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I walked into the empty training room that was primarily used for sparring, but the mats had been pushing off to the side

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I walked into the empty training room that was primarily used for sparring, but the mats had been pushing off to the side. I held the small bag that had my ballet shoes in it, the doors falling closed behind me as I stood still for a moment. I had ran back to my old room, grabbing a sports bra and a pair of shorts, my hair pulled into a ponytail as I looked around. The windows in here were high up on the walls, the fluorescent white lights lighting up the room as I let out a sigh.

I sank to the ground, sitting down as I opened the bag, pulling my shoes out and setting them on the ground as I threw the canvas to the side of the room. I didn't have the right kind of things to protect my feet but I hadn't danced since I got my serum, so I was hoping that I wouldn't get as torn up as I used to. I straightened out the ribbon as I slipped my foot into the shoe, which fit perfectly, almost as if they were my very own shoes from when I was a teenager.

I tied the ribbons tightly, moving onto my other shoe as I did it silently, the room radiating off of the quiet as I sat in the middle of it, completely alone. I sighed, moving my legs out in front of me, setting the boxes of my shoes against the floor as I rolled into a crouching position, all of my weight on my toes. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to, my toes pinching as I hopped up off of the floor, rubbing my lips together as I stood with my hands on my hips for a moment.

I was almost afraid to move, wondering if my old teacher would randomly appear in the corner with her cane ready in her hand, my beady eyes staring at my feet as she waited for me to start turning. I bit on the inside of my cheek gently as I looked down at my feet, trying to tell them to move, which they didn't. I lifted my foot as I set it out in front of me, dropping my hands from my side as I pushed off of the ground gently, standing up on my toes as I moved lightly and eloquently.

I didn't have to think as my body took over from my brain, my instincts coming in as I drifted through the air like a bird in flight, my years of training coming back like it was nothing. My head clouded with thoughts, this being the first time that I had been in my own company and silence to let my brain process. It immediately skipped past the snap, rooting itself into the deep memories of the Red Room, where I was made into what I was today.

I had never told Peggy how grateful I was that she had found me, being the golden hand that pulled me out of my dreadful life. I could have fallen down a very different path, maybe I would have received a metal limb for myself. Perhaps I would have found out that Bucky was in the exact compound I was in, not that he would have remembered me. We would fall into a duo, slowly and surely making the list of top HYDRA enemies shorter. When Peggy found me she led me back into the life that I had told myself I had hated for 6 months, but I learned to love it and slowly made a new family.

My mother and father were probably no more than a small inscribed gravestone next to a chain link fence in the middle of no where, Russia. Yet I had spent nights as a young girl wondering who they were, and why I was lying handcuffed to a metal bed than at a dinner table with them with full belly's and happy smiles. I had always told myself that I was stolen from their grasps, and that they would have never given me away on their own free will. Maybe I was given to pay off a debt, which was probably more likely in the time period of my birth, but I had put that possibility dead last on my list. I never dwelled on the idea of my parents for long, waking up the next morning and snapping someone's neck to compensate for the thoughts of love and family.

But I now had both love and a family.

And my old self would have hated that.

I had been stripped of everything. My family, my individuality, my home, my freedom, my childhood. I was bred and moulded into this perfect agent, the perfect infiltration and the perfect murderer. I was broken, whether or not I wanted to admit to myself.

My breathing hitched as my foot slipped out from underneath my turn, my knee buckling as I fell straight to the ground. I didn't have enough time to throw my hands out as I landed on my back heavily, knocking the wind out of me. I inhaled as fast as I could, my head aching from smacking against the floor. I didn't bother moving, trying to gulp in as much air as possible as I stared at the blank ceiling, a tear escaping from the corner of my eye.


A/N: okay this chapter is kinda lame and completely messed up and randomly paced so i'm sorry for that but I felt like having Ally return to ballet which she learnt at the red room seemed only fitting to have her reminisce on how broken she is from growing up there (idk if that makes sense to anyone else but me but oh well)
so I hope you enjoyed his random chapter and do not forget to vote and comment and. i will see you soon with my normal scheduled and normal chapters I promise!

 i will see you soon with my normal scheduled and normal chapters I promise!

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