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I let out a deep sigh as I pulled the pillowcase off of the pillow, throwing it onto the floor with all the rest of the wet sheets

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I let out a deep sigh as I pulled the pillowcase off of the pillow, throwing it onto the floor with all the rest of the wet sheets. I walked over to the dresser, pulling open the doors as I grabbed a fresh set of sheets from the bottom drawer. I pulled them out before walking back over to the bed, grabbing the wet pillow, shaking it out as it dropped water down onto the carpet. I let out a sigh as I threw it onto the ground by the door, needing to take it to the laundry room to get it dried out.

I put the fresh sheets onto the bed, grabbing the dry pillows and pulling the cases off of them before setting them back on the bed. I bit the inside of my cheek as I stood in the silence, slowly stripping the bed free of the sheets. The door creaked open slowly as I turned around, Steve watching me from the door way as his eyes drifted to the wet pillow that was sitting on the ground. "What happened?" he asked quietly as he stopped to look at me, furrowing his eyebrows as I looked away from him.

"Natasha threw a glass of water at me" I said to him simply as he nodded his head, not moving from his spot for a moment as he thought something through in his head intently. "Can we talk?" He asked me as he walked into the room, rocking back and forth on his feet as the door licked closed. "Aren't we now?" I asked him as I turned around, seeing him nod at me as he walked to the other side of the bed. He set the pillows and comforter onto the floor and threw the sheets by the door.

He grabbed the sheet as he shook it out from its neatly folded position, grabbing a corner as I grabbed the other side. We slowly pulled the sheet around the mattress in silence, neither of was knowing what to say to each other as I kept my eyes away from his. "How do you feel?" he asked me quickly as I stood up straight, pointing at the pillows as he set them onto the bed, making me grab one and a pillow case.

"Like a glass of water got thrown over me" I said to him quietly as I shrugged my shoulders at him, making him let out a sigh as he stood still on his spot, staring at me. "Ally" he said to me as I dropped the pillow that was in my hand, looking up at him quickly. "I didn't mean it" I said quickly, shaking my head as he didn't say anything, making me carry on speaking. "I wasn't suffocating, I was just angry" I added, falling silent as he slowly shook his head at me, his mouth parting slowly. "I don't believe you" he said to me as I stared back at him, shrugging my shoulders briefly.

"Well, I'm telling the truth" I said to him as he nodded my head slowly, not taking his eyes off of me as we stood there for a few beats. "Have I ever told you that you're a bad liar?" he asked me as I nodded my head, pointing my finger over at him. "Yes and I remember replying that I was a literal spy for decades" I said to him as he cracked out a small hint of a smile, nodding his head as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "And then I said you were a bad liar when you were trying to lie to me" he said, finishing them story for the both of us as i nodded my head, wanting to smile at the memory of standing in that parking garage after throwing Sitwell off of the roof.

"So tell me the truth" he told me, making me let out a breath as I looked down for a moment, closing my eyes as I took in a few deeps breath before letting them go. "I was 8 when I killed for the first time" I said quietly, crossing my arms over my chest quickly as I looked back up at him. "She was the girl in the bed next to mines and then the night I killed her I fell asleep on her pillow" I told him, biting on my bottom lip as I remember the small nod my instructor had given me before I kicked that girl so hard in the head that it killed her on the spot. "I never had a support system in place" I added, shaking my head slightly as his blue eyes stared back at me.

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