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January 2023

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January 2023

I jogged down the street through the cold winter air as I swung my arms at each side of me, my earphones pushed in my ear as they blared music. The quiet streets seemed to drive me crazy after a while, these streets of Brooklyn not particularly having anyone driving. As a result I ran in the middle of the street, my sneakers hitting the concrete and my breath visible in the air and my nose running as I sniffled, my cheeks pink with color.

I ran a lot slower than normal, my legs moving at quite a norma pace as I looked behind me, seeing more cars as I turned the corner. I made my way down onto the street where our house lay, making my way onto the sidewalk as I let out a sigh, slowing down. My hands rested on my hips as I exhaled a few times, making my way up the stairs as I pulled the keys out of my pocket. The ice had formed on the iron railing that ran up the steep stairs, the black paint cracking slightly under it from not being touched up in so long.

I pushed the key into the lock, pulling it back out as opened it slowly, closing it with my foot. I threw keys in the bowl which sat on top of the dresser which was pushed up against the wall, pulling my headphones out as I held them in my hand. "I'm home" I shouted as I made my way into the living room, which was connected to the kitchen, pulling my phone from the pocket on the side of my leggings as I set it on the table in front of the couch. I let out an exhale into the warmth of the living room as I pulled the headband off of my head, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand.

I looked down, seeing Charlie lurking his way between the bar stools as he halted, looking over at me. "Hi" I said softly as he walked over to me, causing me to bend down as I ran my fingers over his head, making sure to scratch behind his ears before walking away. I made my way into the kitchen, Charlie following along at my heels as I pulled open the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. I twisted it open, taking a few large gulps as Charlie worked on the food that was sitting in his bowl by the wall.

"Steve?" I shouted one more time as I heard the stairs creaking, Steve walking into the living room with a smile on his face, supporting a grey hoodie and jeans as he walked over to me. "How was your run?" he asked me with a small smile, I shrugged my shoulders in reply, chugging more before putting the bottle down on the counter. "Cold and quiet" I replied as I unzipped the jacket I was wearing, pulling my arms from it, the warm air smoothing over my cold arms. "Just like it normally is then" Steve replied, as he walked over to me, my jacket resting on the counter as I nodded my head at him.

"You should have come" I said to him as I picked up my water bottle, taking a sip as Steve stood behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder as his arms snaked their way around my waist, holding me close to him. "I would have been running laps around you" he replied quietly as I let out a chuckle, nodding my head slowly as I took another drink, finishing what was left in the bottle. "I remember a time you couldn't even keep up with me" I said as he laughed, shaking his head as he squeezed me in his arms slightly. "I don't need a daily reminder" he said as he planted a kiss on my cheek, my hand falling on top of his as I raised the other one in the air.

"You used to be this tall" I said with a small laugh as Steve chuckled as well, setting his hands on the side of my hips as he spun me around to look at him. "Oh how you've grown" I added, his face lowering to mines as he kissed me, my hands running up his shoulders and one finding its place on the back of his neck, pushing him into the kiss. One of his hands rested on the small of my back, his touch spreading a warmth through my body which was still cold from my run.

There was a light scratch at my ankles, making me pull away from Steve as I looked down at my feet, Charlie weaving his way in between our legs. "Charlie wants a kiss too" I said as I bent down, holding him under his stomach as he rested in my arms, my hand stroking his back gently. Steve laughed as he scratched the finger cat behind the ears, the cat melting into my arms as he nestled into them. "You get a kiss as well, Charlie" I said as I kissed in between his ears as his paw hung from my arm lazily. Sometimes I think we spoil the cat way too much.

Steve laughed as I held Charlie out to him, the blonde taking the cat from my arms as he held him gently. "You take Charlie, and I'll hop in the shower" I said to Steve as I scratched Charlie behind the ears once again for good measure. "We could come with you" Steve said cautiously as I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as I looked over at the clock quickly. "Good offer but it's time for Charlie's dinner" I said with a smile before turning on my heel, making my way from the living room and towards the stairs on route to the shower.


A/N: a little Stally fluff for you all, after being so deprived for a few chapters lmao
there isn't many chapters left in this book, there's only 5, how is that possible I feel as if i've just started it!

A/N: a little Stally fluff for you all, after being so deprived for a few chapters lmao there isn't many chapters left in this book, there's only 5, how is that possible I feel as if i've just started it! OKAY SO I KNOW YOU ARE SICK OF MY SELF PRO...

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