Chapter 34~ Trip to the princple office

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I looked to see it was Axel.

"The hell did I say huh!" Axel says as he grabbed Grant's shirt collar.

Grant laughed.

"Get off me man!".

Axel punched him.

"Is that all you got bitch" Grant kicked Axel off and got on top of him and began punching him.

I got up and kicked Grant in the face he flew off Axel and onto the ground. He got up and charged at me. I kicked him from under his feet and he fell then banged his head on the lockers and he was knocked out.

"Holy shit" I heard Axel say.

I turned to him and he was on the ground. I sighed and went over to him. I gave him my hand and helped him up then he went over to see Grant.

"Well he's still breathing," he says as he ruffled his hair.

I sighed and he walked over to me then left my chin up and touched the bruise that was on my face..

"Are you okay..." he asks quietly.

I didn't respond but I looked into his eyes...then a teacher walked by and saw us....shit.

"What happened here!!!" The teacher said concerned.

We didn't answer but stood there then he grabbed us and dragged us to the principal's office. I'm gonna get murder by the others....we got down to the office and immediately the teacher stormed into the principal's office.

"Woah what's going on?? What happened to them??" asked Mr. Cullen concerned.

The teacher explained and Mr. Cullen looked at us then he got up and ran out the door.

"Well shit..." said Axel as he shook his head.

I looked at him.

"I'm sorry that your in this mess," I said quietly.

He looks at me.

"I would never let anyone hurt you.." Axel says quietly.

I looked at him and wondered did I hear that right? Before I could ask Mr. Cullen walked in and immediately started to yell at us. Then he called our parents...after a few minutes Axel's mom and the others came in...everyone went over to me and looked at my face then they looked at Axel and they looked pissed.

"He didn't do this to me.." I said quietly.

"Truth..." said Bloodrose quietly.

"Alright thank you for coming as I said over the phone your children were found next to a student who was beaten up badly," Mr. Cullen says firmly.

"Is this true Axel??" Axel's mother looks at him.

"There's a story behind it.."Axel says as he looks at me.

"Explain?" Mr. Cullen demanded.

Axel explained how he saw Grant hit me and he was defending me and everyone was shocked.

"I'm sorry what?!!" Nightmare said pissed.

Mr. Cullen shook his head then he went over to his computer and typed something in it.

"I'm gonna take a look at the security camera to see if you're telling the truth".

"We would also like to see it," said Killswitch.

Mr. Cullen looks at them.

"Unless you would rather deal with a lawsuit," said Bloodrose as she crossed her arms.

Mr. Cullen sighed and turned the computer and there we saw the moment where Grant pushed me into the locker then him punching me..then Axel tackles him...Mr. Cullen sighs.

"We already had one incident now we have another.." he says as he shakes his head.

"What?" asked Royal.

"We've had a bunch of students attacked this week and we still haven't figure out who did it..." he said rubbing his eyes.

The others looked at each other.

"Ms. Flor since your new I'm giving you three weeks suspension since we don't allow any sort of violence in this school," Mr. Cullen says firmly.

"Excuse me what?" Nightmare says as she gets up.

"My daughter was attacked today and you're giving her a three-week suspension all because she was defending herself and her friend," Nightmare says as she cracks her fingers.

Mr. Cullen flinched.

"I-I will give them a one-day suspension..." he says firmly.

Nightmare looked at him and sighed.

"What will happen with the other boy?" asked Axel's mom.

"He will be suspended for two months".

We looked at Nightmare who was prepared to attack him.

"He shouldn't just be suspended!!" said Nightmare pissed.

Mr. Cullen didn't respond and organized papers on his desk.

"This is complete bull.." said Killswitch.

"Let's go, Veronica.." said Bloodrose.

We all got up and walked out of the office and saw people looking at us..Inez and Agnes ran up to me.

"Bestie what happened!!" asked Agnes worried.

"I'll tell you guys later...".

They looked at me worriedly but they nodded then we walked out.

Axel waved goodbye to me as he got into his mom's car and I waved back. I entered the car and looked to see them looking at me. They seemed confused and pissed at the same time.

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