Chapter 52~...morning sleepy beauty..

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I gasped and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around it was dark then I looked at my was four in the morning. I looked around for my phone and finally found it. I opened it and saw like a million texts from Naya, Inez, Agnes, and Amos.

I shook my head and set my phone down. I needed time to breathe then my door opened and Nightmare walked in.

"Hey how are you?" She asks.

My eyes widened.

"How am I?? your supposed to be in the hospital!!" I said worriedly.

She shrugs and sat down on my bed.

"How long have I've been asleep?" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"...two days..." she says quietly.

I looked at her shocked.

"What!!" I said frantically.

"Hey hey..calm down.." she says as she grabs my hands.

"don't stress about it too much..." she says gently.

"Listen today you aren't going to school instead Darla is gonna come over...we think you need a therapy session..".

I sighed and nodded.

"Now go back to sleep we'll wake you up later," she says as she slowly gets up.

I nodded and laid back down then she closed the door and I fell back asleep.

In her dream

"ViVi I brought you another cookie!!".

Then a cookie slid from under the door.

"You're my best friend!!".

I gasped and woke up now it was bright. Killswitch walked into the room.

"Good morning sleeping beauty...literally" Killswitch said with a grin.

I gave her a look and she set down a cup of tea.

"This will help you relax..".

I grabbed it and drank it. It was really good then I looked at my clock it read three o'clock pm.

"Jas is on a mission right now and Abby is getting her work schedule," Killswitch said tiredly.

I flinched as she said that.

"What's Jasmine mission?" I asked curiously.

" find Ash and Nads..." Killswitch said quietly.

"I didn't want to leave you alone so I stayed..".

"I'm sorry.." I said quietly.

"Hey it's alright.." she says as she patted my head.

She stood up.

"By the way, your appointment with Darla is at four so I suggest you get ready," she says as she leaves.

I sighed and laid back down then I went on my phone and looked at my messages.


Bestie!!! Are you okay please answer..~Agnes.

Vero please answer we're getting worried..~Naya.

Hey I'm in Minnesota wanna hang out?~ Amos.

I noticed I had about fifty missed calls from all of them. I sighed and put my phone down I needed a break...after about twenty minutes of laying on the floor I got up and got dressed then I went downstairs to see a note.

"Hey I went to join Jas in finding the others We'll be back around nine there's food in the fridge~ Alina.

I put the note down and ate lunch. After I wondered if Abby was here so I went to her room and she was on her bed drawing. She looks up and smiles at me.

"Hey how are you feeling?" She says as she gestured for me to go over to her.

I sat down on her bed and sighed.

"I feel tired," I said tiredly.

She giggles.

"I guess two days isn't enough," she says with a smirk.

I laughed.

"What are you drawing?" I said as I looked.

"Oh Mr. Flor wanted me to sketch a new logo for the company as he said the old one is too bland" then she held up her tablet.

The design was amazing it was so detailed...she looks at me and giggles.

"Cmon it's not that amazing".

"But it is!!" I said shocked.

She looks down and giggles then we heard the doorbell rang.

"Oh, that must be Dr. Lee".

Abby waved goodbye and I went downstairs but I tripped and hit my head against the wall and everything became dizzy than I heard a door open and heels clicking on the floor.

"Good thing they told me where they kept the spare key" I heard someone say.

I tried to look around but everything was dizzy..geez how hard did I hit my head.

"Oh, my Veronica!!!".

I slowly looked up and saw Dr. Lee. She was kneeling and trying to see if I was awake then Abby came downstairs and also tripped.

I think the stairs hate us today..

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