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March 2022

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March 2022

Steve and I sat on the floor, the coffee table pushed to the side of the room and the rug sitting under us and out glasses of red wine. There was an empty pizza box between us, a few stray crusts and pepperonis sitting in the box that have been discarded. I leaned against the couch, Steve lying down and leaning on one of his elbows, looking over at me with a small smirk. There was a moment of silence between us, my hand wrapping around my wine glass as I took a drink from it slowly, looking over at Steve with my eyebrows creased.

"Stop staring at me" I said to him, reaching out with my hand as I pushed his head away from me, making Steve laugh as he shook his head. "I wasn't staring at you" Steve said as he leaned on the ground with both of his arms, tilting his head at me again with his eyebrows raised. "You were it was creepy" I told him with a smirk on my face, picking il the wine bottle as I filled up my glass a little, setting it back onto the I'd of the pizza box that was balancing Steve's half filled glass.

"I have a surprise for you" Steve said as he sat up with a small groan, making me raise his eyebrows at him as I swirled my wine around the glass. "I do like surprises" I said as I took a swig of my drink, Steve letting out a small chuckle before he scooted over to the side of the couch, reaching his arm behind it as he pulled a small silver gift bag from behind it, making me swivle around to face him. "Did you put it in a bag so you didn't have to gift wrap it?" I asked him as he smiled at me, holding the bag out as he sat cross legged in front of me, raising his eyrbows.

"Just open it" Steve said as I let out a small laugh, a smile dancing on my lips as I took the bag from him, resting it on my legs. I pulled out the tissue paper that filled it, putting it to the side to reveal a small vevlet box resting at the bottom of the bag. I looked back up at Steve, my smile growing wider as he simply smiled back, not saying anyhting as I fished out the box, openening it up slowly. As suspected the ring that I had seen years ago was resting in the cushion. "Am I meant to act like I haven't seen this before?" I asked, looking back up at Steve who scoffed at me, his smile disseapering quickly as he stared at me.

"Really? That's the first thing you say" he asked me as I shook my head at him, snapping the box closed as I put it back into the bag. "Sorry" I said quickly, handing the bag back to him as he took it from me with a gentle hand. "Give it to me again"I told him as he sighed, nodding his head as he rasied his eyebrows at me quickly, my heart pounding in my chest so heavily I was sure it would burst through. "Don't mention the gift bag or I swear" he said to me as he passed me the bag again, my hands basically snatching it from him quickly as I smiled at him. "I love gift bags" I told him with a shrug of my shoulders as I pulled out the ring box again, openening it as my eyes fell on the ruby once again, my mouth letting out a small sigh as if I was seeing it for the first time again.

"It's back" I said through an exhale as Steve laughed, noddig his head as he scratched his neck slowly. "It is" he said to me as we both fell silent, our eyes staring down the ring as I pushed it towards him, suddenly very impatient to get it onto my finger. "Ask me then" I told him as he took the ring from me, holding it in front of him as he looked down at it, letting out a small sigh as I tried to stop smiling, needing to take this moment seriously, the corner of my lips still arching upwards.

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