it was probably hard to get her back to sleep. "Pepper's annoying uncle" Tony told me as Pepper scoffed quickly, Pepper shaking her head disapprovingly. "He's my favourite uncle" Pepper said to Tony, who just squinted his eyes and nodded his head, clearly not liking her uncle that much, which was surprising considering he named his daughter after her.

"I would have brought a present if I knew" I said as I looked down at Pepper, who just shook her hand at me dismissively. "We take cheques" Tony remarked quickly as Pepper shot him a look, which shut him up pretty quickly. "You can hold her" Pepper said as she pointed her finger at her daughter, my face lighting up as I nodded my head. "Yes please" I said as Tony bent down, supporting Morgan's head with his hand as he transferred her over into mines, head head resting in my palm as my arms held her tightly close to me. A small smile rested on my face as I looked down at her rosy cheeks and plump lips, my heart beating this aching feeling as I let out a small sigh.

"She's precious" I whispered as I lifted my hand, using the back of my finger to trail down her somber face, sending delicate shivers down my shine. "You can spend a night with her then" Tony said with a sigh as he shoved his hands into his pockets, shaking his head as Pepper smiled up at him amusingly. "I might have to" I said with a smirk, totally enthralled with Morgan and her tiny features and delicate skin. I had always liked babies, which was far he considering I had been raised to neglect every maternal bone in my body, but being so close to Clint's kids really made me realise how much i loved kids. "How old is she then?" I asked in the silence, looking at Pepper who let out a small sigh, pushing a stand of her hair behind her ear lazily.

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