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July 2022

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July 2022

"That's burning" I said to Natasha, looking up from the potato I was chopping as I nodded my head at the pan of onions in her hand. Steve, Natasha, Rhodey and I were crowded into the kitchen of Avengers HQ living quarters, everyone doing something different. "Shut up, no it isn't" Natasha replied as I looked over at Steve who stood at the sink, peeling some carrots as he craned his neck to look into the pot. He looked back over at me, moving his head from side to side and scrunching up his nose, letting me know that the onions definitely were burning.

"We don't have any brown rice" Rhodey said, raking through the pantry as he shook his head, pulling out a bag of white rice as he placed it on the counter. "You ate it all last week" Natasha retorted, working the spatula through the onions which she had no thankfully taken away from the heat. "I put it on the list" he replied with a shrug, moving through the kitchen as his leg braces moved for him, making a sound that wasn't too different to how his suit used to sound.

"White rice is fine" I said with a nod of by head as Rhodey walked to the oven, looking into it to see the chicken that was roasting very slowly. "Is this thing even on?" Rhodey asked as he pointed at it, Natasha letting out a sigh as she left the onions on the stove, walking to look at the oven. "Yes, it is" Natasha said with a roll of her eyes as I smirked at her annoyance, knowing that she'd rather be anywhere else but in a kitchen full of people. "It doesn't look like it's cooking" Rhodey countered as Natasha snapped her neck to look over at him, an expression on her face like she wanted to electrocute him.

"Maybe stop staring at it then" she sneered at him, turning away as she went back to the stove, Rhodey nodding his head as he walked away from the cooking bird. "This is a really tense dinner party" Steve said as he looked over at Natasha with a playful grin on his face, being met with a hard stare which wiped the smile away immediately. "Why are you so annoyed?" I asked Nat as I moved the chopped pieces of potato into the bowl that was slowly filling up. "Because you're all so annoying" she replied quickly as she rolled her eyes, simply shaking her head at my question.

"Have you never heard the phrase 'too many cooks in the kitchen?'" she asked as Rhodey nodded his head at her question, a small smirk dancing on my lips. "I think this was the exact scenario they had in mind when it was made up" Natasha finished with a hard look on her face as my smile grew, finding her annoyance quite funny. Steve turned to look at me, raising his eyebrows as I suppressed my smile, not wanting Nat to see and get even more angry. "Do you want to chop these?" I asked Natasha, pointing the knife down at the potatoes as she nodded her head, taking the knife from my hand as I moved out the way.

I grabbed the towel from the kitchen island, wringing my hands through it as I sat down on a bar stool, letting out a sigh. "How was Brussels?" I asked Rhodey, who looking over at me, shrugging his shoulders in reply. "Wasn't much time for sight seeing" he replied as Steve looked over at Rhodey with his eyebrows scrunched together, placing the last carrot he peeled into the bowl. "You were in Brussels?" Steve asked him as Rhodey nodded his head, exhaling as he rubbed his hand over his face in exasperation.

"NATO meeting" Rhodey explained as Steve nodded his head, Natasha keeping his eyes down as her knife quickly sliced through the potatoes. "Anything interesting?" I asked, placing my folded arms on the granite as I leaned into them, my eyebrows raising on my forehead slightly. "A whole lot of arguing" Rhodey said with a shake of his head, clearly not having the best time at the meeting. "Just like in this kitchen" Natasha remarked under her breath, the three of us turning to look at her as she kept her eyes down, a smug look on her face as she sliced up a potato.

There was a few beats of silence as Natasha stop bringing her knife down, looking up at us with her eyebrows raised. "What?" she asked innocently, as I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as her as silence fell through the kitchen again. Everyone returned back to their respective jobs, working away in silence to avoid anymore hostility between us.


A/N: I had no idea what's I write for this chapter so it's kind of a dull filler but I like the thought of them all cooking together and acting like normal friends
In other news I started book 8 today!! it's going to be a wild ride and honestly I still have absolutely no idea how it's going to end (PLEASE MESSGE ME YOUR IDEAS LMAO). When I first started these books I had no idea i'd get this far so I never thought ahead lol
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

 When I first started these books I had no idea i'd get this far so I never thought ahead lol please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

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