Possible Sacrifice

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Your POV

"You all done?" I saw them walking towards me with some were running a little.

JH: ne.. ahjussi. why are you here anyway?

"Dahyun called me." I answered, "I think while i'm here. I'm also going to visit the designer of our company. He's currently at Singapore right now." I added. "So are you girls going back now?" I asked.

MM: anni, we still have one day for travelling around before our flight back.

CY: ne, ahjussi. do you want to come along?

I waved my head, "gwaenchanh-a, i'm quite busy actually back in my company." I declined, "so i guess i'm going to leave you from here then." As their excitement died down, were they expecting me to hangout with them? I sighed to the thought i have in mind and slid out my hands out from my pockets. "Were you guys expecting me to hangout with you?" My lips were flattened to the side. They nodded in uunison like they're connected through minds. These girls are really something. I thought and unknowingly it made me laugh softly.

JY: what's so funny ahjussi? *tilting her head*

"Ahah.. anni, i'm not laughing." I tried to hold my laugh bitting my tongue.

TZ: your face doesn't reflect what you're saying ahjussi. *deadpanned*

JH: Tzuyu is right. *crossing her arms*

"anni, jeongmal-yo. I'm not laughing." I ended up bursting in laughter. "You girls are really cute." I ended my laughter with a soft chuckle. They immediately looked away avoiding my contact. "See? you girls are sometimes very cute when you are all flustered." I walked closer with some soft laughters. "Joh-a, i'll be leaving then." I motioned a goodbye gesture and went my way outside.


Sana's POV

wah... ahjussi's presence really is amazing. I thought as i nibbling with my thumb. Did i my heart just fluttered to his flattery. Come on, Sana. You need to control feelings. He's a god not someone you could easily get. I waved my head to shake away my thoughts as i was staring at his back appreaciating his body proportion.

CY: wow, his alluring aura really is something. *sighing*

MM: ne, my heart was fluttering when i heard his flattery.

JY: no wonder, our dubu here likes our ahjussi. *hands on her hips*

"At first, i thought he was really annoying because of my first impression when i called over for his help." My lips flattened to my own thoughts. "But isn't he on like, an eternity dating ban or something?" I asked pointing out the question again.

NY: huh... to think that we got a 3 year dating ban was unfortunate, look at ahjussi. He's far more miserable. *chuckling*

JY: now you made me feel bad for him. Great job unnie. *her lips flattened*

"well can't we all just agree that we feel bad for him." I pointed out and every nodded indifference. "and sadly we can't really do much about it." My optimism died out then sighing to my own pessimism.

"Girls, let's all go back to the hotel. The driver's waiting for you outside." Manager unnie called as and our attention was put on her.

Twice: ne!! Unnie, we are coming!!

We walked following manager unnie escorting us to our van. Arriving on our pickup point the van pulled over and manager unnie opened the door for us. We bowed thanking her before hopping inside and then she hopped in the last. On our way to the hotel, silence was all there is and seems like everyone has been thinking the same thought about ahjussi's problem. I, myself, didn't understand why we had so much sympathy over his godly life matters. Is it because of the similarities of being a god and an idol? Maybe?? And maybe not, because you know. Deities usually pictured to be a perfect being where they have some sort of control over our lives and yet we forgot that we, humans, are the closest thing representing god and goddesses themselves. Sometimes thinking about that make sense to some point.

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