Chapter 66~ Carnival

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As I thought to myself I realized I never been to an aquarium before I mean I know there's fish but never seen what it looks like on the inside.

"Cmon," he says as he held out his hand.

I smiled and grabbed it as we walked in. I was amazed by the sight of it the walls were just big tanks filled with water and a lot of colorful fish.

"Woah," I said shocked.

Then Axel led me to one tank and there was a shark. I never saw a shark before and it was scary looking at first but after I didn't mind it. As we kept looking at the fish we saw a sign that said.

Mermaid show!!

Mermaid? What's that?

"Hey can we see that!!" I said curiously.

He smiled.


We walked in and saw two people in the tank swimming one had a long pink fishtail and the other had a dark blue fish tale. My eyes widened how could they breathe underwater??.

"Woah!" I said quietly.

I could tell Axel was amused at how I was reacting to everything but he doesn't know that I never saw things like this before. After the show ended we kept walking around looking at more fish and we saw this one weird-looking fish that had eight uh legs and it's called an octopus it was so cool!!.

After about two hours of looking at fish, we decided to go eat something so we walked out and looked around for a place to eat but then we saw a big wheel thing.

"Oh there's a carnival," said Axel excitedly.

"Carnival??" I said confused.

He led me to the big wheel thing and I saw there were clowns and other cool stuff.

"Ooo can we check it out," I said excitedly.

"Hell yeah," said Axel as he led me to the rides.

As we walked around going on rides and eating a lot of junk food we were getting tired so we decided to try some game that you had to throw a ball and hit some bottles and win a stuffed animal. As I looked up at the prizes one caught my eye it was a unicorn that had a big glittery heart and Axel noticed.

"Bet I can win it," Axel said confidently.

"Say that to your volleyball skills," I said with a smirk.

"Hey don't come at me like that," he says with a grin.

I giggled and he threw a ball but missed so he tried again but missed.

"This game is rigged," said Axel with a pout.

"Let me try," I said as I grabbed the ball.

I threw it but accidentally hit the person that was managing the booth.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!!" I said apologetically while Axel was laughing his head off.

The person got up and mumble something and gave me another ball so this time I timed it just right and threw the ball and hit the bottles down.

"Which one would you like," said the guy through gritted teeth.

"The unicorn one please.." I said awkwardly.

The guy gave it to me and walked out of the booth.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit" and the guy walked off making Axel laugh harder.

"You should join the baseball team you would be a great pitcher," said Axel with a chuckle.

"Yeah yeah," I said sarcastically.

We walked around and decided to go on the big wheel thing which is called a Ferris wheel. As we got on it started to go up and it got really high and it stopped. I was scared at first because I thought it broke or something but at least the view was amazing it was starting to sunset so the sky was turning pink and purple.

"The view is so beautiful," I said amazed.

"It is isn't it" I heard Axel say.

I turned and looked at him as he looked at me. We just stared at each other as the wind blew through our hair. Then the ride started going down but we didn't look away until we had to get off. We walked around for a bit. I wanted to hold Axel's hand but was nervous to grab it. I breathed in and out and reached for his hand but.

"Wait give me a sec let me tie my shoe," he says as he blended down.

I breathed a sigh of relief and waited then he stood back up.

"Let's go," he says with a smile.

I smiled back but before we could start walking a bunch of little kids run past us and pushed me into Axel. I felt Axel hug my waist and I looked at him meeting his eyes again.

I gulped then I remembered what happened the other day by the lockers I felt myself turning red and he chuckles.

"You're cute when you flustered," he says quietly.

I gave him a look and he laughs then he stops and just looks at me then he leaned down and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss it felt so warm and sweet. After we stopped and we just smiled at each other then we saw it was getting late.

"My moms on her way want a ride," he asks with a smile.

"Sure" I smiled back.

He held out his hand and I grabbed it then we strolled around until his mom arrived and she pulls up to us.

"Axel did you have-" she stops and sees me.

She looked at both of us back and forth and saw that we were holding hands and she smiled.

"I knew she was your girlfriend from the start," his mom said with a smile.

"Mommm!!" said Axel with a groan.

I giggled and he helped me in then I gave his mom my address and she drove off..this day was really fun it took my mind off things that helped me. I sighed and Axel laid his head on my shoulder which made me smiled.

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