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Your POV

"Thanatos, how are things going down there." Zeus exclaimed, asking me the always same question. "It's fine, brother Zeus. I have always been keeping a close eye on them." He hummed approvingly, "however Hades has been acting quite quite odd lately." He pointed out and "how can you say that?" I asked back politely because i have to be well mannered in front of the king of the Gods. "I know Hades was going to put an end to their lives and put them for labour down there. However, lately he's been really fond for them." Shit, Zeus had probably known this by now. "I see." I nodded, answering shortly after his statement. I hope Eros hasn't said anything to this bearded brat.

"Uhmm.. brother Zeus. May i point out my opinions?" He hummed and eventually nodded agreeing of my request. "I've been thinking about the ban that you put up for ourselves, Gods and Goddesses, isn't the penalty a little bit too cruel for the mortals to handle? Brother Zeus." I asked pointing out my question as his expression turned somehow agitated by it. His brows were furrowing, eyes glaring. I can sense a storm riling here in the Pantheon. "And why did you ask? Are you doubting my decisions?" His tone suddenly changed, hostility creeping out from his voice. This immature brat really ticks me off sometimes. "It's not that I'm doubting your superiority and decisions brother Zeus. However, i must point that the penalty is too much for mortals to endure."

"Left by their loved ones. Wasn't that like what you experienced when Rhea had to deal with your father Cronus?" His eyes immediately blazed with fury, wide opened triggered by my statement earlier. "How dare you bring up that topic into our conversation right now, Thanatos!!" He growled, filling all sides with his voice fueled with fury.

I sounded a chuckle and then scoffed to his immature whines about bringing that topic into our conversation. "How did you manage to rule all Gods with this immaturity inside you, Zeus." I mocked him, leaving all respect from my words. "You dare!! To mock me like that, uncle!!" He growled, low as he walked closer to me and put a finger pointing on me shoulder. "Tch... there you go again acting almighty. But you know much that you couldn't do anything against me Zeus." I grinned, mockingly.

He then summoned his lightning bolt through the Pantheon, making large hole on the ceiling. Large rubbles started to fall, messing the immortal council's hall. "Come on, Zeus. Your temper is as short as those mortals who started wars in the past." He gritted his teeth with his arm raised, holding his lightning bolt ready to smite me. "Your little smite won't hurt me, Zeus. C'mon you know it."

He didn't mind what i said and proceed to move his arm against me. As his bolt started to strike a smite upon me but then i was left unscathed by it. "See?? I told you. Your smite is nothing to me." I laughed lightly to his childish act as he widened his eyes not believing what just happened. "I'm not here for a fight Zeus. I'm here to negotiate."

He didn't answer as he summoned back his bolt away with his mouth still gaping. As i was about to point out my suggestion of change to the ban that he put out for us, he rushed away from where i stand and i laughed to his child like behaviour despite him being the ruler of all Gods. I turned around to walk back outside the Pantheon towards the garden but then i heard footsteps coming my way. Zeus appeared before me with his older brother, Poseidon holding his trident. Zeus whispered something to his brother while pointing straight at me. "Come on you two. Aren't we all families. We can't keep in hiding secrets from each other." Right after my sentence was finished, Poseidon threw his trident and i reacted quickly shifting my ring into its original form.

I parry Poseidon's throwing as it bounces off from my blade away but then the trident changed form into a stream of water going back to his hand. "Really Zeus?! Are you going to start a war between us again like you did with your father long time ago?!" I asked slightly trigered and my voice pitched. Poseidon continued his attack, controlling all the water around the Pantheon and garden. Poseidon then formed a water stakes ready to be projectiled towards me. "Uncle Thanatos. Your words towards my little brother earlier was the worst disgraceful act that you've shown us. Now i need to kill you and seal down there on Tartarus." I waved my head to his unbelievable words mentioned while scoffing the thought.

"Waahh... you primary Gods really are childish sometimes." With this Poseidon rushed inside the battlefield with his trident ready to swing. I stayed on my feet ready to receive his attacks but then Zeus disappeared from my gaze and felt his presence behind me instead. Argh.. his appearing behind me. They're going to hit me at once. I used my power sending Zeus back a little then received Poseidon's attack on my back, leaving a mark on my back. "That trident is something." I looked back at Poseidon's grin then back to Zeus on his knee. "I might as well crank up my powers a little bit." I released my aura sending black flames around me as my wings spread open.

I threw my antemortem at Poseidon then rushed to Zeus with one powerful thrust from my wings, pinning him on his neck to a pillar. I called my antemortem back and saw it flying back towards me at a high speed. "What will happen if i suddenly cancels my call to my sword and its momentum hits your head Zeus." He grinned mockingly with confidence. "Your sword can't kill me uncle. I'm far superior than you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk,, no Zeus. My sword can pierce through anything,, even Gods." I grinned ending my explanation as i directed antemortem's momentum towards his left limb. The sword pierced through as i felt Poseidon had attacked my back again and i saw that my ichor is slowly oozing out from the wound. "Your trident is quite special huh, fish head." Then i kicked him back at his stomach and it sent him flying to a pillar. "How does my antemortem feel to you, Zeus." This time i was taken away by the ecstatic feel of killing this annoying bearded brat. "To be honest. I've had enough with you acting like you deserve all the things here."

"Your title as a God. Is nothing more than just a title. And to me,, you don't deserve that at all." I gripped my antemortem's handle and instead of pulling it out. I dragged the handle down cutting his limb along with the blade following the movement of its handle. "MOTHER RHEA!! THAT HURTS... ARGHH!!!" He whimpered out loud as i removed the pressure on his neck bringing him down on his knees, wincing, groaning, and screaming in pain. I looked back at the pillar where Poseidon had landed on and saw thst his unconscious. I tapped my body to clean myself from dust and looked around the place crashed by our fights. "This fight really is unnecessary." I whispered to myself waving the situations away and walked back outside.


Chaeyoung's POV

We're halfway through 2019 and since then ahjussi's presence still untraced. The weather here on earth has also been really abnormal. For almost a year and half, the sky's always dark with lightnings jumping here and there making Sana unnie whimpering in fear everytime it happened. The news have also been talking about the abnormal waves in the sea and the fact that sunshine hasn't touched the surface worldwide is always the main topic to every news in all nations.

"We're entering July of 2019 and the weather hasn't change from a year and half back when this happened." The weather anchor woman says on TV.

"Big waves, storms and intense winds have been going for almost 2 years now." The anchor woman said again on TV.

JY: Chaeyoungie, since the disappearance of ahjussi back in 2017 things have been going really abnormal here on earth. Don't you think this is related to what he's doing up there?

MM: ne, jeongie. Because of this our schedules are all messed up. And the world tour that we've been planning is also busted because of this.

JH: I've tried calling him over just to ask him what's happening but he never responded.

MN: i don't think he's busy this time. I think he's having a fight between his siblings up there. *pointing outside of the window to the sky*

TZ: you think so, unnie?

Mina nodded, "and Dahyun doesn't seem to remember anything about him either. I've been trying to make her remember about ahjussi by telling her stories about him every night."

NY: aish.. eotteohge!!

MM: will the world finally come to an end?

JH: i don't know Moguri. I think I'll try to call him right now.

We stayed silent anticipating for ahjussi's presence and after a long moment of silence. Still, no sign to his presence. "I thought the contract we made with him is an absolute control to make him appear here."

MN: yeah i thought so too. *frowning in a pout*


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