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My hands were chalked and taped up tightly as i stood barefoot on the raised fighting mat

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My hands were chalked and taped up tightly as i stood barefoot on the raised fighting mat. There was strands of my hair sticking to my sweaty forehead, beats of sweat rolling down the side of my face as i let out a small pant. I threw my arm out at Natasha's face as she ducked quickly under my arm before it could collide with her, grabbing onto my arm and pulling my forward as she moved behind me.

"You need to stop doing that" she said to me as she smiled, lifting her fists up closer to her face as I moved backwards a little bit. "How about you just let me punch you one day?" I asked her as she let out a small scoff, both of us slowly moving in a circle as we anticipated a new hit. We had been sparring for quite a few hours now, but it felt like it had only been 10 minutes. There was a small cut on the side of me cheek that had come from a very quick jab from Natasha's fist, but I could barely feel it by now.

It had been her idea to come to the gym, which neither of us had been in for a long time now. Natasha thought that if we fought each other we might release some of our pent up emotion, which had worked conserving how hard she had punched me in the face. I lunged forwards as I lifted my foot and wrapped it around her simile before pulling my leg back towards me. She wobbled as she lifted her leg into the air, pulling a move as she swung her leg into the air and turning around in a circle on her grounded door, landing back on her steady legs as she cocked her eyebrow at me.

"That was smooth" I said to her as she nodded her head at me, blowing a short piece of her hair away from her face as she let out a tired breath. "I want to fight Steve" I said to her as she threw a few punches at me, making me tilt my shoulders back as I leaned away from her hits. "Any particular reason?" she asked me as I caught one of her hands, trusting her hand back as she let out a small hiss. Natasha took her other arm and bent it over the top of mines, gripping it as she wrenched her hand free from my twist.

"Just the fact that I've never had to fight Steve before" I replied to her with a shrug of my shoulder, making her nod her head quickly. "I haven't either" she said after a little bit of deliberation, making me nod my head at her. I had no idea why I suddenly had the urge to spar against Steve but he was one person who I had never had to fight before, and I had quite a lot of time to kill these days.  "How strong can he be?" Natasha asked as I let out a small laugh, taking a small step towards her as I thought out my next move.

"Quite" I replied as she nodded her head slowly, raising an eyebrow and giving me a smug look as I rolled my eyes at her. "I hate you" I said to her as she let out a small laugh, shrugging her shoulder quickly as her hands fell from their defensive position slightly. "Good" she replied, barely even having time to finish her thought before I lunged coward, pounding her in the stomach quickly as the wind got knocked out of her. As she tried not to buckle over as I grabbed onto her hand quickly, pulling her towards me as I twisted her arm behind her back.

I kicked her in the ankles as she fell face down onto the mat, hitting it with a loud grunt as I fell to my knees on either side of her body, holding her arm behind her back. "Okay, I'm done" she said to me as I let go of her, lifting my leg away from her as I just collapsed onto the mat next to her. She let out a groan of pain as she rolled onto her back putting her hand on her face as she winced in pain. "You almost knocked my teeth out" she said to me as I let out a small laugh, staring up at the high roof as I took I na few deep breaths.

"That was the point" I said to her as I sat up, letting out a deep breath as I worked on pealing the tape off of one of my hands. "I need an ice bath" she said with a sigh as she slowly sat up as well, moving over to the edge as she stood up and off of the mat, moving over to the bench pushed up against the wall. She picked up the two small towels as she threw one at me, making me catch it in my hand as I wiped my forehead off quickly, purposely avoiding my cheek.

I looked over at Natasha who let out a hiss as she tried to wipe down her stomach, which had friction burns and bruises already forming on it. "Ouch" I said to her as she looked up at me quickly, rolling her eyes. "We don't all heal like you" she said as she let out a sigh, wrapping her towel round her neck as she picked up her shoes and held them on her fingers. "Not my fault you're one serum lower than me" I said to her as she shot me a smug smile before walking away, throwing up a rude gesture as she left the room. "You wanted to fight" I shouted after her, leaving me alone in the room as I quickly grabbed my own shoes before chasing after her.


A/N: just a short little filler. halter to try and break up the story a little bit
I felt very nostalgic in writing the classic sparring/training chapter with Ally (and this one really reminded me of the beginning of Reconciliation, which feels like it was YEARS ago)
please don't forget to vote and comment and I will hopefully see you very soon

 halter to try and break up the story a little bit I felt very nostalgic in writing the classic sparring/training chapter with Ally (and this one really reminded me of the beginning of Reconciliation, which feels like it was YEARS ago) please don'...

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