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(Recap if you don't want to read the first book):
Veronica is a fifteen-year-old girl who has abusive parents and made her sign up to be an agent because they wanted money..but four girls came along and took Veronica in as their daughter..Their names are Ashley aka Bloodrose, Jasmine aka Nightmare, Alina aka Killswitch, and Nadia aka Royal they are all a part of the agency who have troubling past..Veronica finds out her mother was killed and her dad was still she goes on a trip and finds him but he seemed off...

Veronicas aunt Elena was drugging him so she could use him since he didn't want to be in the family business anymore after Veronica's mom was killed.. Ivan (who is the CEO of the agency where Veronica works in and is her uncle) is trying to make sure she's safe...after all the chaos that happened Bloodrose, Nightmare, Killswitch, and Roya decided to send Veronica to school since she still is young...

So here we are...I hope you enjoy this story🌺:

I slowly entered the school and looked around there was a lot of banners and trophy's everywhere I never knew a school had this much spirit. I walked around lost and confused. I had no idea where I was going but I knew I had to find the office so I can get my schedule. Many people were looking at me and it reminded me of the agency well without the weapons, random fights, scary-looking men and women, and the occasional blood spills.

I sighed as I kept wandering around and as I said many people were giving me odd looks but I tried to ignore them. Then some girls came up to me and looked me up and down.

"I love your outfit but," said one girl.

She had long blonde hair and green eyes and a bitchy look on her face.

"If I was you I would cover-up," she said while smiling wickedly.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Great just great," I thought to myself.

I spent the next twenty minutes still wondering around and getting frustrated. But then a bell rang and immediately I was swarmed by a lot of people. I was getting pushed and shoved into things then I hit the lockers and fell to the ground. I was so not prepared for this then I felt my phone pinged and I looked at it.

"Oh yeah btw don't stand in the middle of the hallways if you don't want to get crushed"~ Royal.

"Why didn't she tell me this while we were in the Car" I grumbled to myself.

I slowly tried to get up but then a football hit me and I fell back down.

"Damn sorry," someone said apologetically.

I looked up to see a very tall guy with light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He gave me his hand and lifted me.

"Thanks," I said I as brushed my hair out of my face.

"No problem," he says with a smile.

This is the moment where I wished I hadn't met him...then maybe my life would've been easier...

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