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March 2023

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March 2023

I stood in the closet, looking at all my pants as I ran my hands through them all, struggling to figure out what exactly I wanted to wear today. My feet sunk into the plush carpet that our bedroom was lined with, the yellowed light bulb lighting up the small closet full of mostly my clothes. I pulled down a pair of blue jeans from the rail, putting them over my arm as I pulled open a drawer full of shirts. Steve stood in the bedroom, pulling on a pair of jeans as the sound of my phone ringing pulled my eyes towards him. I raised my eyebrows as he check my phone on the nightstand, picking it up as he turned to look at me.

"Natasha" he said simply as he grabbed my phone, tossing it over to me as I extended my arm, signalling for Steve to throw it at me. He tossed it towards the closet, my hand catching it as it flew straight through the door frame. I flipped it in my hand, Nat's face lighting up the screen as I swiped fo accept the call with my thumb, pushing it against my ear as I balanced it there with my shoulder.

"Hello?" I asked, pushing my phone into my ear as I threw the jeans I was holding onto the bed, Steve looking over at me as I flicked off the light to the closet. "Hey it's me" Natasha's voice said as Steve raised his eyebrows at me, causing me to mouth her name at him as he nodded his head. "Everything okay?" I asked her as I pushed my hand through my hair, Steve pulling on a t-shirt as his back muscles flexed, Natasha clearing her throat. "I know you don't really do missions anymore" she started, my eyebrows raising as I knew exactly what she was going to as me.

"But Rhodey is in Capetown right now, and Carol and Rocket aren't anywhere near our galaxy" she continued, speaking really quickly before I could get in my objection. "What's the mission?" I asked, Steve turning to look at me with his eyebrows scrunched together. I looked over at him, shrugging my shoulders to let him know that I too had no idea what the mission was yet. "Vigilante running wild in Korea" she told me, making me mouth what she was saying to Steve, who just looked back at me blankly, having no idea what I was telling him, not having a talent at lip reading.

"Korean Military has been deployed but they just can't seem to find him" Natasha added as I sat down on the end of the bed, rubbing my hand down my face as I let out a sigh. "Can't you go?" I asked her through my exhale, Steve grabbing a pair of socks as he sat down on the bench, the whole mattress sinking as he pulled them onto his feet quickly. "I have a meeting with the President tomorrow morning" Natasha replied, my brain processing her request as I stayed silent, trying to figure out if I was up for a mission or not.

It had been a long time since I had last put on my old mission suit. I retired for a reason, stepping down from my duties after fighting for so long, and I was scared this would be a slippery slope back into my old life. "I know you don't do this anymore, but it's kind of important" Natasha pleaded with me, Steve looking at me for more information as I squeezed my eyes close. "He's killed 47 people in the last two weeks alone" she told me as my mouth hung open slightly, my hand resting under my chin as I leaned forward. "Jesus christ" I replied, leaning into my phone as I rested my hand holding it against my shoulder.

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