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I pushed the front door open, the hinges creaking as I threw my keys into the bowl sitting by the door, the lights off in the dark house and the noise of the TV filling in from the living room

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I pushed the front door open, the hinges creaking as I threw my keys into the bowl sitting by the door, the lights off in the dark house and the noise of the TV filling in from the living room. I let out a small sigh, locking the door quickly as I pushed my shoes off swiftly, moving down the long run as I walked into the living room. Steve was sprawled out on the couch, a sketch book on his lap as he drew something without much effort, a rerun of an old show playing on the TV.

"Hey" I said to him as I stood in the archway, Steve looking up at me as he lifted his pen from the page, a messy line drawing in a blue ink going on as he smiled. "Sorry I didn't call, I went back to the compound with Nat" I said apologetically with a smile as I pulled my trench coat off, throwing it onto the armchair as I walked over to him. Steve smiled at me with a small shrug, swinging his legs off of the couch as I went to sit down next to him. "It's fine, I figured you did something" he told me with a smile as he went to put his sketchbook onto the coffee table, an empty bottle of bear sitting on top of a coaster.

"What you drawing?" I asked him as I leaned over to look, the mixture of lines showing a messy yet distinguishable flower on the page. "A rose" he said with a small shrug as he leaned back on the couch, sitting between the cushion and the armchair as he let out a heavy sigh. "That's cute" I told him with a nod, pulling my feet up into the couch with a smile as I pushed my hair off of my shoulder. "What did you do today?" Steve asked me with a raised eyebrow as I looked over at him, letting out a breath of thought to delay my answer. I had been dreading this question, having spent the hours driving back to the city trying to decide whether or not it was okay to tell Steve where I had been, and more importantly, about my new god-daughter.

I cleared my throat quickly, my fingers moving around my wrist as I pulled off my watch slowly, my brain arguing about what to do. "Brunch with Nat in Midtown, cheese quiche was great" I lied, looking at him with a smile as I set my watch on the couch next to me. "Then we just went back to the compound, helped her with her paperwork and that" I added with a shrug, lying straight through my teeth as he nodded his head, raising his eyebrows at the thought of all the paperwork Nat was having to deal with right now. "You?" I asked Steve as I pressed my lips into a straight line, the guilt at the bottom of my stomach grabbing my attention as ai tried to ignore it.

"I hung those pictures in the spare bedroom" he told me, making my smile grow a bit as I tilted my head to the side, leaning against the soft cushions as I set my hands in my lap. "The bridge ones?" I asked him, having bought pictures of the Brooklyn bridge from an independent photographer a few months ago now, but never having hung them up in the guest bedroom. "Yeah" he said with a nod as I let out a sigh, slapping my thigh gently with a hand as I smiled at him. "Good, they were collecting dust just sitting on the floor" I told him as he nodded his head at me, leaning closer as he extended his arm out to my head.

"There's a leaf or something in your hair" he told me as I sat up sat right, letting him dig through my hair as he pulled out a small fragment of a yellowed leaf. He held it in his hand, setting on the coffee table next to his beer bottle as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Thanks" I told him, swallowing the large lump that was sitting in my throat as I let out a small sigh, looking back over at Steve, who was sitting next to me now, his head leaned back as he stared up, arms crossed over his chest. "I'm so tired, I might just head up to bed" I told him as I leaned against his shoulder, closing my eyes as Steve let out a small hum of agreement.

I set my hand on his leg, standing up as I looked down at him, a small smile on his face as he nodded his head at me. "I'll be there soon" he told me as I nodded my head, letting out a sigh as I ran my hand through my hair, stifling a yawn. "Okay" I replied as I walked over to the chair, grabbing my coat quickly as I left the room, walking up the stairs slowly as I let out a deep breath, now realising that I would have to keep the newest Stark under wraps for a really long time.


A/N: hello hello hello, I took a little break but i'm back with this kinda short chapter so I hope you don't mind!
I obviously did not want to mess up the original story too much (because I like the scene when Steve, Natasha and Scott show up to Tony's house during Endgame) so I just had the idea for Ally to keep it from Steve - just roll with it :)
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you soon

A/N: hello hello hello, I took a little break but i'm back with this kinda short chapter so I hope you don't mind! I obviously did not want to mess up the original story too much (because I like the scene when Steve, Natasha and Scott show up to T...

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