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The fall air was crisp as Steve and I moved down Brooklyn Bridge, the silence that filled the air oddly eerie

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The fall air was crisp as Steve and I moved down Brooklyn Bridge, the silence that filled the air oddly eerie. Normally the hustle of the cars and chatter of the masses of tourists and people making their in and out of Manhattan and Brooklyn was almost enough noise for you to not be able to hear your own thoughts, whereas now it was the opposite. The bridge now however was empty, a jogger running up ahead of us moving towards Manhattan but besides them we were the only occupants.

The roads below were still clogged up with cars that had been stranded here, a few pushed off to the sides as a result of people trying to rescue their own cars. I had heard at the shelter that people were trying their best to move some of the cars that were clogging up the bridge, but a lot of them were still here, and they would be for a while. I turned around, Steve walking behind me slightly, raising his eyebrows as I let out a small sigh. "There's chicken in the freezer" I offered to Steve, walking backwards slowly, holding my hands out on either side of me.

"It'll work" he replied with a swift nod of his head, this whole walk having been both of us debating what we wanted for dinner. "So would about 30 other suggestions I gave" I replied with a roll of my eyes, Steve narrowing his eyes as he tilted his head from side to side. "Meatloaf? Really?" he asked as I raised my eyebrows at him, my mouth hanging open slightly. "If you don't make it you can shut up" I replied quickly as I pointed my finger at him, Steve nodding his head as she let out a small sigh.

"I'll make the chicken then" he suggested as I nodded my head, smirking in achievement as I dropped my arm. "Good" I replied as Steve stared at me for a moment, a small smile on his face. "We can figure it out" he said quickly under his breath, extending his arm to me, making me catch his hand in mines as I pulled him towards me, making him take larger strides. I held onto his arm as I leaned closer to his ear, setting my hand on his back gently. "You can figure it out, I think you mean" I whispered, moving away as he laughed.

We walked down the bridge hand in hand, not saying anything as I looked out at the Hudson, the water remarkingly blue, which it never really was. "The water looks clean" I said to Steve as I walked over to the railing, Steve following me as we stood still, my hands on rail as I looked out at the river. "It's about the only thing that is right now" Steve said as he stood by my side, pushing his hands into his pockets as we stood silent for a moment.

The wind rippled past us as I let out a small sigh, turning around and leaning against the railing as I looked at the other side of the Hudson, the surface of the water wrinkling with the wind. "Maybe there will be some whales" I said to Steve as I looked over at him, a small hopeful smile on my face as he kept his eyes ahead of him, his jaw clenched and lips pressed in a straight line. "The boats will slowly drift off" he said, a saddened look on his face as I kept my eyes in the side of his face, my smile dropping. "Or into the harbour" I added, Steve not saying anything as he set his hands on the iron railing, his knuckles turning white as he gripped onto the bar.

"Come on" I said to him as I held my hand out, Steve looking over at me as our eyes connected for a moment, brown meeting blue before he looked down at my hand. He took it in his as we started walking down the bridge once again, the Brooklyn skyline sitting ahead of us as we made our way home. "The chicken in the freezer is awaiting you" I said to him as I looked over at him, a smirk on my face as Steve raised an eyebrow, thinking about it for a moment. "Maybe we should just grab some chinese food" he debated as I let out a small sigh, letting go of his hand as he quickly put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards him.

"You can find a nice easy recipe to follow" I said as I slapped his stomach with my hand lightly, setting my head on his shoulder as he let out a laugh, kissing the top of my head as he silently continued to make our way down the bridge.


A/N: hello and sorry I haven't updated in a few days but I am back with this kinda short kinda stally fluff chapter
a lot of this book will just be steve and ally vibing so I hope you don't mind that!
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you again very soon

A/N: hello and sorry I haven't updated in a few days but I am back with this kinda short kinda stally fluff chapter a lot of this book will just be steve and ally vibing so I hope you don't mind that!please do not forget to vote and comment and I ...

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