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Dahyun's POV

Right now, i'm on the backstage about to perform our new comeback at M-countdown. It's also been a year now since the first time i met ahjussi and we've been more closer to each other. The news about ahjussi actually is the god of death himself was quite shocking at the time but we've gotten used to it by now. Oh and also I've been calling for him quite a lot. The stage cue was called and Jihyo unnie turned around and put out her hands for a cheer. "TWICE!! TWICE HWAITING!!" We shouted for a cheer and then walked to the stage performing our new song on stage.


Today we are going on a vacation to Switzerland and right now we are just walking along the streets of Bern. Mina unnie and i was talking about how great Switzerland is, well basically this country is very beautiful without any words needed to be mentioned. However, the wind is a little bit strong today and this makes things a little bit cold. "Dahyun-ah, look at these flowers over here." Mina unnie pointed, "these are all very beautiful, don't you think?" I nodded while still walking around the city. "Wait, let's took a picture."

"Mmm... algesso, joh-ayo." I stopped and reached out with my phone for a selfie. But then something came up to my mind and, guess what happens next. "Say cheese." I took the selfie as soon as ahjussi appears behind us. "Yeay... ahjussi is in the photo." I jumped excitedly while showing it to Mina unnie and she laughed. "You called ahjussi, just now?" I nodded and move my eyes to look at his deadpanned face. "Wae?? Why did you call me?" His tone sounded annoyed. "Jeonhyeo, i just thought that you might enjoy a little vacation with us today."

He roamed his eyes around us, finding large crowds of the floral market. "Are we in Swiss now?" His tone pitched, still in the same manner. "Ne... ahjussi, Bern. We are in Bern right now." He waved his hand, "i know, i know. You don't have to inform me about that." He rolled his eyes, "who are these people? Are you girls shooting?" He pointed at the camera man pointing a camera at us. "Ne, ahjussi. What's the problem?" Mina unnie asked. He put out his hand palming the camera lens and said to pause the recording for awhile. "Are you serious that footage might reveal my powers." He sternly whispered, looking back at us.

"Please forget that you see that and please delete that footage earlier." He talked to the cameraman and the cameraman looked very shocked about what just happened. "Ahjussi can we look around together? You know since you must already know about this place." I asked and Mina unnie seems to be agreeing with me. He sighed and waving his head as he brought his head looking down. "I can't really say a no to that don't I?" He craned his head back looking at us. We nodded with smile and, "arra-arra, kaja. I'll show you around the place."

Ahjussi walked first, leading the way for our vacation while he talked to the cameraman to cancel the recording. "I've said to the cameraman to cancel the recording." He slowed down his pace, matching his steps with ours. "So where do you girls want to go? Somewhere beautiful? Exhilarating? Any request?" I pouted and hummed for a moment thinking about the place. "I don't know ahjussi. You should decide. We barely know anything about this place." Mina unnie pointed out, "well we know that Swiss is famous with their chocolates and cheese." I flattened my lips.

We were walking and suddenly ahjussi pointed out, "if we are in Bern why don't we check the famous clock tower gate Zytglogge. It's near from here actually." He shrugged at the end, "joh-ayo, ahjussi. Take us there then." We walked there but then Mina unnie asked, "wait can't you just snapped your fingers and we appeared there instantly?" Ahjussi's face flattened, "really Mina? Can't you see there's a lot of people around us right now?" Hissing at the end, "but i have a better than just snapping my fingers to appear there." He stopped then walked nearing a random door.

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