Chapter 43~ Deal part 1

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They looked at each other and they looked at the was currently eight am....we didn't even notice time flew by..we decided to go back in and show Killswitch what we we showed her the footage I could see she was getting angry.

"Those motherfuckers..." she said under her breath.

"We are going..." said Bloodrose.

Nightmare nodded.

"We have to for Nadia.." said Nightmare.

They looked at me.

"Should we bring her too.." said Bloodrose.

Killswitch and Nightmare looked at each other.

"I care about Nadia too so I'm going even if you don't want me to," I said firmly.

They sighed and nodded...then I had an idea.

"How far is town from here?" I asked them.

"Mm not far just a five minute walk why?" said Nightmare.

"Okay thanks bye!" I said as I ran out of the room.

I ran out of the hospital and into town. I stopped for a few seconds to catch my breath then I ran to the church and accidentally slammed the doors hard. People in the church looked at me weirdly.

"Is...Elora here.." I said out of breath.

One of them nodded and brought me to her..she was in the garden planting flowers.

"Elora!!" I said out of breath.

She looks up.

"Oh, Veronica what a wonderful surprise-" she starts to say.

"Elora...Alina hospital..." I said tiredly.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh my is she okay!!" she asks worriedly.

"Not really..." I said as I finally relaxed.

"May I see her.." she says worriedly.

I nodded and she got up then cleaned herself up. We went to her car and drove to the hospital..we got out and walked in and made it to Killswitch's room. As we enter the others stared at Elora.

"Hello I'm Elora nice to meet you," she says to Bloodrose.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ashley," Bloodrose says with a smile.

They shake hands then Elora went over to Nightmare.

"Nice to meet you," she says sweetly.

"Nice to meet you as well I'm Jasmine.." Nightmare says as she shook her hand.

We looked over at Killswitch who was asleep. Elora went over to her and immediately Killswitch woke up.

"How are you.." Elora says gently.

"Well besides laying here like a sack of rotten meat I'm fine" Killswitch said with a smirk.

Elora giggled and they continued to talk. I looked at the others.

"She so...sweet.." said Nightmare as she looked at her.

"More like innocent.." said Bloodrose.

They looked at each other and grinned as I giggled.

"Nadia would've started making jokes..." said Bloodrose quietly.

"Yeah she would've...." said Nightmare as she looked down.

We sighed. After about five hours had passed Elora had to leave.

"I hope you get better if you want I can visit you again." Elora says with a smile.

Killswitch smiled.

"I'd like that," she says.

They stared at each other as we were trying not to laugh. Elora then said goodbye and left we looked at Killswitch and she flipped us off. We decide to take a nap since we were tired. We told each other we would wake up in twenty minutes but.

~~Six hours later~~

I was the first to wake up and I looked at my o'clock..I gasped and that woke everyone up.

"What's wrong.." asked Nightmare.

"It's seven o'clock.." I said quietly.

Immediately they jumped up and started the get their things then Killswitch had to sign some papers so she could leave. After we got on the bikes but stopped as we saw Royals bike still there in the bushes...we looked at each other and drove to the house..we helped Killswitch in the house then we got changed...


We looked at the time then looked at each other..we got back on the bikes and went to the place where we're supposed to meet.


We got off the bikes and started wandering around then we heard rustling in the bushes and we looked around.


We all turned and saw a man and...ten people behind him..then we see Royal. They threw her right in front of us...she had duct tape over her mouth and she was tied up but she was asleep and she looked sick. We took a step forward.

"Not so fast.." he says as he wags a finger.

We looked at him.

"Deal first then you can have her.." he says with a wicked smile.

They looked at each other and I was shaking.

"It's gonna be alright.." whispered Bloodrose.

...famous last words...

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