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I stood outside of the wooden hut, waiting for the right moment for when we had Thanos in his most vulnerable point

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I stood outside of the wooden hut, waiting for the right moment for when we had Thanos in his most vulnerable point. Steve was by my side, breathing silently as Natasha stood behind me, all out our body's pushed up against the foundations to the small wooden hut. I looked up, seeing the sun slowly going down over the vast fields of some kind of grain, the sun letting our rays of orange and yellow. I could see Rhodey in stealth mode, slowly flying over head, the streak that was Carol also making her way down from the sky.

I watched as Carol sped up, crashing straight through the roof with one of her blasts of light, the sound of a loud bellow, presumably Thanos being hit. Steve set his hand out onto my waist, slowly pushing me away from the hut as I moved at his touch, Natasha following suit, just incase something came through the wall. I cranked my neck and squinted my eyes, watching Rhodey as his repulsed kicked in, his armour speeding down as he crashed straight through the roof, the sound of both Bruce coming in from underneath and Thor smashing through the wall audible in the distance.

Steve looked down at me, his hand still reached out and on my waist as I looked over at him, nodding my head at him quickly as he squeezed my waist quickly. He let go as he slowly took a few steps forward, the steps into the cabin coming into view as we climbed them, Steve leading the three of us as Natasha and I walked in behind him. Bruce has busted in through the floor in his hulk buster armour and was holding onto Thanos's legs, Carol around his neck, Rhodey pulling back his other hand.

My eyes drifted down to his hand, which was no longer attached to his body, lying on the ground with what was left of the gauntlet melted into his purple skin. Rocket and Nebula walked in behind us, Rocket moving through our legs as he walked over to the hand, being the only one who wanted to go near it. He flipped over the gauntlet, every single set of eyes in the room staring as he pushed it with a heave.

To our horror, there wasn't a single Infinity Stone left in the gauntlet.

"Oh, no" Rocket said under his breath as he turned around quickly, looking at Thanos as Steve's jaw hardened. He looked over at me as I let out a small sigh, my heart racing in my chest, knowing that this was not going to turn out how we all wanted it to. "Where are they?" Steve asked as I heard Natasha's breathing hitch, my hands clenching by my side as my nails dig into my palms. Thanos didn't reply, grunt as Carol tightened her grasp around his neck. "Answer the question" she shouted at him as he let out a shout, blood from where Thor had sliced his hand off dropping onto the wooden floors.

"The universe requires correction, after that the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation" Thanos said, his voice raspy as I stared at him, my eyes wide as I let out a shaky breath. "You murdered trillions" Bruce shouted, using one of his large armoured hands around his leg and throwing him into the ground, Carol and Rhodey both skipping their holds as Carol in front of him defensively, almost threatening him to get up to see what would happen. But I could tell he wasn't going to try to.

"You should be grateful" Thanos croaked at him as Bruce let out a cry, punching him int the face as it recoiled the Titan to the ground with a grunt. "Where are the stones?" I barked at him before I could think, wanting to get the stones as fast as possible. "Gone. Reduced to atoms" Thanos replied as Bruce in his suit stood up to its full height, the whirring of the machine audible in the quiet hut. "You used them two days ago" he shouted, Thanos looking at the armour with a small smile resting on his face, which made me wand to kick him in the face.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones, and it nearly killed me, but the work is already done" Thanos said as my mouth opened slightly, wanting to reach forward and punch him in the jaw as hard as I could. I watched Carol as her fists slowly unclenched, the shock on her face evident as I took a small step back, so small it was barely noticeable. "It always will be" Thanos added as he sat himself up a little straighter, a glistening light of pride in his eyes.

"I am inevitable" He said as Rhodey took a step forward with a clunk of his armour. "We have to tear this place apart, he has to be lying" Rhodey shouted as I kept my eyes on Thanos, the rise and fall of Steve's chest in my peripheral vision visible as I tried to calm myself, which wasn't working. "My father is many things" Nebula said as she took a small step out of the shadows, looking down at Thanos as they both stared at each other. "A liar is not one of them" she added as Thanos smiled up at her cynically, tilted his head to the side lazily.

"Thank you, daughter" he replied back to Nebula, who looked down at the ground, looking uncomfortable on her spot. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly" he said to her as he let out a deep breath, my body filling with a mixture of anger and fear. Before any of us could say anything Thor let out a scream of rage, lifting Stormbrraker up into the air as he brought it down on Thanos's neck. Suddenly Thanos's limp body fell to the floor, a spatter of blood landing on Nebula's face as she let out a shaky breath.

"What did you do?" Rocket asked breathlessly, staring down at the decapitated head. I let out a breath as I looked away, keeping my eyes on the scenery that sat out side of the hut, the realisation that we had failed hitting me in the back of the head. Thor was broken, realising what he had just done as he opened his mouth slowly, his eyes fixated on Thanos's limp body and head.

"I went for the head"


A/N: I mean Thor did do exactly what Thanos told him to do
this is where i'm making the marker point from what happens at the beginning of Endgame and everything from here on out will be completely made up about what happens during the 5 year time jump and I am so excited!!!
if any of you have ideas of chapters you would like to say please either message me or leave them in the comments, I actually love hearing your ideas and using them
please vote and comment and I will see you again sooon

A/N: I mean Thor did do exactly what Thanos told him to do this is where i'm making the marker point from what happens at the beginning of Endgame and everything from here on out will be completely made up about what happens during the 5 year time...

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