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I walked down the streets of Harlem, the streets were earring quiet and deserted, just like ever other street in New York

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I walked down the streets of Harlem, the streets were earring quiet and deserted, just like ever other street in New York. I had learned that each patrol was set with 5 people, but everytime you found a child at least one meme her had to accompany them back to the station as soon as they were found. There was only 3 of us left on the patrol now, having found two kids who were hiding out in their family apartment, a set of 11 year old twins who had been getting by just fine with the food that was left on their apartment.

"Check this one" Cara, a 24 year old lawyer from Manhattan, said as she pointed at a door building that was coming up. It lead to an apartment building that was built above a small bodega, and I could see from here that one of the apartment windows was open. "Sure" Daniel replied, who was leading the pair of us down the streets, he was pushing out of his twenties, and he had told me that he had a small daughter of his own that was looked after at the shelter while he was on his patrol duty.

One thing that had become evident is that we had somehow bonded really quickly while walking the streets of Harlem. We had tried desperately to dot around the conversation and questions which came along The Decimation, but I could tell they had all sorts of questions to ask me. Daniel went forward to try and open the door that sat in between two shop fronts, the handle moving but the door not budging a tiny bit. He looked back at me as I stared back at him for a moment, waiting for him to talk.

"Oh, right" I said to him, nodding my head as I realised that he wanted me to break the door open. I walked over to him, making him take a step back as I put my hand on the handle, leaning my shoulder against the door. I held the handle still as I harshly barged into the door, which made it push open in one firm push, and I was hoping for the sake of the normal residents left in this building that the lock still worked for them.

I walked into the building not saying anything as I started climbing up the stairs, a few trash bags sitting at the front door which we had to climb over to get to the staircase. "I'm going to check out the apartment with the window open" I said to both Cara and Daniel as they nodded their heads, my feet climbing two at a time, passing the first few doors that sat on the first landing as I moved to the 3rd floor. The stairs creaked under my feet, the sound of a radio faint behind one of the doors.

I stopped on the spot angling my head towards one of the doors to head music coming from it. I walked over to it, lifting up my knuckles as I knocked on the door, taking a step back as I waited. The door got pulled open by a middle aged women, who looked quite hopeful that someone had knocked on her door, as if she was hoping it was a missing relative. "Can I help?" she snapped at me, disappointed that I wasn't who she was hoping for. "Sorry, I'm just looking for abandoned kids" I said to her, clearing my throat as she stared back at me blankly.

"I'm neither abandoned or a kid" she said as I nodded my head at her, trying to push out a smile, which she definitely was not going to reply with. "I can see that, have a nice day" I said to her as I lifted my hand into a wave, turning around and making my way back up the stairs. "You might want to check 303" she said quickly as I stopped looking back at her, her finger pointed above her. "They had a kid and I haven't heard of them in a while" she told me, presumably referring to her upstairs neighbours.

I nodded my head at her, looking back up the stairs to notice that it was the apartment that had the open window. "Okay, thank you" I said to her as she closed her door, leaving me climbing up the flight of stairs as I saw the door that had the gold numbers 303 above the peep hole. I walked over to the door, raping my knuckles over it as I waited for a moment, hoping that no one would be on the other side of the door. It got pulled open slowly, barely a crack as I looked down, seeing a young boy standing there cautiously.

"Hi" I said to the boy who had pulled open the door, his head poking out of the small crack he had opened it up to. "Hello" he said quietly as I looked into the apartment, and I could see the TV that I was hearing before. "Is your mom or dad home?" I asked him as I looked back down at him, his eyes shifting around the landing quickly as he shook his head. "No" he said as I nodded my head, bending down so that I was more at his height, hoping I wouldn't seem as daunting to him. "Are you by yourself in there?" I asked him, nodding my head into the apartment as he stared back at me, his eyes extremely wary of me.

"Yeah" he told me as I smiled at him, pushing my hair behind my ear as is eyes looked around the landing quickly. "How old are you?" I asked him as he looked back at him, her ears crushed up against the door and the door frame. "10" he told me as I nodded my head back at him, lifting my hand and waving it lightly. "My names Ally" I said to him as he slowly nodded his head at me, narrowing his eyes. "I know who you are" he said to me as I noticed that he had opens the door a bit wider, showing that he wasn't as alert of me anymore. "I've seen you on the news" he told me as I smiled at him.

"I'm looking for kids who's moms and dads disappeared" I told him, realising that i hadn't exactly told him why I was here yet. "What's your name?" I asked him, as he stood in the door frame, fidgeting with his hands in front of him. "Will" he replied as I smiled at him, my eyes sweeping around the apartment quickly. "Do you have any brothers or sisters, Will?" I said as he shook his head at me, scratching his nose awkwardly. "No, it's just me" he told me as I nodded my head, trying to think of the best thing to say without scaring him.

"You know Captain America right?" he asked me in the moment of silence, making me raise my eyebrows at him. "Yeah, I do" I told him as his eyes widened a little bit at me. "Is he cool?" he said as I let out a small breath, scrunching my nose and tilting my head to the side. "He's alright" I replied as Will hung onto every word I said now that he knew I was friends with Steve. "You want to know what I'm doing today?" I said as he nodded his head to me in reply, making me lean down on my knee. "I'm finding children to bring to a special shelter to make sure they are safe" I told him as he stared back at me, a small smile resting on my lips.

"Do you want to come? I can take you there" I told him as he looked back at me blankly for a moment, as if he was debating it. "Will I meet Captain America?" he asked me as I let out a small laugh, nodding my head as I set my hands on my leg. "I can arrange that" I said to him as he smiled back at me, moving back into the apartment as he disappeared from my view. "Okay, I'll put my shoes on" he shouted as I stood up, my knees cracking as I waited for him to pack a few of his things into a backpack to take with him.


A/N: hello hello hello here is the patrol chapter I promised for you
I don't really have much to say so please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you all again soon

A/N: hello hello hello here is the patrol chapter I promised for you I don't really have much to say so please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you all again soon

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