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2 months later

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2 months later

Steve and I walked down the quiet street together, the Brooklyn townhouses on either side of the road either being abandoned or having very cautiously people hiding inside. There was trash scattered along the side walk, having not been picked up by anyone for a long time now. A few cars sat deserted in the middle of the roads, other ones that sat against the curb having either a smashed window or covered in a thick layer of filth.

"Why are we here" Steve asked me as he squeezed my hand gently, keeping his voice quiet as I pushed my thee hand into the pocket of my long tan coat. Steve has a trench coat on, which I had said clashed with my outfit but he refused to change before we left the compound, and I didn't have the heart to fight with him. "Just be patient" I said to him quietly as I stepped over a box full of cans, leading him down the street as he looked around quickly. I had had to park the car a few streets away, but that's what I was planning on doing anyway, wanting him to walk down the street.

The houses were three stories high, most of them being renovated into apartments which all used to be filled with tenants. The red and brown bricks contrasted the black window frames and metal railings that let up the steps to the front door of the house. I looked up at one of the houses, reading the number that sat on the red door, smiling at it gently as I squeezed Steve's hand once again. "Okay" I said to him as I stopped walking, making him look around skeptically once again. I stood in front of him, the house to my back as he turned back to look at me, his eyebrow raised.

"Everything okay?" he asked me gently as I nodded my head at him gently, reaching down into my pocket as I pulled out a silver key. My watched me as I held it out to him, his eyes falling onto it as he took it into his hand gently. "A key?" he asked me as he turned it over in his hand a few times, looking back up at me with a confused look on his face. "To this house" I said to him as I pointed my thumb over my shoulder, Steve's eyes trailing to the house behind me.

"You stole a house?" he asked with a small laugh as he looked back down at me, a questioning look glinting in his eyes. "No, I own a house" I said to him with a small smile, Steve looking back down at the key as I smiled at his confusion. "What?" he asked as he looked back at the house quickly. "Peggy owned this house, I'm sure she bought it in the 90s" I told him, shrugging my shoulders as i pushed my hands into both of my pockets. "She always said she was drawn towards Brooklyn" I told him, Steve looking back up at me quickly as he closed his hand, tightly holding onto the key.

"She left it for me in her will" I told him as he scrunched his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side as I shrugged my shoulders once again at him. "You never mentioned it before" he told me as I smiled at him slightly, nodding my head slowly as he stared at me. "Because after she died we had that whole team fight thing, it may have slipped your mind" I joked, scrunching my nose as he let out a small light laugh, raising his eyebrows."And then you left" I added, Steve rolling his eyes playfully. "I never felt comfortable moving into it by myself" I told him as he let out a small breath, causing me to smile at him with a small chuckle.

"I wanted it to be our home, so I waited for when I knew you would be back" I told him softly as I grabbed his hand back into mines, taking a step next to him as out shoulders rested against each other. "So it's our house?" he asked me as we both stared at the townhouse, the red door glinting in the overcast summer day. "It's my house, but I will let you live here out of the kindness of my heart" I joked with him as I judged him with my shoulder gently, using my other hand to push my hair behind my ears.

"We have a house in Brooklyn" Steve said he nodded his head slowly, trying to come to terms with it. I looked over at him, my eyebrows raised as he looked back at me, smiling as he leaned his head closer to mines, kissing my cheek quickly. "You have a house in Brooklyn" he said to me as I nodded my head, letting letting out a small laugh. "Exactly" I told him, setting my hand out as he put the key back in it, making me tug his hand towards the stairs, looking back at him with a laugh.

"Now, come on Captain"


A/N: okay so let's assume that Ally and Steve both had all of their emotional moments in the 2 months it's been since they killed Thanos (I just was a bit bored with writing Ally being mopey all the time and we are already quite far into this book so I decided to just get straight into it)
I tried to give you a little bit of Stally fluff for you so I hope you enjoyed it. I've had this idea for them to live in Brooklyn for AGES obviously because that's where Steve grew up so get ready for some fun but equally sad chapters coming your way
please vote and comment and i will see you all again soon!

 I've had this idea for them to live in Brooklyn for AGES obviously because that's where Steve grew up so get ready for some fun but equally sad chapters coming your way please vote and comment and i will see you all again soon!

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