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I walked down the bridge that led to the front doors of Grand Central Station, which was gleaming in the sunlight, the statues of first responders that had been put up after the battle of New York

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I walked down the bridge that led to the front doors of Grand Central Station, which was gleaming in the sunlight, the statues of first responders that had been put up after the battle of New York. The table that normally sat at the entrance, which was normally manned, was now deserted. I walked down the bridge slowly, the warm summer wind rolling past me as I let out a sigh. I stopped as I turned around to look back at the city quickly, my eyes naturally drawing up to the large tower which used to be Avengers tower.

It was completely empty now, and it had been ever since we moved up, but the fact that I once used to sleep in one of those rooms kind of freaked me out a little bit. I made my way up the stone steps, the front doors to the station where pushed wide open, and the sounds off al the children and adults chattering flooded out into the open air. The normal large hall was packed full of people, different areas holding different ages of kids doing all kinds of activities, distracted from the quiet abandoned streets that sat outside.

"Ma'am" a man said as I walked into the station, barely a few steps in before he came rushing over, clasping his hands in front of him. He had completely abandoned a group of people who were crowded around a table on one side, preparing glasses of water and juice for the kids. "Hi, is there someone who's in charge here?" I asked him gently, his eyes lighting up at me request as he nodded his head so rapidly I was scared he would get whiplash from the action. "Yeah of course, would you like to speak with them?" he asked me as I smiled back at him, nodding my head much slower than he was.

"If they aren't too busy" I said to him as he let out a small laugh, in shock that I was standing in front of
him probably. "Of course" he said before he turned on his heel, the sight of his blue polo running through the crowds of children and adults as he ran up the marble staircases. I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as I moved further into the building, watching as small groups of children were being led in a few different story times. There was a group of older kids sitting at a table, a younger lady, presumably in her 20s, standing next to a large whiteboard as she taught them simple maths. I watched intently as they all listened to her intently, her voice so soothing and sweet that she probably had to have been a teacher before this happened.

"Hi" I heard someone say from behind me as I turned to see Isobel standing there, a smile on her face and her hair pulled into a pony tail. "Hey, how are you?" I said to her, smiling as she smiled back at me, I extended my hand, touching her arm gently as she shrugging her shoulders at me quickly. "I'm fine, are you alright?" she asked, pointing her finger at me as I nodded my head, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Yeah, I just thought I would come and sign up for the patrol you told me about" I said to her, making her nod her head slowly at me.

"Oh, yeah" she said as she smiled, nodding her head as her eyes drifted behind me, making me turn around to see a short older woman following the man I had spoken to earlier. "Hello, it's nice to meet you Miss Ivankova" she said to me, her short gray hair bobbing with her steps as she smiled at me kindly, extending her hand out in front of her. "Alyona, please" I said to her with a smile, shaking her hand quickly as she nodded her head a few times. Oddly, I had always gone by Alyona while talking to strangers, even though I was pretty widespread known as Ally or Ebollium, it just seemed more formal to go by my proper name.

"Rosemary Clarice" she replied to me as we let go of each others hands, her smile still on her face as I felt a few eyes staring at me through the hall, although the sounds of children laughing and talking bounced off of the walls. "It's nice to meet you" she said to me once again, probably a bit shocked that I was standing in front of her. "Like wise, I was wondering who managed to set this up" I replied as she smiled back at me, shrugging her shoulders slowly as her cheeks blushed pink. "It felt like the right thing to do" she told me humbly, clearing her throat quickly as she held her hands in front of her.

"Is there something I can help you with?" she asked me as I nodded my head, my head turning to look back at Isobel quickly. "Isobel here told me about a Patrol that you run, looking for abandoned children" I said to her as Rosemary nodded her head at me, her smile faltering as her eyes swept through the large room. "Yes, they run everyday of the week" she told me as I smiled at her, pushing a stand of my hair over my shoulder quickly. "I was wondering if I could sign up for one" I said to her as her eyes lit up a little bit, not expecting it from me.

"I'm not too bothered with where" I clarified quickly, knowing that they held different patrols for different parts of the city. "I am sure that we can set that up just fine" she told me with a wide smile, making me nod my head at her gently. "Captain Rogers would be available certain days of the week as well" I said, not having to mention Steve's name as Captain Rogers in a long time now, but I knew it was the most formal thing to do, he wasn't Steve to everyone. "That's very glad to hear, I will get your names on the patrol rota as soon as possible" she said to me, clapping her hands as she let out a small laugh.

"Thank you" I said to her as she shook her head at me, her smile widening on her face. "No, thank you for your help to the community" she replied, which made me a little bit uncomfortable as a small ripple fell down my spine. The fact that she was congratulating me on doing what was right didn't sit right with me, my stomach twisting into a knot. She didn't know that I had failed for the second time this year, the empty gauntlet still showing up in my night mares. "I'm just doing my part" I said to her quickly, my smile no longer on my face as she nodded her head, thanking me one more time before shaking my hand again, leaving me to go and set up a schedule that included my name on the patrol list.


A/N: hello sorry I didn't update yesterday but here's a chapter for you that's a little longer than a normal one :)
I had this idea that Ally would be on patrol ever since i saw endgame (as I actually write a few chapters months in advance just because I want to) so i'm glad that the time for those challenges to shine is finally here
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you soon

A/N: hello sorry I didn't update yesterday but here's a chapter for you that's a little longer than a normal one :) I had this idea that Ally would be on patrol ever since i saw endgame (as I actually write a few chapters months in advance just be...

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