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Tzuyu's POV

"Did you find anything Tzuyu?" I heard Jihyo unnie called out for me. I hissed while flipping back and forth through all of these Greek myth stories trying to find ahjussi's story.

JY: how about this dubu? do you remember anything about this?

I looked over at the voice coming and found Jeongyeon unnie showing something on her phone's screen for Dahyun. I saw Dahyun waving her head with a subtle frown.

DH: still nothing unnie but I must say that the face looks familiar.

I heard Jeongyeon unnie hissed and pulled her phone back to search for something else.

JH: hoo? What's this? it says that ahjussi is 'disregarded and hated by both mortals and gods' *tone slightly rolled a pitched higher*

"huh, that's new." As I read the sentence that was read by Jihyo unnie. "I think his problems are much more complex than just unable to experience nor feel love. He's basically hated by their creations, his nephews and nieces." I breathed in sharply and heard an approving hum from Jihyo unnie.

SN: He's like a living misery.

I looked over at Sana unnie coming to join me with Jihyo unnie sitting on the floor reading. Let me tell you where we are at right now. Today, we all decided to help Dahyun remember about ahjussi and to do so we need references to show so Dahyun would somehow remember a little bit about ahjussi. Her memory feels like it was taken completely without any trace and somehow ahjussi put out a spell so Dahyun couldn't remember even though she tried her best. Seoul Metropolitan Library, yes today we are all in a public library, trying to search for references on ahjussi's godly profile. All we know that ahjussi is the God of Death and he's a primordial God so he's rarely mentioned in the stories however somehow we managed to found the story about ahjussi's firstly born and we found that sentence read out by Jihyo unnie earlier.

"And there the children of dark Night have their dwellings, Sleep and Death, awful gods. The glowing Sun never looks upon them with his beams, neither as he goes up into heaven, nor as he comes down from heaven. And the former of them roam peacefully over the earth and the sea's broad back and is kindly to men; but the other has a heart of iron, and his spirit within him is pitiless as bronze: whomsoever of men he has once seized he holds fast: and he is hateful even to the deathless gods."

I read out murmuring loud enough for the girls to hear. "it seems like you're right Jihyo unnie."

NY: he never mentioned, he was disregarded until this far. Now, even the Gods are trying to obscure him by accusing him of something so childish.

I looked up at Nayeon unnie's face to find her lips quirking an annoyance to the fact that the primary Gods are trying to implicate him of something so stupid. I hummed approvingly at her words and turned over to look at Jihyo and Sana unnie nodding indifferently. "I think we all agree about how stupid the primary Gods have been," I called out and noticed three of 'em agreed to my statement.

DH: Wow, I didn't think that a God could be hated that much.

I looked over at Dahyun with her surprised face arching its eyebrows.

JH: he seems fine to me. I didn't find any reason to hate him besides him being a total stone head when it comes to feelings.

We all sighed to the unfortunate findings of how miserable ahjussi's endless life is.


Your POV

"Hey chae, look at me. Hey, look at me." She can't stop crying. How do I calm her down? I thought as my hands were cupping her arms while she cries. "Please, chae. I promised I'll be fine. Remember?" My voice rolling a pitch higher. I pulled her into my arms to hug her tightly trying to becalm her cries with my hands moving up and down caressing her back. "Why do all the gods hate you ahjussi?" She mumbled with hiccups all over her sentence. "Why do all the gods hate you?" I heard Zeus clicking his mouth hearing Chaeyoung's words and he seems not happy to it.

I shushed her softly as she continues to mumble the same question with hiccups messing up her sentences. I stayed like this for awhile trying to calm down this cute little cub crying on my shoulder. "This is why I took her memories away." I murmured into her ear as her cries kept going and all the gods are looking at us in the middle of the Pantheon.

I can see Zeus starting to get very impatient with his toe-tapping and his face looked agitated. "Come on you two, how much longer you are going to take just try cry like that, puny human." Zeus' voice raised due to his impatience.

"Oh- shut up, Zeus. Don't act like you're so tough. You've cried more for your thousands of mortal wives because they passed away." Aphrodite tried to turn the situation around.

Aphrodite' words triggered Zeus' temper and "ALRIGHT!! OFF YOU GO NOW!!" Zeus snapped his fingers separating my hug with Chaeyoung and "Ahjussi!!" Chaeyoung shouted as the force pulled her away. "Chronos, Hephaestus, call Charon here to escort this villain out of here." Chronos acted like he supposed to act and immediately motioned his head to call Hephaestus over.

Chaeyoung tried to retaliate from the invisible force that kept her away from me and her eyes kept dripping tears as her voice flailing for me. "Quit shouting you-"

"Zeus stop!! She's just a human. Can you be more considerate towards them? I thought you said you love them as our creations." Demeter tried to argue with Zeus and Zeus rolled his eyes replying her argument.

"Yeah, fine." Zeus hissed and groaned not happy with the argument Demeter called out just earlier.

Chronos and Hephaestus are back, now with Charon, as Zeus snapped his finger putting a special handcuff sealing my powers away. "just in case you try something stupid on the way, uncle." Zeus evil smirked creeping on his face as I am brought from my kneeling by Chronos and Hephaestus.


"What happened anyway?" Charon asked as he rows the boat towards the end of Styx River. "Long story, pal. Long story." Hephaestus replied clearly not happy with Zeus' decision putting me down on Tartarus. "I noticed that Hades had redecorated his place." Chronos called out as I noticed that the underworld has changed drastically. "Am I seeing things right now?" My voice rolled a pitch higher and Charon looked over at me to wave his head. "You're not, actually, Hades has been in a great mood lately and his ruling has become more merciful." I was taken aback with what Charon had said. "O~kay, that's something." Chronos tone rolled confused with what just happened.

The boat ride went silent as the conversation topic ended and not long after we arrived at the cliff off going down to Tartarus. "It seems like Hades is here." I saw him standing with his hands hiding behind his back and "hi there uncle." His smirk still as annoying as before. "What now? Hmm?" Hephaestus asked, "nothing, just figured I might want to visit my uncle right here." Hades motioned his hand to point at me and "you don't look happy with my brother's decision Hephaestus." Hades called out, " I must say I am, Hades. Your brother has some issues." Hades teasingly frowned while nodding.

"His child syndrome is unbelievable." Chronos chuckled after and Hades laughed lightly at his words. "Don't forget that he's the youngest out of me and Poseidon." Hades motioned his index finger. "ah- yeah I forgot about that." Hades then laughed after hearing Hephaestus' words.

"Do you need my help uncle?" Hades offered and his sounds like that he genuinely offered me some help. I breathed in sharply just to let out a deep sigh and "you know since I'm the ruler here, I can help you." Hades pointed at my handcuff and somehow the cuffs were unlocked. "That is so fucking weird." Chronos breathed stretching what he's saying. "Now you can use your powers again, uncle." With what Hades said, I tried to spread open wings and turned out to be true. I looked over at Chronos palming his knuckle and Hephaestus summoning his hammer. "Are you nuts?" I hissed as then my mouth started to gape at this sudden sight.

Hades summoned his bident too and "I'm sure that some of them agree about how childish my little brother is." Hades tapped his bident on the Underworld's soil to make us appear back in Mount Olympus.

"Let's head to war, uncle." Hades smirked hideously as he started marching to lead us right back to Pantheon.


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