Chapter 30~ Date

17 3 3

~~Nightmares POV~~

I tried to read a book to calm my nerves but it wasn't helping...especially since it was twilight...I sighed and put the book down and decided to look around. Three people caught my eye they seemed familiar? But before I could get a good look Salem walked in. They were wearing black jeans, with a long-sleeve white shirt, black shoes, and their hair was slick back...they looked amazing...I felt myself turn red.

"Hey, there~," Salem says with a smile.

"Hey," I said back.

They sat down and look at me with a smile..fuck. We ordered a coffee and started to talk.

"So tell me a little bit about yourself," I asked curiously.

"Well let's see I love to draw, sing, and be a complete mess," they say with a smile.

I laughed as well.

"I also like to draw but believe me if you ever hear me sing I would feel sorry for you".

They laugh.

"Your funny I love that," they say with a smile.

I smiled back.

"What kind of job do you have?" they ask curiously


"Oh I work as an accountant," I said.

"Really!! That's amazing you must be good at math" they say shocked.

I nodded.

"what's your job?" I asked curiously.

"Oh I'm a cartoonist," they say as they pull out their tablet.

They showed me a bunch of designs.

"Oh my god those are amazing!!" I said shocked.

"Aw thank you I didn't think they were good," they say as they look at them.

"Really? But they are amazing!" I said even more shocked.

They looked at me and smile.

"Thanks my mom pursued me to draw".

"She must be proud," I said.

Then they stopped smiling.

"She would've been..." they say with a sigh.


"Oh, I'm sorry..".

They look at me.

"It's alright you didn't know," they say as they put their tablet away.

"She died when I was ten," they say as they drink their coffee.

"I'm sorry to hear that.." I said quietly.

They gave me a sad smile.

"Hey want to go for a walk in the park," they say excitedly.

I laughed and nodded. We were walking out but then they slipped. I caught them by their waist and I pulled them to me...I could feel their heart pounding and they were really warm..they smelled like orange blossoms..we stood there like that for a while.

"Heh I'm a klutz," they say with a giggle.

I laughed and let go of them. We walked towards the park and it was already dark but at least there were stars in the sky. We were walking but then we heard something in the bushes and Salem clings to me. I touched my pocket knife waiting for whatever it was that was about to attack us but it was just a bunny.

"I feel stupid," they say as they hit their forehead.

I laughed and they laugh as well. We continued walking and looking at the stars but then we got to a bridge.

"Oh how I love the water especially when it's at night you can see the moon glowing in it," they say as they look down.

I looked down and they were right I never notice that before. They grab my hand and lead me towards a bench and we sit down.

"I love this," they say.

"This was fun," they say as they look at me.

I looked at them and they looked beautiful in the moonlight then the wind started blowing their hair and again I could smell the orange blossoms. They get up and dance as the leaves fell to the ground.

"Come dance with me," they say as they spin.

I grinned and got up. We were just spinning and doing weird dances as people walked by thinking we were probably high. I grabbed their hand and spun them as they laugh then I pulled them close to me..I don't know if I should kiss them or it too early?.

They looked at me with a smile and I felt myself turning red know what fuck it no balls.

I leaned up and kissed them and they kissed back...I haven't felt this kind of warmth in a while...after I was still holding them in my arms and we just stood there in the moonlight as leaves kept falling. Finally, ten minutes we let go of each other, and we walked to our cars.

"We should do this again," they say as they play with their hair.

I smiled.

"Absolutely," I said back.

They look at me then kissed me on my cheek and get into their car.

"Bye~" then they drive off.

I stood there smiling and walked to my bike I got on and drove away.

Meanwhile with the others in the bushes...

"Awwwww," said Bloodrose.

"Heheheheh," said Killswitch.

"Damn I feel bad for saying shit about a coffee date now," said Royal.

"Uh guys shouldn't we be getting back to the house before she does?" I said to them.

"Yeah..." they said slowly.

"Wait shit!!!" they said as they got up.

Killswitch picks me up and we ran to the car and sped the whole way to the house and luckily she wasn't there yet. So we got out and ran towards the bathroom to immediately take off the makeup and the other shit we had on. After a few minutes, we got everything off and went into the living room then turned on the tv, and waited then Nightmare walked in.

She looked really happy.

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