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I walked in through yeh sliding doors of the landing bay, the jet I had flown with sitting on the pad as Steve and Nat looked up at me

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I walked in through yeh sliding doors of the landing bay, the jet I had flown with sitting on the pad as Steve and Nat looked up at me. They were sitting on the benches, Steve's eyes widening as I walked in from the gangway, standing up as he rushed over to me. I let out a sigh, my face covered in my own blood from my cut and a mixture of grime and tears staining my cheeks. My eyes were probably puffy form crying and my hand was swollen a little bit after I set my own bones when I was halfway across Pacific.

"What happened?" Steve asked as he jogged over to me Nat at his heels as I shook my head. Steve put his finger tips on my face, his worried eyes looking at my cut as he moved my head to the side gently to see what had happened. "Did you get him?" Nat asked me as I let Steve look over my face, his thumbs wiping some of the dirt off of my face as I didn't object him doing so. "No" I said quietly as Nat let out a small sigh, running her hands over her face as she turned away from me.

"What happened?" Steve asked, letting go of me as he took my hand in his, inspecting the swelling and bruising. "Sword" I replied simply, sniffling as I used the back of my good hand to move my hair away from my face. "I told you you should have let me come with you" Steve said as I broke, letting out a shaking sigh bowing my head as tears fell from my eyes once again. "You don't need to cry about it, it's alright I can just send Rhodey tomorrow morning" Natasha said, looking at me with a worried look on her expression at my sadness.

"Clint" I said looking back up at Steve, my eyes clouded in tears as he looked over at me with his eyebrows knitted at why I was crying. "What?" Natasha asked before he could, taking a step closer as she crossed her arms over her chest, her face relaxed. "It was Clint" I said again as no one made a single move, the tears falling from my chin as it dragged the dried blood and dirt down my face with it. "Clint's dead" Natasha countered, shaking her head as she put one hand over her mouth, Steve taking a small step away from me, still holding my broken hand in his gently.

"It was him" I told her with a small nod of my head as she looked away, almost as if she was trying to process the information. "Your proof?" she asked me, not bothering to look at me as I knitted my eyebrows together, Steve staring at me as he listened intently, not wanting to get in between Nat and I. "The fact i'm still alive?" I asked her, using my other hand to motion towards me as it fell back against my leg with a slap, my lungs struggling to breath as I let out a shaky breath. "I was completely defenceless on the ground, he could have easily killed me" I explained to Natasha as she snapped her head back up to look at me, and angered look on her face.

"That doesn't mean it's Clint" she retorted back to me, sounding pretty pissed off that I had even given her hope that it may be. It was comepltely waranted as my reaction probably would have been the exact same as Natasha's right now. The years were pooling in my eyes as I tried to blink them away rapidly, Steve looking back down at my hand as he turned it over again aimlessly. "Nat, I saw his eyes" i told her, my voice sounding desperate as I shook my head at her slightly, practically begging for her to believe me. "He hesitated when I said his name" I explained, Natasha staring back at me blankly as she shook her head the tiniest bit.

"You're positive?" she asked me, a small part of her hoping that I would say no. I nodded my head shyly, her eyebrows raising as she tilted her head down a little bit, her gaze so strong I thought it might still a hole in my forehead. "I need you to say it" she persisted, pointing her finger at the ground as she stood her path, a small sigh escaping my lips. "It was Clint" I confirmed, nodding my head again as silence fell between the pair of us, Steve awkwardly shifting on his feet as he stayed quiet in the few beats.

"He ran before I could talk to him" I told her finally, shaking my head as she turned away from me immediately. She stared at the blank wall, letting out a sigh before she unfolded her arms, walking towards the door and pulling it open, leaving Steve and I by ourselves in the room. I wiped my face with my unbroken hand, Steve still holding onto the other one as he looked up at me, a sympathetic look on his face. "Your hand is broken" Steve said to me gently as I let out a deep sigh, nodding my head as I looked down at my bruised hand, which didn't look very good.

"I pushed my thumb back into place in the jet" I told him, making him look up at me as his eyes faltered over the gash on my cheek again, like he was double checking that it wasn't life threatening. "It'll be fine by tomorrow" I told him, shaking my head as I tried to turn the sides of my lips up to spread some light on the tense atmosphere. It definitely didn't work. "We should wrap it up" he told me, finally letting go of my hand as I pulled it back towards me, not bothering to tell him otherwise as I simply nodded my head, knowing it would make him feel better if I just let him bandage my hand. "Steve" I said, making him look over at me, his soft expression seriously making him look like a lost puppy at a park. "Yeah?" he asked me, a tear rolling down my cheek before I could catch it, oiling on my chin as it threatened to fall.

"We need to find him"


A/N: so when I imagined this scene I literally just think of Steve standing there and being so concerned about Ally that he doesn't even get involved in the conversation
I am devastated after writing natasha in this chapter - honestly all the characters went through so much after the snap it's been a painful book to write
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: so when I imagined this scene I literally just think of Steve standing there and being so concerned about Ally that he doesn't even get involved in the conversation I am devastated after writing natasha in this chapter - honestly all the char...

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