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I sat at the island in the kitchen, a book in my hand and a half eaten sandwich sitting on a plate next to me as I hovered my hand over it

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I sat at the island in the kitchen, a book in my hand and a half eaten sandwich sitting on a plate next to me as I hovered my hand over it. It was quiet in this part of the compound, and I had no idea where anyone actually was, but I wasn't complaining. I picked up the sandwich, setting the book down on the countertop as I propped it open with my elbow, reading the next page as I took a large bite, the lettuce crunching in between my teeth.

I let out a small sigh as I chewed it slowly, having to go back and read the last few sentences on the page, not having actually taken in any of the information. My phone let out a loud ding as I let out a small sigh, moving my elbow away from my book as it closed, making me remember the page number I was on. I fished out my phone from my pocket, a message notification resting on the screen as I looked down as it shone back at me.

Lab, 911

I dropped my sandwich back onto the plate instantly, causing it to go spilling everywhere as ai jumped off of the stool. Before I could stop I was running through the halls of the compound, barging through doors as I shoved thumb after thumb on the pads, unlocking them as I pushed into a stairwell. I ran down them two at a time, skippi a few as I jumped down abiut 10, pushing open another door as it led me to the lab.

"What happened?" I asked as I barged in through the door, everyone crowded around the machine that had the pager sitting in it. "This thing stopped doing whatever it was doing" Rhodey said as he turned back around, crouching down a bit and looking at it at eye level. "What have we got?" I asked as I walked over, Steve taking a step back as I took his spot, Natasha nodding her head at me as I stared at the pager. The screen was black, Bruce having opened up the back chamber and was working away trying to find out what had happened.

"Whatever the signal is sending, it finally creeped off" Bruce said to me, his voice muffled as he was basically inside the camber of the machine. "I thought we bypassed the battery?" I asked him as Steve let out a small sigh, putting his hands on his hips as narrowed my eyes at the thing. "We did" Rhodey said as I set my hands on the latch of the class cover. I opened up the front panel as I put my hands inside of it, popping open the small pedestal it was sitting on to see if there was a loose wire or something. "It's still plugged in" I said to him as I got a grip on one of the wires, running my hand over it to see if there was a loose connection.

"Why has it stopped then?" Natasha asked me as I shrugged my shoulders at her, pulling out the wire that was connected to the battery. I pointed at the pit of pliers that were sitting on the floor next to Bruce, Rhodey picking them up for me and passing me them to me. I took them in my hand as I clipped off the end of the wire, seeing if it had fried itself. "Let's reboot and send the signal again" Steve said as I set the pliers down, bending down and trying to shove the wire back into the output it came from.

"We don't even know what this is" Bruce said as I heard him bang his head on something, letting out a small hiss of pain as the machine shook. My finger slipped as I let go of the wire, Natasha and Rhodey grabbing onto the machine to keep it steady as I let out a small sigh. "Fury did so let's just do it" Natasha said to him as I crouched down a little bit more, seeing if I could find the wire edge which I had dropped.

"I want to know who's on the other end of that thing" I said to Bruce as I let out a small sigh, my hand hitting off a lot of wires but none of them the one I was looking for. "I need a screwdriver" I said with a sigh a I pulled my hand out of the machine, letting out a sigh as I turned around to go and grab the tool box. I flinched a little bit as a blonde woman stared at me, silently standing there. I recoiled a little bit, which i normally would never do, but I had no idea how long she had been standing there for. My action made everyone else turn around to look at her, her eyes flickering past all of us quickly before she opened her mouth.

"Where's Fury?"


A/N: it's all about to start and I hope y'all are ready for it!
I decided that now was the perfect time to introduce Carol and get the beginning of Endgame started, so look out for that in the coming chapters!
please vote and comment and i will see you all soon

A/N: it's all about to start and I hope y'all are ready for it! I decided that now was the perfect time to introduce Carol and get the beginning of Endgame started, so look out for that in the coming chapters! please vote and comment and i will se...

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