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I pushed the door open to the living quarters as it clicked closed behind me, the faint sound of someone's voice sitting at the end of the hall

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I pushed the door open to the living quarters as it clicked closed behind me, the faint sound of someone's voice sitting at the end of the hall. I walked up the small set of stairs to the kitchen and living room, Rhodey sitting at the island of the kitchen with his phone pushed against his ear. I witnessed him roll his eyes at whatever the person on the other side of the line said, Rhodey having to fight the urge to let out a heavy sigh.

"Yes, sir" Rhodey replied as he looked over at me, making me smile at him as he turned back around, looking down at the papers he had scattered in front of him. I walked around the island, pulling open the fridge as I grabbed a bottle of water, closing the door gently to not disturb the phone call. "There's no chance in an extension then?" Rhodey asked as I leaned against the counter, facing him as I watched him push the papers around with one hand as he kept his phone against his ear.

"No, I understand" Rhodey replied as I opened up the bottle, taking a sip as I sneakily tried to look at the papers, which I couldn't read from this angle without Rhodey noticing. "Will do" he said reluctantly as I tried to crane my neck up a bit to see a table that that was a paper that was closest to me. Rhodey took his phone away from his ear, hanging up quickly as he set his phone down onto the counter with a loud sigh, putting his head in his hands as he exhaled.

"Who's that?" I asked as I took a sip quickly, taking this time to walk to the island and look over one of the papers. "Oval office" he replied to me as I set my bottle down, grabbing one of the papers as I turned it to face me, making Rhodey look up at me as he looked at what I was reading, not bothering to take it off of me. It was a list of senate members who hadn't checked in with the White House in the last few weeks, which meant they had been deemed as missing. 

"What's going on?" I asked him as I held the paper out to him before he took it from me, shuffling all the papers back into a neat pile. "Damage control is starting on Monday" he told me as I looked up at him quickly, my eyebrows furrowed as he let out another annoyed sigh. "There's no chance in the pager" I countered quickly, knowing that they were giving us time to try and sort this whole mess out, which we wouldn't be able to do until the pager worked.

"They don't care" Rhodey said to me as I let out a sigh, knowing that they wanted to start damage control as soon as possible. I had no idea how they were going to carry it out, but Rhodey had assured us that they had a plan, even though he couldn't tell us anything about it. "Barton?" he asked me after a moment, looking up at me as he leaned back in the stool. He crossed his arms as I let out a small breath, swallowing the dry lump in my throat as ai shook my head at him.

"I'll get his name on the list" Rhodey said to me quietly as I stared at him for a moment, raising my eyebrows at him as I held my bottle in my hand. "The list?" I asked him, not having any idea about what he was talking about, looking at him with a confused expression on my face. "There's a list of ours who are missing" he told me as I let out a breath of realisation, nodding my head at him as we both fell silent once again.

I don't know why I didn't think about the team carrying our own form of damage control, but it slipped my mind until right his moment. I didn't want to know if there was a physical list or not, even though there probably was on the data base somewhere, but I didn't have a need to see it. "Right yeah, makes sense" I replied quietly after a while, knowing they it probably would have made more sense if I just didn't say anything at all. I lifted my bottle back up to my lips, taking a small sip as we both stood in silence.

Rhodey's phone started vibrating on the counter as he let out a loud sigh, looking over it as he rolled his eyes in annoyance once again. "Oval?" I asked him as he looked up at me, nodding his head as he rubbed his forehead with one hand as he let the phone ring for a bit. "Yup" he said as he stood up, picking up all the papers as he held them in one hand, grabbing his cell phone quickly. "I'll see you later" he said to me with a firm nod before he made his way out of the kitchen.

"Tell them I say hi" I shouted after him, making him let out a laugh as he turned to look at me, raising his eyebrows as he walked backwards slowly. "I'm sure they'll be thrilled" he said to me before he clicked accept, raising the phone to his ear as he took the call, the sound of his voice getting fainter as he left the room. "Okay"I said quietly under my breath as I let out a drop sigh, staring ahead as I drank my water slowly.


A/N: i'm sorry that it's been a little while since i've updated and this chapter isn't too good so i'm extra sorry about that
I feel as if she hasn't spoken to Rhodey that much so i've tried to shove some of him in there I hope you don't mind lol
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will hopefully see you soon

A/N: i'm sorry that it's been a little while since i've updated and this chapter isn't too good so i'm extra sorry about that I feel as if she hasn't spoken to Rhodey that much so i've tried to shove some of him in there I hope you don't mind lol ...

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